Singhasan Battisi 15th November 2014 Written Update

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Singhasan Battisi 15th November 2014 Written Update by Tanaya

Singhasan Battisi 15th November 2014 Written Episode

The episode begins with,samrat recognises the people tat they are here to spread kam,krodh ,loh and moh while the lady says tat these are their names and they are here to influence people and they will start this with u so tat there will be no one remained to follow dharma krodh then warns samrat ttat they will kill him today definitely krodh then tries to influence samrat with his power but fails next moh also tries but fails then kam and then lobh also try but fail to influence samrat
Samrat then asks them politely tat who are they and y are they here but they don’t reply and show attitude then samrat says tat he has different solution to find out the truth and then with his powers he catches them and asks them for the last time tat who has send him them here all the four then tell tat there swami is the one who has humans as his riders and he is no one but kuber
Into old fort raja bhoj is shocked toknow tat he is kuber vajranti then tells tat wen matalakshmi gave kuber as a god of wealth he got greedy and thought as he is the only god and then kuber is seen in his kingdom where he orders everyone not to give wealth to human kind while devi pingla tells him tat he cant do this a human should get the wealth he deserves and says tat it is necessary to follow these gunas dharm arth kam moksh while kuber says tat no he will spread kam,krodh ,lobh and moh on earth and tells tat he will give a body to these qualities and sent them to earth to destroy them and orders them to follow as he says
Into old fort vajranti the tells tat and this is why these four are on the earth to destroy the human kind and believe only in kuber then she narrates tat samrat is surprised to hear tat kube is behind all this while kam,krodh,moh and labh warn samrat to release them as it wont be fine and kuber will not leave him so easily then samrat decides tat he will destroy these bodies which will eventually destroy these bad qualities and one by one with his powers samrat destroys everyone successfully
Kuber is seen angry and shouting tat how is it possible tat how can anyone destroy the bodies of kam,krodh,moh and lobh then devi pingla then tells tat he is the representative of god samrat chkaravarti raja vikramaditya and he has pursharth and so it was possible for him to destroy the four she then asks kuber to go and say sorry to him listening to this kuber gets angry and says to pingla tat he would first punish her for saying this but he cant as she is the gift given by indra dev and by doing this he will not hurt god indra and tells tat samrat should come and say sorry to him for his mistake while devi pinga says tat she is telling this to him because she doesnot want samrat to insult or hurt u while kuber says tat now he will eliminate all the wealth in samrats kingdom and then kuber goes on ride in his rath and starts vanishing the ornaments on villagers body or tat they have stored into ashes and kuber says tat until sunset the ornaments on samrats body will also vanish and then people all around are getting scared by noticing this one villager who does business of gold ornaments starts crying wen he sees tat all the ornaments in his shop as well as in his hand have turns into ashes and then all the wealth in the samrats palace also turns ashes
Maharani chitralekha comes running to samrat tat all her ornaments have turned into clay he is shocked to see that and then arrives varhamirji and tells samrat tat all the ornaments of the villagers have also turned in to clay villagers arrive and start crying saying tat everything has turned into clay and how will they survive while samrat assures them that give him time till tomorrow and he will fix this and then smarat thinks how must have this happen and he thinks may be god kuber has done lal this .

Kuber is asking samrat to consider him as god while samrat refuses to change his dharma and then kuber warns samrat of not accepting his and he will see the results

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