Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 12th May 2016 Written Update

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Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 12th May 2016 Written Update by Pooja

Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 12th May 2016 Written Episode

Both Ashoka and Kaurvaki are on their way to the Kumbh Mela. Kaurvaki feels as if Ashoka is hearing the same tune like her under the same sky. Bela is happy to see her happy. I too feel like falling in love seeing you. I am sure your love story will inspire many generations.

Ashoka is eating. He is pouring water on his face when Kaurvaki’s cart passes by from there. They don’t see each other but Ashoka feels something. He shakes the thought aside. Kaurvaki’s cart gets stuck in something. Bela suggests playing something till it is fine. They sit down nearby the cart.

Kaurvaki tells Bela there isn’t much to think. You will definitely lose. Kaurvaki says I will win this time. Kaurvaki gets up and goes from there followed by Bela. Ashoka is passing by from there. He notices people trying to pull out the wheel but to no avail. He looks at the game that has been left incomplete. He plays a move and then leaves. The wheel is safely pulled out by then as well. Kaurvaki and Bela come there. Who played this? Daasi shares that it was a passerby. Bela remarks that there is someone in the world who can equal you. Someone has defeated you in this game for the first time! Kaurvaki smiles.

Someone says you will finally meet the oen who have been waiting to meet. There will be another Mahabharat, another war after that! Ashoka looks at the man. He says the one whose every finger has a chakra can only become Chakravartin in future. His hands can break all the mountains. But you have drowned himself in his anger at the moment. The one who can control his anger can win over the world. The time is not far when you will find the medium to calm down your anger.

Kaurvaki and Bela reach Kumbha Mela too.

The man begins to go but Ashoka blocks his way. Who are you? The man suggests him to find out himself first and then him. Ashoka says all that you told me just now prove that you know me from before. The man asks him to guess who he is then. Ashoka says magician. The man laughs heartily. Your presence here has some meaning. Have faith or else! He walks away. Ashoka looks at him puzzled.

BIndu is passing by from Charu’s room when he smells something foul. It is coming from Charu’s room? Charu is busy doing black magic. Bindu is curious to know what’s happening inside the room. He is about to open the door when Mahamatya says I have to talk to you regarding Sushim. I get scared of him at times nowadays. He has become too aggressive. Bindu isn’t surprised. I am hearing it since childhood. Mahamatya agrees. But there is a change now. He can change his mistakes and can break any limits for that. Bindu is confused. You speak contradictorily. Decide first what you want to do – praise him or complain about him? Where is he? Mahamatya loudly speaks (to alert Charu) of doing something to safeguard Sushim’s future. Bindu knows it too well. I am aware of my duties. You don’t need to remind me. He opens Charu’s room and is shocked. Impossible! There is nothing. Mahamatya heaves a sigh of relief. Bindu says I smelled something foul from here but nothing is here. Mahamatya says she left for temple long time ago. Bindu leaves.

Ashoka and Kaurvaki come to take bathe at the ghaat that is especially for Rajvanshi’s. Daasi’s surround Kaurvaki with white cloth on all the four sides to make a proper private room for her. Ashoka is still wearing the necklace that Kaurvaki made him wear 10 years ago. They both feel each other’s presence. Kaurvaki smiles hopefully. She tells Bela she felt something very different. I am aware of the fragrance in the air that is here. I have never experienced it before. Ashoka thinks he felt he got what he lost. Bela says everyone experiences it at a holy place. Kaurvaki denies. it is different. He will surely come before me today if I am right about this fragrance. Sunlight falls on the Shivlinga in Ashoka’s necklace. Kaurvaki recognizes it. She begins to go towards him when Bela stops her. Where are you going like this? Kaurvaki goes with the Daasi’s. Ashoka leaves by then.

A guy (Siamak) says Sushim left to find Ashoka. He has got news that Ashoka is near Ujjaini. A lady is standing in dark (Helena, her face is still not shown though). Helena says such info was found years ago too. He hasn’t been found till date though. You haven’t understood anything till date from all your mistakes. He is a chameleon. You cannot recognize him even if he is right before your eyes. Siamak says you said he is alive and will come to seek revenge. We cannot wait for him to come back for forever. She suggests him to lay a trap for Ashoka.

Precap: In the marketplace, Ashoka buys sweets. Bela takes Kaurvaki to where a magician is. Kaurvaki takes a step back as she is looking for something (ashoka is right behind her). Sushim comes there.

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