May I Come In Madam 10th May 2016 Written Update

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May I Come In Madam 10th May 2016 Written Update by Amena

May I Come In Madam 10th May 2016 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Kashmira calling Sanju and complaining him about her husband. He praises himself. She says I m thinking to leave my husband. He asks what about me then. She asks what. He says I mean, all men feel bad if woman leaves a man, don’t go anywhere, sit at home. She scolds him and goes to room. He says now she won’t call me again. He goes to Kashmira and romances. He gives her a rose. She doubts on him. He flirts with her. He says I love you and will never be caught with anyone. She smiles. He gets Sanjana’s call. She asks what is this ringtone, did you change phone. He says phone is same, I changed ringtone.

He goes to kiss Kashmira. His phone rings again. Sanjana calls him. He says it will be peon’s call, leave it. Sanjana gets angry. Sanju talks to Kashmira.

He asks her to sell the tshirt he is wearing too. She laughs. Its morning, Sanju goes to Sanjana and greets her. She asks him to look into her eyes. Music plays…………. He looks in her eyes through a magnifier. He says nothing happened to you. His imagination ends. She asks him to hurry up. She asks what do you see in my eyes. He looks at her.

She shouts on him. He says fresh eyes. She says I did not sleep. He asks what was the problem. She says imagine my problem. Bhupesh calls Sanju. He ends call. Sanjana says my stranger friend…. Bhupesh says this stranger friend is not talking to me, after talking to Kashmira and Sanjana. Sanjana says my friend has disconnected my calls just like this. He says when Kashmira is infront of me, I also don’t answer calls, maybe he was helpless, you should have called him later, why did you not call. She asks how do you know I did not call him later. He says I know you self respect, if anyone ends your call once, you don’t call, but I think you should call. She asks really, I will call him. He says no…. call him later, maybe he will call you. She says I will not leave him. Bhupesh calls him again. She asks whose call are you getting. Sanju says don’t know, I have work. He goes.

Sanju does some work. Sanjana walks there. Bhupesh says Sanju is not on his desk, I will make a call. He calls Sanju. Sanju gets the call and runs to washroom. Sanjana looks on and thinks whom does Sanju talk by hiding in bathroom. Sanju gets shocked getting Bhupesh’s words. Bhupesh says I want to say bad about my brother in law. Sanju says its not good to scold him, maybe you are bad, he is good. Bhupesh asks why are you favoring him, he is clever man. Sanju says lighten your heart, but don’t lie. Bhupesh speaks bad about Sanju.

Sanju calls Bhupesh a thief. Bhupesh says Sanju does not take my sister outside. Sanju says maybe you and your mum get in between. Bhupesh asks how did you know. Sanju scolds him. Bhupesh gets angry and ends call. Sanju says now he won’t call.

Sanjana calls Kashmira and says I want to say something, I don’t know how to say, don’t you think Sanju is weird. Kashmira says when he is normal, I feel he is weird, our relation is fine. Sanjana says maybe he has some affair, how is his character. Kashmira says his character is unconscious. Sanjana says it means I m right, you are my friend, Sanju is suddenly going to bathroom and I think he is talking to someone by hiding there, I can’t go there and find out, I was little worried and thought to tell you, keep an eye on him. Kashmira says don’t worry, I will see him, thanks.

Its night, Sanju talks to Kashmira. He talks romantic. She says I have stomach ache and goes to lawn. He gets disappointed. Kashmira calls him. Sanju goes to washroom and Bhupesh is inside. Sanju sits near window and talks to her. She says I m sad, sorry for that day. He says best way is to go to husband and not call others, leave stomach ache excuse. She asks how do you know. He says women has stomach ache, headache, go to him, he will be waiting. She says no, he will be having affair, his madam told me that he talks in bathroom. He says person goes to bathroom for other work. She comes there and sees Sanju talking on phone to her. He praises himself. Kashmira holds him. He turns and gets shocked.

He says I talk well, so I was helping people. She stares at him. He says love you baby…. She gets annoyed. They go to bedroom. He asks did Dadi come, what did I do wrong, I should not help people, I was cheating people, I m sorry. He gets Sanjana’s call. Kashmira asks him to answer phone and put on speaker. Sanju talks to Sanjana. Sanjana says sorry to call late, I had to share something, I think Sanju has an affair with someone. Sanju gets shocked. Kashmira stares at him. Sanju says nothing like that, Sanju is a simple and honest man.

Sanju avoids Sanjana and talks to Bhupesh in lift.

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