Kaala Teeka 13th October 2016 Written Update

Kaala Teeka 13th October 2016 Written Update by Atiba

Kaala Teeka 13th October 2016 Written Episode

Scene 1
Nandu’s brother says there is something wrong with this house. Leela says I have talked to the pandit. He told us the solution. He says your pandit doesn’t know what it is. What he has suggested is impossible. Leela says you sound well aquainted. Dewri says I know all mantra. Yug says we have our pandit you can go from here. Leela says don’t talk to him like that. Leela says is there a solution? Dewri says yes. Where is the temple. Leela takes him to the temple. He does something in temple. Naina and Kali are in room. Naina keeps crying. Kali says what happened to you Naina. Dewri says go and see that tree now. The tree isn’t there anymore.
Dewri puts tilak on Vishwa’s picture. He says whatever I am today is because of you. He some trick. He comes
out and says slowly all black leaves on this tree will turn black. Leela says till then please stay in our house. Yug says dadi we don’t even know him. Leela says do you need to know more? Manjiri comes and says yes we do. I have seen this man’s anger. It would create a lot of problems. Therefore keeping him here isn’t right. Nandu says my brother leave I will leave with my bride. Yug says Kali won’t go with you. And she is not your bride. Nandu says she is. Yug is about to hit him. Devri comes and stops Yug. He says enough I won’t bear more insult. Let’s go. Kali comes out and says stop. you won’t go anywhere. Kali says they are homeless Yug. Their house is burnt. Can’t we help them this much? Jamna says she is right. Our house is burnt. Kali says you have helped us so many times. This is your right. Leela says I agree. They will live in our house. Come I will show you your room.

Kali says to Manjiri Nandu helped Niana so many times. Maybe with his brother he forgets me. Manjiri says I don’t like that man. Kali says he beaten up a thief. People do that in anger. Manjiri says think twice. After a long time a lot of things worked out. I hope everything isn’t ruined. Naina starts crying. Devri is outside their room. Manjiri and Kali try to calm Naina down.
Devri comes in and says if you midn my presence in this house I will leave. Manjiri says Kali why don’t you get her checked up? Devri says can I see her hand. He touches Naina’s foot. He says too bad. Kali says what happened. Devri says she won’t live for long. After six months from now she will leave. Manjiri says how dare you say that. Kali says we don’t believe in things like that don’t ever say that again. Jamnai is overhearing all this. Nandu says Manjiri di killed that evil Vishwa. Dewri says no Nandu dont say that. She looks so innocent. Manjiri says sometimes things are not like how you see them. Jamna says its food time.

Jamna says to Dewri years passed still you didn’t change. You said what comes to your mouth. WHy you said that about Naina. Dewri says it has to happen. Jamna says happen or would you? dewri says I have changed ama. Jamna says I hope so. Wherever you went you destroyed things. Why are you back? Why you don’t let people live in peace?

Manjiri sees her own conscience, it blames her for killing Vishwa. Her conscience says ravan’s wife stood with you. You murdered you own husband. Manjiri says no. She says no this is the truth. Your hands are red with his blood. See your hands. She says drink his blood. She throws blood on Manjiri. Manjri wakes up from sleep. She is scared.

Precap-Manjrii asks pandit ji what should I do? He tells her that she has to wash herself in the river. Manjiri goes to the river.

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