Kalash 22nd December 2015 Written Update

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Kalash 22nd December 2015 Written Update by Atiba

Kalash 22nd December 2015 Written Episode

Scene 1
Saket gets call from someone, he gets tensed and says i am coming, he says to Rekha that i have party meeting, i have to go, he leaves Roka. Ravi thinks that Saket seems tensed it means its related to Monty, i have to follow him, Ravi says to Rekha that i have meeting with Navi for a project so i have to leave, can i? Rekha says yes work is important, you go, Ravi puts hand around Devika’s shoulder and says i am leaving precious thing here, take care of her, Rekha smiles and says yes, Ravi greets Devika and leaves.
Saket goes in his car, Ravi tries to start his bike but its not starting, Ravi follows Saket’s car in auto rickshaw.
Navi is going and finds Monty, she sees him but he goes missing again.
Ravi comes to Navi and ask why did she call? Navi says i saw Monty today, i tried to follow him but he hided, i tried my best but he got lost again, Ravi says thank you so much, you have done so much for me, one side is my wife who is against me and you are doing so much for me, he hugs her, Navi is surprised and says i am with you Ravi, she moves her hand over him, he breaks hug and says what are you doing? Navi says i wanted to say something from many days, dont go away from me, i want to come closer to you, i will be good wife, from the time i have seen you, i just love you, i cant stay away from you, i love you alot… it all turns out to be Navi’s dream, she finds servant in her room who ask her to come for lunch, she scolds him and tells him to get lost, he goes, Navi says i have to fulfill my dream.
Ravi is following Saket, he says why Saket is going in same club where Monty and Sakshi got caught in drug case? what he is doing in this club, i have to find, Ravi comes in club and finds Saket talking to waiter, Saket says to waiter that i gave you money to framing Monty and Sakshi in drug case but i will not give you more money, dont try to blackmail me, waiter says you dont know it was such a big work, i had to put drugs over them too, our hotel’s license was going to cancel but i didnt take your name, Ravi thinks that it means nothing wrong happened in part, it was all Saket’s plan to frame Sakshi and Monty, Ravi’s phone rings, Saket sees someone standing behind pillar, he goes to check behind pillar but Ravi leaves from there in time, Saket thinks who was behind pillar listening my talks?
Ravi is hiding and says its Saket who trapped Sakshi and Monty, Navi calls him but Ravi says i cant take her call, i have to find that waiter, he ends call, Navi says i am dying to listen his voice and he has cut my call.
Saket brings waiter in corner, waiter says i need money, please give it, Saket points gun at him and says if you need bullets? he says no and gets afraid, Saket ask him to go back to his village and if he is seen again then he will him, waiter says i will go back, Saket says be careful, my men are keeping eye on your family in village, if you do anything against me then your family is gone, he gives him money and says this is money to buy ticket and go back to village, you should not be seen again, waiter agrees and leaves.

Scene 2
Devika ask Sakshi if she is not happy? if you are not happy with this marriage then tell me, i will stop this marriage, i will pacify Saket too, Sakshi recalls how Saket said cheap things to her like after marriage he will touch her everytime, how he is bullying her, Sakshi is afraid and says i thought alot and i got to know that few things are not in our control, Saket can be of any nature but i have to marry him, Devika says i feel Ravi will ask you to not marry Saket, he will try to convince you to say no for marriage but dont listen to him, Sakshi thinks that i know why Ravi is doing all this, he knows Saket’s truth too and wants to save me, Sakshi says ok i will not listen to him but you have to promise me that you will not fight with Ravi for me, you will try to understand him and will keep him happy, Devika says ok i promise i will keep him happy, i will fulfill all duties of a wife, Sakshi gets happy, Devika thinks how to tell you Sakshi that Ravi is behind making Monty runaway from marriage, he has snatched your happiness and you are still thinking about his happiness.
Ravi is finding waiter, he goes in staff room and comes out in waiter’s dress, he finds Saket coming there and bends down acting as if he is tying his shoe laces, Saket sees him but couldnt see his face as Ravi has his back towards Saket, Saket comes to Ravi and gives him his watch which was lying there, Ravi takes it, Saket leaves. some customers comes to Ravi thinking its manager, they complain about their room, Ravi says i will send someone to your room, customers ask them to come with them, Ravi goes with them, and is thinking where that waiter should be, Ravi finds same waiter whom Saket was talking, he says to customer that i will comeback.
Ravi comes to waiter and ask him to tell him everything what he knows, waiter says what? Ravi says i wanna everything which Saket did that night in party, so tell me everything, waiter is shocked.

PRECAP- Devika gets call that Ravi has been arrested, Devika gets shocked. Ravi is jail, Saket comes to him and smirks evilly.

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