Suhani Si Ek Ladki 13th October 2016 Written Update

Suhani Si Ek Ladki 13th October 2016 Written Update by Amena

Suhani Si Ek Ladki 13th October 2016 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Suhani seeing the run and recalling Sambhav’s tortures. She hits the goon and beats him. Suhani Si Ek Ladki…..plays…… The guy beats the goon. The goon faints. The guy picks the gun by the kerchief and gives to Suhani. He asks her not to worry, it will be used for police evidence. She asks him to stop, and says you did big favour on us, tell me if you need my help anytime. He says sure, I have sharp memory, I will remind you this favour when needed. She says fine, take this discount card. He says you are committing this so soon. She says if you saved me, I can do this. He asks her name. She smiles and says Suhani Birla. He gets shocked and says Suhani Birla, it’s a pleasure meeting you, thank you for this card.

Yuvani sings and Rags dances in her room.
Dhunki lage…..plays………..Door bell rings and they both get shocked. Yuvani signs her to change.

Yuvaan cares for Krishna and asks her why did she not fight with that guy, why is she a coward. He asks her to leave it, we will go somewhere else. The neighbours complain to Rags about the high sound of the song. Rags apologizes and shuts the door. Yuvani compliments Rags for her looks. She says I wish Dadi did not leave Birla house, no one would have dared to stop us.

Yuvaan says I would have killed him. Suhani asks him not to say this, I don’t like hearing such things. Krishna calms down Yuvaan and says we did police complaint, he will get punished, thank God that he has sent that guy on time. Suhani says his entry was like Amitabh, I have also beaten the goom. Yuvaan says its good that the guy was not mad like that para sailing guy. Suhani asks who was that who made Krishna angry. Krishna calls him devil.

Its night, Krishna and Yuvaan go for a walk. Krishna says we have met such rude guy, and on the other hand, that good guy who fought for strangers. Yuvaan says like you are good and I m bad. She thanks him. He says you were happy for not going on para sailing, I had doubt that you called that VIP, did I say anything else….he lifts her.

Suhani recalls Sambhav’s tortures and shouts Sambhav….. She wakes up from her sleep. The guy burns Suhani’s pic and says your past has come back Suhani Birla, your down counting starts, first defaming and then ruining, you have my favour on you and have to pay a big prize for it.

Its morning, Yuvaan makes Swastik and asks Suhani. Krishna shows Yuvaan by making it. Suhani says you coped from me and asks Yuvaan not to tease Krishna. She asks them to pray to Lord. Suhani does the aarti. Yuvaan teases Krishna. She asks him what is he doing. Suhani looks at them. Suhani gives them coins to keep with them always. She says I have sent a spiritual thread to Yuvani too. He says yuvani will be happy seeing that, she has exams form tomorrow. Suhani ties thread to their hands. Yuvaan eats Prasad and calls it food. Krishna says its Prasad, not food. They both fight for the tv remote. Suhani asks Yuvaan to let Krishna watch her fav show. Yuvaan says we will keep competition, the one who wins will watch their fav show on tv.

Yuvani reads Suhani’s letter and smiles. Suhani asks Yuvani why did she go away to study, Yuvaan also goes away and I get alone. Yuvani says I m sad, I m sorry I can’t stay with you, I m more happy here. Suhani wishes her all the best fir her exams. Rags comes and sees Yuvani tying the thread to her wrist. Rags calls her out and thread falls. Rags tells her to get ready for the big concert. Yuvani says you are my rockstar, Rags but…. I have exam today. Rags says so what, this is your career, you have to do this in your life, you want to become model or not. Yuvani says mum asked me to become something by studies. Rags says its big thing to become successful model, if you win this concert, you will be selected by big model companies, you can study later and give exams. Dadi also convinces Yuvani and says if you want to become model, then focus, I will manage your mum. Yuvani agrees and hugs Dadi.

Krishna and Yuvaan drink the juice in the competition. Suhani wishes Krishna wins. Pratima asks her to drink her share of juice then. Suhani says why, she will win herself. Pratima says Krishna was young when she became an orphan, you kept her in your shadow and loved her a lot, that’s why she has become a coward, she can’t fight for herself. Suhani worries.

Yuvaan asks till when will you not talk to Dadi. Suhani talks to Dadi.

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  1. anu
    October 14, 06:33 Reply

    i totally agree with trishna. not interested to see this serial now…… tata SSEL

  2. trishna
    October 13, 13:18 Reply

    thats the rape child of sambhav

  3. Akshara
    October 13, 11:59 Reply

    What that stranger boy is sambhavs son but sambhav was never marrired to get a child

  4. trishna
    October 13, 11:20 Reply

    stupid show good for nothing even the leap made it worst .all ugly characters the only cutie is sambhav son . .so no more suhani si ek ladki for me .

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