Suryaputra Karn 24th February 2016 Written Update

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Suryaputra Karn 24th February 2016 Written Update by MA

Suryaputra Karn 24th February 2016 Written Episode

Vasudev Krishna gives start of episode moral gyaan. Karn tells Duryodhan they should not waste time here and prepare for war. Duryodhan says Kichak will help them find Pandavs and there will be no need for war if they capture Pandavs.

Kichak tells Pandavs that he will spare them and will not inform about their whereabouts to Durydoahan if they let him spend a night with Draupadi. Bheem angrily girps his neck and says these are his last words. Kichak says if they kill him, their 1 year agyatvas will go waste and Durydohan will easily identify them. Yudistra asks Bheem to leave Kichak. Bheem leaves him. Kichak leaves asking Pandavs to send Draupadi to his room tonight. Bheem asks Arjun if Yudistra did right. Arjun says yes and says Kichak will die for sure and he will kill him. He will hide in Kichak’s room and once he comes in, he can kill him.

Kichak comes to rajsabha and thinks once Draupadi comes here, he will expose Pandavs in front of Duryodhan. He searches her and walks towards lawn when Draupadi comes and says she will wait for him in his room and goes to his room. Bheem waits for Kichak eagerly hiding behind bed. Kichak enters and takes Draupadi out locking door from outside. Yudistra comes and unlocks door. Bheem comes out and says Kichak took Draupadi from here and they have to find out where did he take her.

Kichak takes Draupadi to raja’s room and says they can spend time here as Raja is busy in rajsabha. Draupadi excuses him for a min and goes. She informs Bheem and returns back. Kichak goes out in search of her and when he returns back and sees her on bed. He happily opens her veil and is shocked to see Bheem. Their fight starts with each of them beating each other. Shakuni waits for Kichak and thinks where did he go.

Precap: Bheem grips Kichak in his legs. Draupadi sees Shakuni coming and asks Bheem to hurry up. Shakuni sees Bheem and shouts Duryodhann…..

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