Shashtri Sisters 14th March 2015 Written Update

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Shashtri Sisters 14th March 2015 Written Update by Amena

Shashtri Sisters 14th March 2015 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Anu wishing Rajat and giving him a good surprise. He thanks her. She says did he feel she is too boring that she can’t plan this, and list everyone who has helped her, and Neil says Sareen too. Rajat hugs Shastri ji. Astha signs Minty that she called her, and she disconnected, what can she do. Alka thinks what is Astha signing her. Vrinda comes and meets Alka. She asks about Rohan getting a job. Alka says yes. Devyaani thanks Neil and gives him a drink, as Anu said he helped a lot for party. He says why thanks, she is my Bhabhi, if I don’t help her, then who will.

She says orange is your fav. He says it was before, not now, I like cola now. Minty sees Anu and Veer talking and goes to fill Rajat’s ears. She says they were going to get married, and should feel awkward, see they are together, she should have planned party with sisters, what was the need to involve Veer in this, you might be thinking this. She makes him think. Anu comes to them and hear everything. Minty says I think Anu and Veer should not meet now, this closeness is not good. Anu is shocked and thinks why is mummy ji saying this, maybe she is mistaken.

Minty says the arrow has hit the target. Alka asks Anu for some masks for Astha and Vrinda. Anu thanks her for getting everyone on time, I wanted the smile on Rajat’s face which got when he saw everyone. Alka asks what happened to her. Anu asks her advice. She says when she was giving masks to everyone, she heard… Rohan calls Alka and Alka says we will talk later. Sunil and Astha gift Rajat. Rohan and Alka also gift him, and Astha passes taunts on them and their small gift. Rajat says a person’s intention is seen after gifts, not big or small, Rohan and Alka are my family, and their love is big. Minty calls Rajat and he goes. Astha taunts Rohan and says you might be thinking to use Rajat when Shastri ji asks you to leave, and taunts him calling him Ghar Jamai. Alka defends Rohan and says you should be ashamed.

She says if Rohan worked in your company, he would have not known his worth, he got good job in courier company and 5times the salary, you are guest here and we are taking care of you, you also take care of us. Minty sees Anu happily serving the snacks to guests.

She goes to Veer. She talks to him, and says see your friend Anu is working alone, I m feeling bad, I wanted to help but there are many guests, can you help her. He says yes sure and goes. She says he is an obedient guy. She looks for Rajat. Veer goes to Anu and says he came to help her. Minty shows this to Rajat.

Minty says I know you can’t see Anu and Veer’s closeness, I don’t know whats going on, I don’t like this. Anu hears this and is shocked. She thinks what is mummy ji doing, is she doing this intentionally. She recalls Simar’s words and thinks was she saying about this that I should be careful. He says Anu proved that she loves Anu, now Rajat has to prove how much he loves Anu. He tells everyone that Rajat has to find Anu from these ladies. Rajat goes to those ladies wearing mask and everyone look on. He gives hand to Anu and chooses right. He removes her mask and everyone clap for them.

Anu gives her hand and he holds her hand. She sings Main tenu samjhawan ki……………plays…………….They dance along. Devyaani looks at Neil and smiles. She stop him and says don’t know what mistake did, and she would have not done this if she knew he won’t talk to her, she will wait for him on terrace till he come, and she will not let him end their friendship. She goes. Minty looks at Rajat and Anu.

Neil says I love you, its more than friendship, I know you don’t think this. Devyaani says even I want to be close to you as you want, and smiles. He holds her and they kiss.

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  1. aqsa
    March 16, 03:11 Reply

    superb epi eagerly waiting for mon epi superb precap

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