Udaan 15th September 2016 Written Update

Udaan 15th September 2016 Written Update by Amena

Udaan 15th September 2016 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Suraj going out of the hospital. He recalls Imli and how he asked her to abort the baby. He shouts yes, I told Imli to abort baby, she did not listen and Lord listened, is Lord happy to punish me, why did Lord punish Imli, she has suffered a lot, she will not suffer now. He leaves. Vivaan and Chakor are with Imli. He says how will we tell Imli about the baby. She says Imli needs you, just you can become her support. He says how shall I tell her, she will break down. She says you have to support her. He says who will pacify us.

She says you and Imli are each other’s support, you both have to take care of each other. he says why does this happen with me, whomever I love leave me, I loved Papa and he left me, I loved you and did not get you, I accepted this child by heart
and even he got snatched from me, what joy does Lord gets to shatter my dreams. Chakor says I know, but you still have Imli. Bhuvan and Kasturi come to the ward to see Imli. Kasturi thanks Lord that Imli is fine. Vivaan asks them to go, he is with Imli. Kasturi says don’t worry, we are with her.

Chakor thinks where did Suraj go and goes out to check. She says I have to find him. Suraj collides with her and the suitcase falls. She sees Imli’s clothes and asks Suraj about so many clothes, Imli will not stay in hospital for many days. He says I m taking my Imli away from here forever, she has suffered a lot, she lost baby because of me, she will forget all her sorrows. She asks did you get mad, do you think she will forget she lost her baby. He says I will not leave Imli for a moment. She asks him to come and see, look there carefully, Vivaan is with Imli.

She asks do you want to separate them, when Imli needed your love, you did not give her love, today when she is getting Vivaan’s love, you want to snatch it, what is this justice Suraj, today Imli needs love and support, which she can get by Vivaan, not from me and you. You maybe loving Imli, but you did sin by rejecting Imli, you can’t repent by separating them, don’t be selfish. He says I m not selfish, I truly love Imli and want to end her problems. She says this is not love, you are trying to free yourself from your sins, see there.

Vivaan takes care of Imli. She says Vivaan is taking care of her, its not imp that you love her, its imp whom Imli loves, she loves Vivaan, snatching her love will be big sin, do you want to do this sin. He leaves the bag and says since childhood, I never liked you and your words, today don’t know why I m not angry on you, I did not feel your words are bad, maybe because you are saying truth, which I never accepted, but today I m helpless to believe this truth. They both cry.

Ranjana asks Tejaswini was it call from hospital. Tejaswini says doctors could not save baby. Ranjana says its bad, you wanted this. Tejaswini says you also wanted this Ranjana. Ranjana sees Bhaiya ji’s pic and says living life alone and facing world is a tough task. She misses him and says it would be good if you were there, don’t know how will I manage Vivaan.

Suraj sees Chakor talking to nurse, Bhuvan and Kasturi sleeping. He goes to meet Imli. He holds her hand and apologizes, saying I should have got punished for my injustice, if Chakor did not stop me on time, I would have done another mistake, I was thinking to share sorrow with you, now I understood you will get hurt by my attempt, I realized late that I love you Imli, I don’t have complains that you don’t love me, I don’t deserve you, you should get Vivaan, I m happy for you, I truly loved you, and true love is not selfish, I wish you could hear me and see my eyes, I want to apologize, I know you can’t see and hear me, I said what was in my heart, I could just give this, I pray that you get happiness, good luck. Vivaan comes there and sees Suraj. Suraj gets up seeing him.

Imli asks Chakor about her baby, is it boy or girl. Vivaan holds her and shouts our baby died. Imli gets shocked. Everyone cry.

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