Devanshi 23rd November 2016 Written Update

Devanshi 23rd November 2016 Written Update by Amena

Devanshi 23rd November 2016 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Devanshi telling media that Sarla does not let her study as she does not need. Sarla says yes, she is Mata and knows everything thats in book. Reporter says this is also a miracle. Rajjo thinks Devanshi’s life will get spoiled. Ashutosh tells Devanshi’s likes. Rajjo signs him to come. She takes Ashutosh with him. He says I m glad you are here. She says I think you like to give interview. He says I wanted to come on tv, Devanshi made me come on tv. She says Devanshi fulfilled your dreams, you don’t care for her dreams, you are educated and should have understood, why did you not send her to school. He says Sarla teaches her at home.

She says Sarla is also uneducated, I m upset for her, she is sitting as Mata avatar,Sarla is snatching her childhood. He says Sarla
is mum and thinks best for her, you don’t need to worry for her. She says if Sarla worried for Devanshi, she would have applied ointment to her hands first, see her bleeding hand. Ashutosh sees and worries.

Omi tells Sarla that you made Devanshi a Mata, knowing she has no Mata power. Sarla says I can just see the money. He opens window and money flies. She picks the notes. He says one day, you will lose everything, you are cheating innocent devotees, this money will cheat you. She asks him to stop nonsense. He scolds her. He says Devanshi is a little ordinary girl, how will she fulfill their wishes. She says the villagers dance on my fingers, I have thought to make Devanshi a Mata, but her fate made her Mata, we will find some way if any devotee needs help. He says Devanshi is innocent and true, just think of it, if we get ruined, how will this affect Devanshi. He goes.

Devanshi wakes up and thinks Sakshi maybe feeling heat. She fans air to her. She fans air to Sarla and Omi also for hours. Sarla wakes up and sees Devanshi. She wakes up Devanshi and wakes her up. Devanshi says power went at night, so I came to fan air to you two. Omi says you have sat all night here, go and take rest. Sarla says she had rest, its time to get up, get ready, come. Devanshi says let me sleep for some time. Omi says leave the girl. Sarla asks her to come.

Its morning, ladies think what happened today, there are no people here, maybe everyone went to see Devanshi’s miracle. Kusum comes and sees just few people. She gets shocked and blesses them. She steps in red color water and walks ahead. The footprints begin to disappear. They get shocked. Kusum turns and gets shocked seeing footprints gone. Gopi asks her whats happening. The lady says I think its some abshagun.

Sarla asks Devanshi to bless the ill child. Devanshi asks what happened to the boy. The man says if I knew, why would I get him to you. Sarla says Mata is asking herself, not you. Devanshi says take baby to mum, I also go to my mum if I have a problem. Sarla says Devanshi is innocent. She worries. The man says Mata slept. Sarla says no, she is doing dhyaan. She rings bell and wakes up Devanshi. Devanshi shouts no and runs out of the house. Sarla and Omi run after her.

Kusum goes to do aarti and black water falls on her. She turns and takes the black Kaali avatar. They all get shocked. She leaves. Devanshi runs and says no I can’t do this. Omi and Sarla get Devanshi. Devanshi smiles seeing the cow and calf, and says maybe this cow wanted to meet the calf. Omi asks why did she run. The man says I was selling this calf, calf is drinking cow’s milk, what will be left for my child. Devanshi says then calf will get away from her mother. Sarla says see, this is reason for the child’s illness, if you understood this, baby would have not been ill, you are making calf away from cow, Maiyya will get annoyed seeing this, so your child is ill to teach you a lesson. The man apologizes and thanks Devanshi. They all praise Devanshi. Kusum in Kaali avatar comes there. They all get shocked seeing her.

Kusum says Maiyya though special thing for Devanshi, I will tell it in the temple.

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