Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 21st April 2016 Written Update

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Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 21st April 2016 Written Update by Pooja

Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat 21st April 2016 Written Episode

Ashoka tells Bindu that his question’s answer is hidden in another question. Shall I? Bindu nods. Ashoka asks him what happened to him, the faith that was unshakeable on him even after Drupad’s death. You gave me a chance to explain my stance when no one believed me! Whatever I did before leaving for Takshshila you trusted me all the time. What happened once I came back from there that you doubt my every act? Where did your faith on me disappear? What have I done that I have fallen in your eyes today? Is it my crime that I chose to end Das Tradition? Is it because I made that decision on my own? It is a lie. Truth is my every decision is based on thinking what you and Acharya Chanakya would have done or told me in any particular situation. I agree I got emotional and made an announcement. But I was clear it will be finalised only after your final word. Situation got out of control before that. I took that decision for the sake of citizens. As far as I know that is of utmost importance to you too. I never imagined that my words will be twisted before you and will make me fall down in your eyes. I understand you being upset with me. But how can you doubt Ma? Do you even know it was mother and I who were by your side all the days when you were unwell? Why do you always believe the lies which people have been telling you instead of what you see? You never discriminated earlier. You always heard both the sides before making a decision. You mistrusted me when Kaurvaki said what was in her heart. You sent me away from you. I can get you 1000 such Kalinga’s but you sent me away not as a warrior but as a bad son so I stay out of your eyes. I still did what I was told to do. The letter is fake yet you believe it not me! You dint even think to find out the truth even once? Is it not unjust? Even an ordinary person is given a chance to explain his point. Why dint you give me a chance then? You don’t trust me at all now which is why you dint let Acharya RG say anything in my favour. I would have never become a Yuvraaj if I knew what it will cost me. I cannot pay back like this. Even a kid of Magadh understands my love and dedication for my motherland. Everyone understood that it was a sham if I spoke of surrendering! Everyone understood that I came there with a plan. My act was making the enemies believe but you also trusted it. you trusted me so much that you began to punish me before everyone. Answer me. why did you change? Are you so weak? Does it suit a King? How could you not understand it? I ask you. Is such a person right for throne? SUshim intervenes. He (Bindu) is Magadh’s Samrat before your father. Ashoka holds his hand in air to signal him to be quiet. Everyone is taken aback.

Ashoka demands for an explanation from Bindu. What did I do wrong? Don’t you love me anymore or if you also had a change of heart towards me? Did you also begin to think that a Daasi putra should not be made a Yuvraaj? Bindu holds his hand angrily. Enough! Don’t think that you will get my sympathy by saying that. Your thoughts have become so low. They hint at your downfall. You don’t want to see the problem. You have become so arrogant so as not to accept your mistake and fault. Dharma tries to say something but Bindu tells her not to intervene. Magadh’s Samrat is talking to Magadh’s Yuvraaj. He turns to Ashoka. I accept that your intentions, thoughts, dedication have been so high that you will take a stand against things you find wrong. But you react in extreme ways. You let it stay inside if you are unable to show it. It comes out as a volcano. You break all the limits, rules, etiquettes. You think you are always right. You never question yourself. You never think that your intentions can be right but what can the result of your action bring. Your intention of ending that tradition was good but we had to pay from our treasury. We had to bear lot of problems because of the same. Kaurvaki came to lecture me. I had to be embarrassed before everyone because of your fight with Sushim. Tell me the truth now. did you attack Jagannath? Ashoka agrees. But! Bindu does not let him speak. I don’t need an answer. I know your intention would be right but you don’t have the patience that a Yuvraaj needs to have. I don’t doubt it now. you have such a habit of being right that you lose control when you do something wrong. This hints at the arrogance which does not suit a Yuvraaj. A Nayak should be patient. If your behaviour remains the same then the dream of united India will also break apart. Giving you rights is equal to giving a wrong person a stone. I agree I was angry with you but my decision has no relation to it now. I have thought to do a favour on you and Magadh by removing you from your position. Sushim, Charu and Mahamatya are happy. Bindu makes a legal announcement of the same. Ashoka is only my son from today onwards and not a Yuvraaj. Not just this, I end this competition of Yuvraaj. I announce that there wont be any Yuvraaj till my death in Patliputra. Neither you nor Sushim! Everyone is taken aback. I will decide it on my death bed as to who to make Samrat after me. Till then I will take all the decisions. It is sad as I have no option. He walks out of the courtroom. Everyone leaves except Ashoka and Sushim. Sushim glares at Ashoka. They both look at the throne.

