Dil Se Dil Tak 29th March 2017 Written Update

Dil Se Dil Tak 29th March 2017 Written Update by Atiba

Dil Se Dil Tak 29th March 2017 Written Episode

Scene 1
Indu says to Shorvori that we understand too how you and Parth fooled us by faking your fight, Shorvori is stunned to hear it and says we actually.. Baa says dont lie anymore, we have got to know that Parth is inclining towards Teni and you are taking his side in this, we dont know why you are both doing it but we know something wrong is happening in this house. Baa says to Shorvori and says till now we didnt say anything to you or Parth thinking its your private matter but now its time to bring this matter to your dada, shorvori gets tensed hearing it and says please no, Baa says we have to draw limits somewhere and time has come to draw it now. Shorvori pleads her to listen but Baa and indu leaves Shorvori in tears.
Dada comes to house. Baa tells him every incident, cow dung
incident, shirt smearing incident, mangoes incident, their fake fight incident. Dada hears everything and calls Parth and Shorvori.
Shorvori says to Parth and Teni that Baa got to know about her our and fake fights and our inclination towards Teni, she is going to tell dada, what now? Teni says nothing will happen, did you have weak heart from birth or you got it after operation? you keep getting worried, nothing will happen, dada will shout then calm down, i will find some way to solve it. Parth says you can say it because you havent seen dada’s real wrath, if dada gets miffed then he doesnt back down to take strictest action. Shorvori says you dont know that dada loves Parth most in this house, if dada gets angry and decides that Teni wont live in this house then what we will do Parth? Parth gets tensed. Servant says dada has called you both, Teni says he didnt call me? Shorvori and Parth are tensed and goes in house while Teni stays in garden.
Shorvori and Parth comes in lounge. Dada says i want to talk to Shorvori only. Parth says okay and leaves from there. Shorvori looks down, dada glares at her. Parth comes in garden to Teni, Teni says how can he ask me to leave? if dada ordered me to leave then you will ask me to leave? Parth looks on.
dada says to Shorvori that i called you to talk about Teni.
Teni says to Parth that i will stay in this house till this baby is not born, i will remain with you both, i wont leave.
Dada says to Shorvori that when guest starts acting like your enemy and starts attacking your household then we should request them to leave. Shorvori says what happened? what did Teni do? Dada says Baa and indu thinks that after Teni has come, you and Parth have started fighting. I let Teni stay here because i thought she would support you in your pregnancy but seems like she doesnt even care about it, she eats your food, you makes you serve her, she insults you and most importantly Parth takes care of Teni more than you, what is all this? i dont like to speak in family matters, it doesnt suite me but there are some rules of house, i cant let people break it so I have decided your sister will not stay in this house, she has to leave.
Teni says to Parth that how can he throw me out? think of answers, you have to tell him something, Parth says what i can say to him? Teni says if he asks me to leave then you will let me to go to slum area? i am pregnant with you child, what if anything happens to me, nobody is there to take care of me. Shorvori always say that i should remain happy as it affects baby, Parth says you are right, Teni says i am happy here, your baby is happy inside me too, if your baby remains happen then he will smiling be when he comes out in world, i am doing all this for your baby only, Parth gets in trap, and goes to talk to dada. Teni says i knew he would protect his baby.

Scene 2
Parth comes to dada, dada says i told you that i would talk to Shorvori only, i know you have come to save that girl but i have decided that Teni wont stay in this house. Parth says i cant leave Teni alone, all are stunned. shorvori rolls her eyes, Parth says please change you decision. Dada glares at him and says somedays back you stood infront of me for Shorvori because she is your love but what is this girl to you? what relation do you have with her that you have guts to go against your dada’s decision again? Parth looks on worriedly, Dada shouts him to speak up, Indu says i cant believe Parth that you are standing infront of dada for that Teni? is she more than your dada to you? Mohini says i doubted it before that Parth have special relation with his sister in law and see now he is proving it, Indu is disgusted. Baa says what is Teni to you? what relation you and Shorvori have with this Teni? Shorvori looks around, Parth says actually.. Shorvori says i will tell why Teni is special to us, infact she is special for whole Bhanushali house, all are confused. Shorvori looks at Parth.
Teni is waiting in garden, she says they are taking time. Sejal comes there and says you must be happy that there is drama going on in house because of you, its good that you are going to leave, dada have decided to throw you out of house, you didnt even bring luggage, you had cheap bag, i will help you to pack those cheap bags, what happened why your long tongue is not answering today? is your mouth locked? i understand that after living in such luxury house, living on road will be difficult but you went against me so this had to happen, you know how much i hate you but when you will be kicked out of house, i wont be able to see it, Teni says then close your eyes, she sprinkles orange juice in her eyes, Sejal screams and moves back, servant is bringing trash there and mistakenly throws at Sejal as Sejal bumped into him, Teni says go and tack bath before municipality takes you thinking you are trash. Sejal says Parth and Shorvori wont be able to save you, dada even threw them out of house so you have to leave this house and nobody is going to save you.
Shorvori says to family that i cant tell you what she have done for me, i can just say that the heir of this house, whom all are eagerly waiting for is going to come in this world only because of Teni, all look on stunned and confused. Shorvori says thats why i love Teni this much, i made Parth swear to take care of Teni, take care of her more than me, Parth has stood infront of dada to respect that promise, thats why when Teni eats my food, i dont feel bad, i feel like i am atleast doing something for her. Teni doesnt think much before doing things, she has not seen all this before. Baa says her way for living, talking is weird. Shorvori says she never had family to learn family values, she doesnt even know right or wrong path but even then she is living with her head held up high, i want to give her family thats why i am requesting to let her live in this house, even for few months, let her live, Shorvori folds her hands infront of dada pleading him to let Teni stay in house, dada looks at her sad face and leaves from there. Shorvori feels dejected.

PRECAP- dada have heart attack, he is unable to breath, all family members are worried. Ramnik says i have called doctor. Teni comes behind dada and punches him in back, Baa is shocked and aggravated with her action.

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