Agnifera 29th November 2017 Written Update

Agnifera 29th November 2017 Written Update by MA

Agnifera 29th November 2017 Written Episode

Revathi tells Dulari that she knows who sent message to Anurag from her mobile, they think she is fool, but she is not. She burns Shrisit’s mobile and yells that she knows she is the one sent message to Anurag and warns that her plans will not work on her and soon she will be kicked out of this house.

Anurag gets romantic with Ragini and asks her to kiss him. She hesitates. He acts as angry. She tries to calm him down and agrees for a kiss. Revathi enters. They see her and start fighting verbally abusing each other. Ragini throws pillow him Anurag. Revathi thinks Ragini is still troubling her sonn. Anurag throws pillow on Ragini and acts. Revathi yells at Ragini, then acts as on her side and says from hereon Ragini will sleep in Dulari’s room. Anurag tries to convince her

not to, but Revathi gets adamant. Ragini walks with her. Anurag gets frustrated that his mother is a big hurdle between his and Ragini’s romance.
Revathi takes Ragini to Dulari’s room and orders she will stay here from here. Ragini holds her. Revathi gets afraid and says she is not afraid of anyone. Ragini makes her sit on bed and apologizes her. Revathi asks if it is for breaking promise repeatedly and returning back. Ragini says for evertying and says she wants her old sasuma back. Revathi yells she is not convinced and Ragini will stay in Dulari’s room forever.

Revathi and Dulari’s drama continues. Revathi calls Shristi and asks where is today’s rent. Shriti says she will pay in the evening. Revathi says she does not have to pay today’s rent, she has to clean dirty clothes and asks Dulari to dump more clothes. Shristi picks dirty cloths. Ragini watches her sadly. Shristi tries to cheer her up. Ragini goes aside and orders washing machine via phone.

Vishu goes to help Shristi and says they are lie partners and should help each other. Shristi says sasuma will get angry. He says he has only 3 months left for divorce, so he wants to spend most time with her. They both wash clothes and enjoy quality time. Revathi comes and yells at Shristi and says she has to pay 20,000 per month as rent, then says she will give her concession and she has to pay 10,000 rs. Ragini returns happily announcing that washing machine has come. Family gatehrs. Vishu opens box. A woman comes out of it. They all look at her in surprise.

Precap: Brij asks his girlfriend how did she reach before him. Girlfriend asks differences does it make. Brij introduces her as his would be wife.
Anurag tries to calm down Ragini with ice pack and ice falls on her. Anurag gives new phone to Shristi and says Vishu selected it.

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