Shubhrasi comes to Bindu’s room. She requests him to allow her to have a Ramayana paath tomorrow onwards. He agrees. She goes. He prays that everything that is good for Magadh should happen tomorrow.

Sushim is irked with his mother for trusting tantric. He said so much but nothing happened. tantric comes there. I still say the same thing. sushim greets him. no one will be made Yuvraaj now as per father’s orders. Tantric remarks how max people back down when something goes wrong. Did you think you will become a Yuvraaj when you came here for the first time? Sushim denies. Tantric asks about the situation now. Don’t you realise how situation turned against him? Sushim says he never gives up. He comes back as a bigger and better competitor every time. I fear that father might announce Ashoka as his heir (to the throne). Tantric says Ashoka wont be here for long so how will he become the heir. He is only a guest of few days in Patliputra. You will see his downfall soon. Sushim is curious. Tantric says time will tell.

Precap: Acharya RG shows Ashoka the paper used from Patliputra. Someone sent Mir a map of our new secret tunnel. Ashoka deduces that some insider is involved. Siamak meets Helena in jail. Siamak says there is Khurasani and Unani blood in my veins. I will seek revenge. No one will be able to stop me now. Helena tries to stop him but in vain. Ashoka hears them from outside…

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  1. ramesh
    April 21, 14:18 Reply

    We are searching how our cultural, social, economical, political and environmental situation change in 300BC to 180 BC. We do believe to show their artiest, producer and director would be represent something correct and genius. But in the past two month onward we have not seen enough co-relate without past fact according to historian. In these days only we cannot say this is home (grah youdh) these kind of things not co-relate with the correct role play, if we can aside Sushim extra false statement said from his age of 11 year onward, even thse all statement baseless till now. What is the base? We know in the past history Indian kings fight to each other but this situation showing you people after arrival of 1200 AD. As far as DD episode Chankya which is not prove yet then what you / your team play right now. So you need to change your way to represent this good episode rather than to home (grah youdh) Sushim negative role must be limited where you (Bindusar) most of time / every time insult of Ashoka’s mother (Dharma) every historian know very well Ashoka is the first successor emperor in Indian History and his Ashok Chakra, Four Line and other symbol adopted by the Govt of India.So please …….. Please represent and use respectfully word to Samrat Ashok………………….. so many thing / word in my mind but be take care of it.

    • Truth
      April 22, 13:12

      Dear Ramesh, the truth is asoka was not belongs to may find out the real history if you search carefully.
      below the person who lies but still youll thinks that its true.
      “”Alois Anton Führer (26 Nov. 1853, Limburg an der Lahn, Germany – 5 Nov. 1930 Binningen, Switzerland) was a German Indologist who worked for the Archaeological Survey of India.[1] He is known for his archaeological excavations, which he believed proved that Gautama Buddha was born in Lumbini, Nepal.Führer’s archaeological career ended in disgrace. Under official instructions from the Government of India, Führer was relieved of his positions, his papers seized and his offices inspected by Vincent Arthur Smith on 22 September 1898. [5] Confronted by Smith about his archaeological publications and his report to the Government, Führer was obliged to admit that “that every statement in it [the report] was absolutely false.”[6] These activities were presaged by Führer’s publications on Sanskrit texts and law which, as shown by Andrew Huxley, are effectively works of plagiarism, large portions being copied from the writing of Georg Bühler.[7]””

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