Woh Apna Sa 13th April 2017 Written Update

Woh Apna Sa 13th April 2017 Written Update by Atiba

Woh Apna Sa 13th April 2017 Written Episode

Scene 1
Jhanvi asks Kaka to come with her in rickshaw to her house and see how much time it takes, please come with me, Kaki asks Kaka to go with her. Kaka leaves with Jhanvi, Nisha says unbelievable.
Kaka and Jhanvi are in rickshaw, Jhanvi has played stopwatch to count time.

Jhanvi and Kaka comes back to Adi’s home. Jhanvi says i reached here at 2:50AM and Nisha opened door, it was all dark and Nisha sent me to baba’s room, important thing that we have to know what happened before i came here.
Binni is in her room and has Jhanvi’s letter, she reads her letter which says that Jhanvi loves Adi.
Adi shows Chinni’s alarm clock to Kaka and says baba mistakenly broke this watch and now this watch shows time 2:37AM which was time when baba went to kids
room, and Jhanvi arrived here after that which means someone sent baba to kids room before she came. Nisha says how does it prove anything? Adi calls chinni and asks her what she saw when she went washroom last night? Chinni says i saw baba sleeping in our room, Nisha says why you are using kids for all this? you are feeding negative things to them. Kaka says what is the proof that this clock was broken yesterday night only? Adi brings baba and shows him alarm clock and asks remember when you broke it? Baba looks at Nisha and says sorry Adi, i dont remember anything. Nisha says they have no proofs, they are just cooking up stories, truth has come out and they have nothing to proof. Jhanvi says we knew you would say something like this thats why we were prepared. Adi shows proof against Nisha in his mobile, he asks Kaka and Kaki to see it, they see it, Nisha looks down, Kaka glares at Nisha. Adi is playing video on his phone in which Baba sees Chinni’s alarm clock and says to Adi that i mistakenly broke this clock in kids room when someone sent me to kids room at night, Adi shows Baba’s confession to everyone. Jhanvi says its proven that someone else had shifted baba in kids room and it was not me or Adi because i arrived here after baba was already shifted to kids room. Adi asks Nisha did you shift baba in kids room? you were with baba that night, you called Jhanvi here too, why you are silent? yes it was you who sent Baba to kids room, you called Jhanvi here and you made me go to baba’s room, he says to Kaka that your favorite Nisha has done all this, i am sorry you people wouldnt believe me thats why i had to take Jhanvi’s help. Jhanvi asks Kaka if he believe her now that she is not at fault? Kaka asks Nisha if she did all that? Nisha looks down. Jhanvi says leave it, i am sorry to take your time but nothing is more important than my self respect to me and i had to prove myself right, Nisha says you are lucky to get such nice family and Adi as husband but you are unlucky because you are losing all them for your greed, one more thing dont ever think that I am a weak and never ever try to raise finger on my character. Jhanvi thanks baba and asks him to take care, she leaves from there. Nisha looks down ashamed, Kaka glares at her.
Jhanvi is leaving Adi’s house, Adi comes out and says i wanted to check, are you alright? Jhanvi says its good that you came out, i dont know when we will meet again, my work has done here, Adi says its proved that you are innocent, no one will allege you anymore, Baba sees them talking from terrace. Jhanvi says all thanks to you Adi Sir, if you didnt help then i wouldnt be able to live with this allegation, she cries, Adi gives her napkin and says dont say thanks, i am sorry that you had to face all this because of me, Jhanvi says i hope you always remain happy, she gives napkin back to him, they look in each others eyes, Jhanvi sighs sadly and turns to leave, Adi looks at her, Sari khushiyan kho gyi plays, Jhanvi leaves.
in house, Kaki asks Nisha why she alleged that girl falsely? who gave you right to play with someone’s life like that? because of you we wont be able to forgive ourselves, Nisha says forgive me, i dont want Adi to divorce me, i thought Jhanvi and Adi have affair and Adi is giving me divorce because of Jhanci, i thought to bring truth out so Adi doesnt divorce me, i am sorry, you all are my family, i am your daughter, please forgive me. Kaka says enough, because of you i have lost faith in my life experience, i am ashamed of myself because of you for first time, Nisha says i am sorry, all family members leave. Nisha breakdowns and sit on floor, she looks around.

Scene 2
Jhanvi comes her home, Maa asks what happened? everything fine there? did you clear everything? jhanvi silently sits on chair, Maa asks her to speak up, Jhanvi says yes everything was clear, i proved my innocence, i told everyone that my upbringing is not wrong and can never be wrong, Maa says i am proud of you, what you did today, not everyone can do it, it need guts to do it, Jhanvi says i would have broken down if Adi didnt help me, he went out of his way to prove my innocence. Maa says i am happy but you have to move ahead, you have to leave your past and have to choose new path and new people. Jhanvi says i know that past was never mine but i will keep one thing from that past with me and that is my love for Adi, i will always love him, Survi and Maa sadly looks at her.

Nisha is in her room and thinks that why Jhanvi came inbetween my fight that i fought for years? why? why she had to destroy my plans? she throws blanket away. Adi comes there and says you lost today, first truth was proven today, you want to eat some sweets? this was first truth, your every truth is going to come infront of everyone, Nisha says Adi you.. Adi puts sweets in her mouth and forcefully makes her eat, he says now i will speak and you will listen, this was just start, just see what i will do ahead, he pushes her on bed and leaves from there, Nisha screams in anger.

Kaki says to Kaka that i told our upbringing is not wrong, he never raised eye to you but when he raised his voice, we should have known that he must have reasons behind it, we blamed him for so many things, we kept putting him down, he kept pleading me to trust him but we didnt listen to him, Kaka says we did trust him but he broke it again and again, i am feeling bad for Jhanvi, we alleged her falsely but you know why Nisha did it today? because she is so scared of losing Adi, Adi has been threatening her with divorce so she took this step, Nisha never broke our faith, she was always good daughter in law and wife, she is like our daughter and never gave her chance to complain but today she took this step because of Adi’s behavior, Adi has forced her to take all these steps.
Nisha is pacing around her room. binni comes there and asks Nisha to find her paper(Jhanvi’s letter), Nisha says i am busy, i will find it later, Binni says no i read it, there was Jhanvi and Adi’s name written on it, Jhanvi’s letter is lying under Nisha’s couch, Nisha asks binni what was written in that paper? Binni says something related to Adi and Jhanvi and love, i dont remember, Nisha says i want that paper baby, where is it? Binni says i dont remember anything, Nisha thinks oh my God Love? i have to find that letter to prove that i am right, Jhanvi loves Adi.
Kaka says to Kaki that Nisha didnt do right but Adi has put her in this situation, she did everything under pressure, Nisha is our daughter and its better for Jhanvi to stay away from this house.
Nisha asks Binni to tell her where that letter is, Binni says i dont remember anything. Kaka comes there, Binni leaves. Nisha says i am sorry Kaka, i am feeling so ashamed. Kaka says i know you did everything because you are scared to lose Adi, Nisha says i just wanted Adi to not divorce me, when i saw Jhanvi and Adi together, i thought.. Kaka says dont worry, just remember that I am always with you no matter what, he leaves, Nisha thinks that Thank God, he has trust on me still, i just have to find that letter.

PRECAP- Baba is feeling sick and has breathing problem, he cant breath. All family members are tensed seeing his state. Otherside Jhanvi says to Survi that now i have to stay away from that house and its family, i will never go back there ever. Adi sees Baba not able to breath, he calls Jhanvi but she doesnt take it. Jhanvi’s house door bell rings, Jhanvi opens door and is stunned to see someone standing there.

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