Amrit Manthan 14th April 2013 Written Update

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Amrit Manthan 14th April 2013 Written Update by saveeta24

Amrit Manthan 14th April 2013 Written Episode

Epi starts with Nimrit putting the girls to sleep in their room..about to pull the blanket on them ,Amrit snatches it from Nimrit and do so herself..jojo glares at her with an angry look..Amrit drama starts acting like Bani’s mother wishing her goodnight..Nimrit asks them to sleep .. Bani holds her hand asking her to sleep with them..she tells Amrit to go and sleep also as she must be tired..Amrit says no she will stay here..Nimrit asks her to go no need to stay as she will be with the girls.reluctantly she goes away..emotional moment of Bani..Nimrit..she asks for forgiveness to Bani about telling lies about her father..really Bani is such a comprehensive child..Nimrit tells her about Agam pic but she refuses to see it..Bani says you have created a happy world for me mama about my Daada..let me keep that hope in my heart..whenever i close my eyes i see my Daada..God always listen to kids …may be he will send my Daada..Nimrit says yes..later Nimrit looks up at the star and says will my Bani wish comes true.her father will be back and she gets flashback of Agam as Mr sehgal..Nimrit to herself is he my Agamji..then she remembers Agam telling her about the betrayal he got in love..Nimrit got it that it can be Amrit met Agam and brainwashed him about her..she decides to ask Amrit..

In Amrit room as usual yug the useless guy can do only one thing open champagne bottle to celebrate their success and not going to jail..wait till Agam is back..Amrit not digesting Bani’s love for Nimrit..stupid woman she is her real mother ..she starts her Blah Blah about she should be Bani’s mother not Nimrit..Yug tries to pacify her as everything is going as they wished and Bani is with her..Amrit says its not enough and stop talking seeing Nimrit..she asks Amrit if Agam is he mr sehgal?..she acts not knowing mr sehgal and taunts Nimrit..what kind of mother is she instead of taking care of her kid who is ill caring more about mr sehgal..Amrit says who is he?.seems you like him ..Nimrit says stop your rubbish and goes away..Amrit tells Yug see to it Agam stays in london for long and dont come here..

Next morning Nimrit with Bani making her drink juice..jojo comes in and tells Bani her friends have come ..they can play outside..Amrit says no and brings a game to play inside..Jojo dont let Amrit have her way and asks Nimrit if Bani will fall ill if she plays outside..Nimrit says no in fact the fresh air will be good for her..Amrit not liking it at all seeing Bani’s love for Nimrit and always saying i love you to her..the kids enjoying outside . Amrit cant bear watching the closeness of Bani to Nimrit how much she is trying to be affectionate to her..

Amrit all hyper telling Yug i must get says how its possible..finally she stoop low trading that kid’s life with her obssesion..i wont go for the first blood transfusion tomorrow.Nimrit will have to accept my conditions..morning Nimrit with Bani’s medical file talking to her M-I-L…Amrit comes down with Bani and starts acting like her mother..about how much she cares for her .. Bani says i love you to her but our angel walks up to Nimrit and hugs her mother ..she says i love you mama..if my mama is with me i’m not afraid to go to hospital..Amrit totally jealous seeing both..

Nimrit in hospital talking with Tej.he tells Nimrit he has seen junoon..obssesion in Amrit’s eyes..she can do anything..Amrit comes there and says same thing Bani one day will love her more than anyone else..she will be hers only..Time passing by and Amrit not reached the hospital yet..Nimrit keeps calling her but Amrit dont take her calls..Yug irritated by the rings of the cell but Amrit says it feel good as its Nimrit cries..let her go through this..she will have to accept my conditions..Nimrit comes in the palace looking for Amrit..she asks her why is she not in hospital?..Amrit puts her conditions that Bani will stay with her not with them at the palace…if she agrees then she will give her bonemarrow..Nimrit tells her what rubbish you are talking about..i’m her mother and she loves me..Amrit says i want Bani as my daughter and i will shower my love on her that she will forget you.Nimrit tells her if so then get married and have your own kid..Amrit says i cant as i will never give birth to a child..she shows Nimrit how she has decorated a room for Bani..Nimrit in a fix as Amrit pressurising her with her conditions first then the treatment..Tej calls Nimrit telling her about Bani’s health deteriorating..Nimrit finally says Yes to her ..

Back home Nimrit tells Bani to wear the dress her Dadi has bought for her then they will go to Gurdwara.Amrit stops Nimrit and tells her she wont go to the Gurdwara .she will go with Bani..just wanted to kill Amrit in that scene.really she wont be happy hurting a mother’s feeling ..she asks Nimrit to act rude with Bani so as she starts to hate her ..if not she knows what will happen as Bani’s treatment not over yet.At the Gurdwara all waiting for Nimrit.esp Bani..Amrit try to instigate Bani against Nimrit..she is in tears hiding watching her daughter..Amrit calls Nimrit and she talks a bit rudely with Bani and asks her to do the prayer with Amrit..Nimrit in tears hiding behind a pillar.Bani indirectly gives a slap on Amrit face..she thought Bani will be angry with Nimrit but our angel says her mom is right ..she cant be at two places same time and she has lots of work at the Dhaba..Nimrit gets more emotional hearing her daughter..Amrit with a defeated expression on her face..

All dancing in the hall for Baisakhi..Nimrit comes in and happy to se Bani enjoying .dancing..she calls Nimrit to dance and she does so.Amrit signals her to act rude..Nimrit fake pain in her leg and talks rudely with Bani..Jojo consoling Bani and talks good about Nimrit..she tells Bani mama will bring us gifts..Amrit goes in Nimrit room and snatches the gifts from her..she tells Nimrit you wont give any gift and do as i say or else…going out of the room jojo comes out of her hiding place and says this bad aunty is not allowing mama to give us gifts..something fishy..she says her dialogue when she is angry..Atta maji satakli..ends on her cute face..

Precap..Jojo says hey miss hifi..why dont you want mama to give Bani gift and be happy..hope jojo gives Amrit a good lecture..

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  1. Nia
    April 15, 14:23 Reply

    Amrit is nuts….. I thought she will change 4 better after meeting bani but she has gone more crazy after bani….
    Bloody bitch!!!!!
    She is never gonna change..

  2. geet
    April 14, 17:09 Reply

    this amrit is a bitch why she wants bani as she isn’t her daughter her mom is nirmirt not amrit loser amrit go die

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