Meri Durga 10th April 2017 Written Update

Meri Durga 10th April 2017 Written Update by Amena

Meri Durga 10th April 2017 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Shilpa liking the room decorated and set by Bantu. She asks him to praise her in front of Madhav. Bantu agrees. Brij says if Yashpal refused, why did you do this. Sheela says I was thinking of electricity bill, rats spoiled grains, the man took advance back. Yashpal comes. Sheela taunts Yashpal and says I have done this to help him.

Yashpal says you did not call me once, everyone is doing things as they want. Annapurna says I asked phone from Sheela, but her phone battery got over. Yashpal asks Amrita to go and get water. Dadi asks Sheela why did she get young guy as tenant, we have young daughters are home. Sheela says I thought for everyone’s good.

Yashpal asks how did rats come here, I have sprayed rat poison in the room before keeping grains, I knew its important
to save grains, how did rats come today. He asks Sheela does she know of it. Sheela says no, I don’t know. Madhav comes home. He collides with Amrita and argues with her. Everyone hear them and come out. Yashpal gets shocked seeing him. Madhav greets Sheela.

Sheela calls Shilpa to meet Madhav. Shilpa greets Madhav. Madhav gives the rent and security deposit. Amrita looks on. Brij asks Sheela not to do this. Yashpal stops Brij. He sends Madhav to the room. Shilpa says come. Yashpal asks Bantu to go. Madhav goes. Amrita thinks he came here also and makes a face. Sheela says I thought good for everyone, now electricity won’t get cut, I will pay bill and come.

Yashpal stops her and asks her to wait, why is she running. He says I knew you have done this, you got the rats to spoil the grains, so that you can keep this guy as tenant. She says no, you are mistaken. He says I m understanding right, I could have sent this boy out, this is difference between us, I respect you as you are Brij’s wife, so I did not tell this to everyone, you did many mistakes, I did not say anyone, I want you to realize your mistake to keep this guy here, carefully listen to me, if this guy talks to the girls of my house, I will throw his items out of the house. She goes.

Durga sits studying. She prays in the torch light. She says I will sleep now, else I will get late for school. She sees the jalebis kept. She smiles. She imagines jalebis. She rests to sleep and feels hungry. She thinks of the girl. The girl says we get jalebis every day on training. Durga thinks if I go to training in morning, I will get milk and jalebis to eat, but Shri can get annoyed, what about my empty stomach, I will drink water and sleep. She sleeps.

Brij talks to Sheela. She says what happened to Yashpal, I was afraid seeing him such. Brij smiles and asks for biscuits. He scares her of Yashpal. He says responsibilities broke Yashpal’s back, today you have made him angry, if anything happens to Shilpa or Amrita, you can’t get saved.

Amrita makes painting. Madhav sees her. He switches on lights. She switches it off. They start arguing. He says I have to drink tea, I don’t get sleep without it. She says we don’t disturb anyone’s sleep by switching on lights. He says you showed big courage to get down without stair, where you monkey in last birth. He asks for tea. She says stove won’t be lit at this time, go, else I will tell my dad. He says wow, you know scaring too, scare me. She gets back. He says you got scared, confused, don’t forget one thing, maybe I m your tenant here, but I m your boss in office. He switches on lights and says I want to have tea now.

She shows him the stove. She thinks I will see him in office tomorrow. Its morning, Annapurna gives the food for Madhav. She says we can’t leave him hungry. Sheela says yes, guest is like Lord, Shilpa go and give food. Amrita says he gave money to stay, not for food. Sheela says he paid for food also, how will he have food if he stays here. Yashpal stops Shilpa and takes food plate from her. He sends Bantu. Shilpa gets upset and thinks I can’t meet Madhav. Amrita thinks he is troubling everyone.

Amrita resigns the job. Madhav asks for penalty amount. Subhadra makes food and just one roti for Durga. Rajveer flies kite and says the kid who catches this kite will get Rabdi jalebi. Durga runs to catch the kite.

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