Mehek 24th January 2017 Written Update

Mehek 24th January 2017 Written Update by Atiba

Mehek 24th January 2017 Written Episode

Scene 1
Kanta reads news and says this cant be true. Mahek takes newspaper from her and is shocked to see Shaurya on front page. Ravi says its written that Shaurya is opening his new restaurant today, all are stunned, Jeevan says in this city only? how can this be possible? Mahek unable to stand anymore, falls on her knees, Kanta rushes to her.
Shaurya comes out of airport with bag and leaves.
Tv reporter says that Shaurya has comeback after 4days, nobody knew where he was, he just returned after 4days. Sameer gets call from inspector and says i dont know what is happening.
Vaitlana says Sanjay is not taking my call and Shaurya was playing game with me in his wedding? she says to Rajiv that you are his friend and you didnt know his plan? he destroyed plan of our new restaurant, Rajiv
says my career is finished too, Vaitlana says to hell with your career, Shaurya’s new restaurant’s name is “white chili”.

Scene 2
Mahek and family comes to white chili restaurant, media tries to talk to Mahek and asks her what happened between hwe and Shaurya? family tries to protect Mahek from mob and harassment. Mahek sees Shaurya entering restaurant, she calls out his name and runs behind but Shaurya enters inside and doors are closed, bodyguards try to stop her but Mahek breaksaway and enters in restaurant, its dark there, Mahek says Shaurya where are you? she screams for his name and says please come infront of me? Shaurya please come. Lights are switched on, Mahek looks around and sees new restaurant, Shaurya says Miss Mahek Sharma, Mahek turns and sees Shaurya coming there. Shaurya says you think you could enter my restaurant without my permission? Mahek runs and hugs Shaurya, Shaurya smirks, Mahek cups his face and says what is happening Shaurya? Shaurya takes off her hands and says what you mean? this is opening of my restaurant, arent you happy? i have spent so much money to publish article infront of newspapar and you arent happy? Mahek holds his hands and says is this trick to irritate me? Shaurya pulls his hands away and says are you mad? you think i have time to play tricks to irritate you? Outside restaurant, Mahek’s family is making scene trying to enter in restaurant, they free from bodyguards and enter in restaurant. Shaurya says welcome Chacha and Chachi, thank God you came here Kanta Chachi, i wanted to tell story to Mahek but i will tell whole family now. Ravi asks what kind of story? Shaurya says its about a prince and a common girl, prince was handsome and dashing but girl was a little fat, but she had talent as she was really nice cook and she had a treasure with her, all look on, Shaurya says it was treasure of her mother’s unique recipes, Prince used to hate that girl and girl used to hare prince, one day in anger, girl slapped Prince, Prince could have destroyed that girl and her family but prince didnt do it, because he was not fool like girl, he took that slap with patience because Prince had eyes on that unique cookbook because prince had to open this restaurant, and yes there were cheap villains in this story too, that was KD and Vaitlana type, prince trapped girl in his fake love and promised to marry her and took her recipe book from her, Mahek says so this was all done to take my recipes? Shaurya says yes ofcourse for recipes, if i asked for that recipes straightforward then you wouldnt have given it to me, remember you slapped me Mahek Sharma? i was interested in your recipes not in you, my investors forced me to either make Mahek or Mahek’s recipes part of this restaurant thats why i apologized to Mahek infront of all, and won Mahek’s trust, i thought once i win your trust then i will offer you job here but before i could do that, you joined KD’s hotel, Mahek says i was ready to leave Kd’s job and come to your restaurant, Shaurya says yes but i changed my plan till then, oneside i lived in your home and tried to get your recipebook, Kanta recalls Shaurya asking her about Mahek’s memories and how she showed him her recipebook and how Shaurya was interested in it, Mahek recalls how she caught Shaurya in her room one night ad he covered up by giving her doll. Shaurya says otherside i made Mahek use my mobile and laptop to send her recipes to KD, i wanted to get all those recipes and Mahek used my gadgets, Mahek is shocked to hear all that and sits on floor being unable to stand anymore. Shaurya says because of Mahek’s recipes, i have launched my restaurant before KD. Shaurya says i have got all things using one target. Ravi grabs his collar and says jerk, you played with our daughter’s life for your own benefit, Shaurya says i didnt play with her life, i would have played with her life if i had filled her forehead with vermilion(sindoor), you should be happy that she gave me recipebook before wedding and i left for Germany before entering mandap, flashback shows Shaurya getting out of venue and throwing out his turban out of car and leaving. Shaurya says i went to Germany to get those recipes patent, i mean copyright them in my name. Shaurya kneels to Mahek and says Miss Mahek Sharma, when you were jumping with happiness for marriage, i was planning for my restaurant, grabs Mahek’s shoulders and make her stand up. Shaurya says to Mahek that dont take my words personally, you are a really nice person and talented cook, you have bright future, dont have hard feelings for me, i did everything as a businessman, i am an honest businessman and i am ready to pay you for your recipes, he gives her 50lacs cheque and says even if you sell your recipes after cooking them whole life even then you wont earn this much money, Mahek looks at him with shock and disbelief,

PRECAP- Kanta throws her slipper at Shaurya which Shaurya dodges, Kanta says we called you our son and you did all this for money and a restaurant? you are disgusting, lets go Mahek, she starts taking Mahek away from Shaurya, Mahek sadly looks at Shaurya and says Shaurya you could have asked me once to give it and i would have. Shaurya looks at her with straight face. .

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  1. Angel
    January 25, 05:45 Reply

    Shaurya says he is not bad perso but he hurt so many people including his mother just to achieve his goal, if that’s not bad I do not know what is.

  2. Nady
    January 24, 17:32 Reply

    I hate shourya for dis act. God will punish u shourya Khanna. Poor mehek just take heart time will heal everything.???

  3. mara
    January 24, 15:50 Reply

    i love this show sooo much..i am sure we will see more exciting epis ..

  4. Rav
    January 24, 15:09 Reply

    Well as you are all hating this did you watch the promo you can see Shaurya has watery eyes meaning he is hurt for something, he is doing all this because he wants to catch his mami and mama. Let’s not hate this show. Shaurya is hurt by hurting Mahek but he will eventually go back to her when he realizes that he is not complete without her and misses her then they will be together!

  5. K shah
    January 24, 13:11 Reply

    Disgusting shaurya bechari mehek ka dil tooth gaya mehek ko chahye ke dosra slap b dy dey shaurya ko …. Dhokebaaaaaz !!!

  6. anna
    January 24, 12:54 Reply

    Wow didnt see that coming. Amazing

  7. Preshina
    January 24, 12:07 Reply

    Didn’t expect this twist in the serial, rather disappointing ?

  8. MAK
    January 24, 11:12 Reply

    Hate to see that I was right. Bechare Mahek ka dil chur chur kar diya. She’s not going to forgive him neither is his mother. Business ko agay baranay ke liye kitna nichay gir gaya Shaurya. Shameless, he’s not even regretting.

  9. Sanvi
    January 24, 10:47 Reply

    Hypocrite shourya…i couldn’t believe he will stoop so low for his sure thia is his down fall…
    Poor mehek !!!????heart broken..??hope soon she will overcome from her grievances..i wish to see the sme scenario vice versa in future…..

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