Sasural Simar Ka 24th November 2016 Written Update

Sasural Simar Ka 24th November 2016 Written Update by Atiba

Sasural Simar Ka 24th November 2016 Written Episode

Scene 1
Vikram is sitting in his room he recalls all that happened. Anjali calls him but he isn’t picking up. Tao ji and Saroj come in. Tao says your are cutting Anjali’s calls? Why are you punishing her? She went against her family to stand by you and you.. Saroj says he just came home. Tao says he made the mistake. vikram says I didn’t make any mistake. Tao says won’t make a difference. You did a crime. Vikram says please leave me alone I don’t want to talk about it. Tao ji leaves. Saroj says Vikram don’t take what he said on heart. Don’t worry no matter what happens I am always with you. What Simr did has equally hurt me. She is daughter’s mother still she dared so much. We came without exaggerating it. But the insult, she has to pay for
it. I am scared that anything shouldn’t happen to you. You are our life. If anything happens to you we will.. Vikram says taiji you know you are the most important to me. Don’t say this. Saroj says don’t worry everything will be okay. You should rest. I will bring you milk.
Vikram thrashes all the flowers and says I didn’t do anything wrong. Because of you my family is calling me a criminal. You have no idea what will I do now Vadahi.

Scene 2
Next morning, Rajhinder says people have been calling all day. Mataji says don’t worry Rajhinder everything will be okay. KB says what happened with my doll is so wrong. She has not eaten anything and so haven’t I. I can’t see her this upset. And all this happened because of Simar. Simar comes with tea for everyone. Prem says to Simar you stay away from Anjali thats better for everyone. She doesn’t even want to see your face. you won’t go to her. Anjali comes downstairs and says Kb.. whats in breakfast KB? Everyone is dazed. She is totally dressed up. Prem says Anju what is all this? Anjali says what did I do now? Prem says you got married yesterday you are not wearing sindur and mangalsutra. Anjali says if I am married then what am I doing here? shouldn’t I be with my husband? Why should I do this sindur and mangalsutra drama? Simar says anjali don’t.. anjali says you shut up. Don’t dare talking to me. I am talking to my dad. Anjali says you decided to get me married found me a guy then why didn’t you let me go with my husband? Why did you listen to her. She has ruined my life. I am joke to everyone. Everyone is laughing at me. Vadhai says trouble of some days is better than living in hell whole life Anjali. Vikram pretended so well that is why you couldn’t see his sins but.. Anjalu says what is all this? Why is this girl and this woman in this house still? I will do this. She says get out of my house anjali. She shoves vadahi out. But police comes in. Inspector says after all investigation we know the real culprit. Simar says when will you arrest him then? He says that is what we are here for. Vadahi is the real culprit. They try to arrest him. Simar says please stop please there is some misunderstanding. Vikram is the sinner not her. inspector says she created this story. she wasn’t kidnapped or tortured. We investigated that there was no such go down she mentioned. Vadahi says this is not right. Piyush says I saw her being kidnapped.
Inspector recalls taking bribe from Vikram. He says see here. He shows a register and says there were 16 kidnaps happened that day. Did you see vikram? Piyush says no but roshni. Inspector says there are no buts. SImar says why would a girl defame herself? Her life was ruined. Inspector says she loved Vikram agarwal since her college days and she was so much in love that she used to stalk him everywhere and we have proofs. He shows the pictures. Vadahi being around Vikram like she is stalking him. Inspector says Vadahi came here to stop Vikram’s wedding. Vadahi says this is all lie. I didn’t makje any story. Anjali sees the pictures. KB says everyone is lying? She recalls vadhai picking up Vikram’s phone. Anjali says she attended vikram’s call on my phone. Even then I couldn’t get it. vadahi says now anjali. Anjalu says enough and is about to slap vadahi. Simar stops anjali’s hand and says no anjali. Anjali says leave my hand. Simar says you can’t hit anyone without knowing the truth. Anjali says then how could you slap vikram in front of everyone? Did you know these photos. What you think is truth is truth. Simar says anjali all this.. Anjali says don’t say my name. You never considered me your daughter. You are still taking her side. Simar syas this is all fake you are not getting it. Prem says why don’t you accept your mistake simar. You are repeating your mistakes. You insulted Vikram. Kb says I think Simar is involved with vadhai in this plan. They are together. Amar says what are you saying. Prem says this could be true. Simar didn’t want anjali to get married so she used vadhi. Matjia says what are you saying. Rajhinder says simar can never do that. Prem says we are so dumb we couldn’t see her real face.
Inspector says we are arresting Vadhi. They take Vadhi with them, Simar tries to stop them. They take Vadhi with them. Inspector says on call its done. Tell us what to do next.

Precap-Anjali says Simar I will go to my house and you can’t stop me. Simar says you will know his reality in two days. Anjali says you prove what you said in two days and I will do whatever you want and if you are wrong then you throw away this sindur and mangalsutra and go away from this house. Simar says I accept.

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