Meri Aashiqui Tum Se Hi 4th August 2014 Written Update

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Meri Aashiqui Tum Se Hi 4th August 2014 Written Update by Rimjhim

Meri Aashiqui Tum Se Hi 4th August 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1:
Location: Romil’s residence
A drunk and inebriated ranvir takes a cab and comes to romil’s house, to threaten him and puts a knife on his brother’s throat. His wife and father come to him and recognising him, beg him to take it back, and let romil go. ranvir says that romil should get what he dserves. He tries to make him understand, that he always thinks wrong of romil, but romil always wants best for him, and that he hopes that he would get his brother back, and not his property. His brother tries to calm him down, while ranvir threatens him that he didnt just hurt romil, but gauri too, and disrespected harshad which he wont tolerate at all. ranvir asks if he would call romil back, and give him his share. he agrees. ranvir leaves, and then turns around to say that if there’s police complaint then he would be have to face the consequences. He leaves, while they dont protest at all. ranvir eyes the toy knife, and thinks that he came in highly handy. meanwhile, romil’s brother calls the police to arrest ranvir, and tells them what he did. His father calls baa also to tell him about the same, while baa is furious, and shocked too to hear about this. she cancels the phone in rage.

The police comes with romil’s brother and tries to insult them, but baa comes in asking him not to behave disrespectfully again. she asks why would they spoil their relation, due to this. But romil’s brother doesnt let go, and when he continues, baa asks him to stop now. As ranvir comes in, he is shocked to find romil’s brother there, who accuses him of being inebriated. Baa identifies him as their servant, saying that they dont have any relation as to what he does outside the house, and asks him to do whatever they want to with him, and they wont interfere. The police asks why he threateneed, and he defiantly asks romil’s brother to answer this. the police gets angry and begin to thrash him. baa comes in saying that they should stop the drama, and do whatever they want with him, but get out of the house. the police take him away, while all are tensed, and baa is frustrated. ranvir turns around to look at the house, and then leaves with the police in the jeep. He thinks that maybe now ishaani can take a descision. hearing the police siren, she wonders why the police came at this time.

Downstaits, baa continues to vent out her frustration at ranvir, and warns everyone that noone should tell anything to harshad. Ishaani comes down tensed. baa shuts everyone down. Baa asks ishaani why’s she awake so late at night. Ishaani says that she got up from the sound. Baa orders her to go back to sleep and not interfere. ishaani complies.

The guard tells ranvir’s parents and they are shocked. amba rushes out, but her husband asks her not to, as baa wont help her, and harshad isnt here. She asks him to go to the police station while she would herself go to baa and even beg if she has to. Amba rushes to her, and asks her to save ranvir, as he respects her a lot. baa angrily tells her what she did. she begs baa to please save him, then she would herself punsih him. baa jerks her away with her feet, while her head is hurt. Amba winces in pain, but continues to plead for her son, while she throws her out, saying that he is getting what he deserves.

Scene 2:
Location: Police station
ranvir is locked in a cell. Baa calls the police to instruct him to beat him mercilessly, and ruthlessly. Baa thinks that now he would learn a lesson. In the police station, the inspector asks the hawaldars to beat ranvir upto pulp. They comply and start beating him ruthlessly. His parents are distraught as they see him being beaten up, and keep screaming innocence, but in vain. they beg them to stop, but noone listens, and instead they are told that their own masters got ranvir caught. they are shocked. outside, amba goes into a fit whiule her husband calms her down somehow.

The next morning, ranvir’s father rushes in haste, asking amba to stay here, as he is going to this just one person who can save him now.

Scene 3:
Location: ishaani’s residence and on the road
ishaani is shocked as hea hers about ranvir’s arrest from his father and asks why didnt he come to her sooner. ranvir’s father pleads to ishaani and says that only she can save him now, as the police said that only they can do something now. ishaani is tensed, and says that she wont let anything happen to her friend. she rushes out. she goes to sherman’s room,and romil and gauri’s room too but doesnt find them there, and sees that father;s phone is not reachable too. she calls sherman but it doesn tget through. she wonders what to do now. She comes to baa, and tries to plead, but she says that she knows already, and ishaani begs for mercy, while baa tells her what all she did. baa says that she cant afford another court case, and that this isnt good for gauri. Ishaani begs, while baa reprimands her for caring so much for the servant. baa reprimands her that if she does anything wrong, she wouldnt have any mercy at her at all. ishaani leaves.

In her room, ishaani cuddles in a corner and tearfully prays to the lord to please help her, as ranvir hasnt done anything wrong, and that he shouldnt be punished at all. She hopes that something happens. she calls up chirag, and breaks down, while he is tensed for her. she tells him about ranvir’s arrest, and chirag says that he wont let anything happen to ranvir, and asks her to have her trust on him. the screen freezes on her tensed face.

Precap: As ranvir confronts ishaani, she slaps him tight across his face. ishaani asks what did he think of himself that he would go in heroic style, and nothing would happen to him. she asks if he has any brain at all or not. Ranvir eyes her helplessly, and thinks that it did have the effect that he wanted her to have, and that now she is finally angry at him.

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  1. Minnal
    August 05, 01:18 Reply

    Ranveer should just leave this house & go faraway…
    Become a very rich man & then come back…
    Would love to c how Baa reacts then…
    Such an evil witch she is… Phyco women…

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