Doli Armaanon Ki 1st July 2014 Written Update

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Doli Armaanon Ki 1st July 2014 Written Update by Rimjhim

Doli Armaanon Ki 1st July 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1:
Location: Samrat’s office and hotel room
One of the employees call up samrat, while he is getting ready in his hotel room, to remind him about an important meeting today. samrat hollers at him instead and taunts him. A girl comes in, trying to be physically intimate with him, while he keeps getting tensed. he asks the receptionist to be prepared for the meeting. As she continues to hang around him, he gets irritated. Finally, he shoves her away, while she asks how rude is that. Samrat asks her to get lost, now that the work has been done. she leaves in a huff, while samrat continues to mumble in frustration.

Scene 2:
Location: Samrat’s and urmi’s residence
urmi comes to the Temple, and remembering tauji’s advise, she sits in front of the deity, dazed, dishevelled and distraught. She is determined.

In the drawing room, all are tensed. Finally, the phone rings and shashi hurriedly picks it up, and is tensed to find thsat its saroj. all are tensed. She tries to talk normally, as saroj asks about everyone there, and says that she is trying urmi’s number, and isnt able to talk to her, and that she is feeling a little uneasy. shashi lies to her that urmi is completely okay. Saroj insists on talking to her, but shashi makes up an excuse and says ythat she would get urmi to talk to her, once she is free, and asks her not to bother at all, as they are all here to take care of urmi. she cancels the call. she turns around and is tensed to find everyone angry with her and watching her sternly.

As saroj cancels the call, devi and granny ask her to be calm and composed, and not overthink and bother herself while she is highly tensed not being able to talk to urmi. granny says that urmi would call herself if there’s anything wrong. devi says that she has gotten into a habit of doubting everything and that urmi must be perfectly fine as usual. saroj says that he is always indifferent to urmi’s interests as if she has become a stranger after getting married to samrat. she stroms inside. Devi gets furious, while granny asks him not to prolong this any further and calm down.

Shashi tells kanchan to get urmi down from the temple, as she has made panjiri for her, so that she gets her strength back. kanchan complies and leaves. shashi hesitatingly approaches rudra saying that urmi shouldnt tell what happened to her family, even though its wrong, as its between a couple and there’s no point in trelling this to everyone, as it would lead to insulting them only. she asks rudra to manage to convince urmi to keep this a secret. Rudra asks that this is the reason she made panjiri so lovingly for urmi, so that she manages to lull urmi into silence. tauji thinks that shashi can never change. kanchan comes and tells that urmi isnt inside. Shashi gets tensed and asks aditi to look where’s urmi. rudra reminds shashi not to talk to urmi or force her into hiding this from her family. Aditi is tensed and rushes down to tell shashi and others that urmi is nowhere to be seen. shashi laments as to where could urmi be, if she isnt in the house. Rudra asks shashi to go and find urmi. they all begin searching. rudra calls the servants and ask about urmi. they say that they dont know and begint o search for her. all come and say thsat urmi is nowhere. shashi gets tensed that she may have gone to her famiuly and that would lead to a lot of trouble. kanchan is tensed, that urmi might take a wrong step in her disturbed state. All are shocked to hear this.

Scene 3:
Location: Samrat’s office and residence
samrat comes tired, and finds that everything is set for the meeting, and gives instructions to his employees. One of them asks if he would give the presentation, while samrat snubs him off, by insulting him in front of everyone. meanwhile, Shashi hurriedly calls up samrat, that she has been trying hard for his number. she tells him that there’s a huge problem and that urmi isnt at home. He gets tensed, and she says that she doesnt know where she went, as she looked very tensed. But samrat wards her off saying that she must have gone to her family. shashi tries to tell him that urmi might do something drastic in her state. But he discards off the idea. He shuts the phone. Rudra asks what did he say. She says that samrat is in a meeting. shaurya comes asking for urmi insistently. aditi tries to distract him by talking about video games, but he continues to rant about his mother. shashi reprimands him asking him to shut up, saying that its due to his mother that they are all so worried. rudra asks why is she shouting at the child, and says that they arent tensed for urmi, but due to her animalistic son, samrat. shashi is silenced.

Samrat begins with the presentation, and tries to convince the clients at his peak of conviction. The clients are impressed and decide to sign the deal straightaway. All congratulate each other. Meanwhile the police arrives. The police goes to samrat’s office and while he is busy in a meeting, they storm inside, and demand to know who samrat is. samrat is shocked, while all others are baffled. when he identifies hismelf, the police comments that he is very aggressive and that soon he shall be cooled down. he tells him that he is under arrest. samrat is shocked and embarassed. he fumblingly asks whats the matter and why is he under arrest. the police places him under charge for domestic violence, against his own wife, recounting what he did with his own wife. the clients are shocked. the police asks the hawaldars to handcuff him. samrat says that he cant arrest him just like that. the police says that he came with full prerparation and shows him the arrest warrant that has been issued against him. But samrat still denies to comply and tries to call someone, but the inspector snatches the phone from him, referring to him as an educated illiterate. The police says that he shouldnt botyher about wasting his time. the inspector grabs him by the neck, while samrat is shocked, and stands helpless, as they handcuff him. He tries to get the inspector to talk with him, but he drags him out in front of all of his employees, who are shocked. samrat is utterly frustrated at this insult.

Scene 4:
Location: Police station
The hawaldar drag samrat by the collar and get him down the jeep. as he is taken to the entrance of the police station, the people identify him and start commenting as to what he must have committed that he has been brought here. As samrat is dragged in the police station, he is shocked and bewildered to find urmi, in her wounded and bruised state, sitting there, confronting him with determination in her eyes. The screen freezes on his shocked face.

Precap: Granny tells urmi that what happened is very wrong. she instructs urmi to take back her complaint tomorrow morning. urmistoically denies that she wont do anything like that. all are shocked, including granny and devi, while shashi is concerned for her son.

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  1. tellywood
    July 02, 02:15 Reply

    I wanted to say hats off to neha marda for her superb acting during such tramatical and intense scenes. I also like (with respect to the unfortunate situation) how urmi’ s plight is different than the “poor girls” who have nothing else bad in their lives to worry about other than their social status or their insulting mother in law. In addition, a salute to mohit malik, who plays samrat. No, I’m not praising the character samrat, I’m praising the actor who had the guys to take on such a negative role without worry of what people will say. Plus, not everyone can act as titles and arrogant as he does. 😉

    • tellywood
      July 02, 02:18

      My apologies, I meant to say he has guts and that he plays a good job as a ruthless person. Sorry 🙂

    • daisy
      July 02, 09:53

      I actually cried through this episode. Urmi is in this situation because of her father and grand mother. The first time Samrat slapped her she went back home and these so called relative forced her to go back. what I don’t understand is, why in every serial these parents emotionally blackmail their children by threating suicide to get them to do what they want? since this seem to be working for them then why not have the children turn the table on them saying that we can do it together, because I prefer to die that go back to that situation. that will teach them.

  2. cuty m
    July 01, 18:01 Reply

    What samrat did was very bad, pls urmi should leave samrat and face her life. She should get another man and he should be samrat boss. And take care of her so much. Samrat did a very bad thing by beaten his wife and went 2 a hotel 2 sleep with a prostitute, no no, no 1 will accept this, we are women and we have our children girls 2. We need 2 protect them frm now on. So that no man will do that 2 them. After taking care of his family, his work, his home, his children and him in self. I can’t take that at all. And no 1 should. Urmi father 2 his bad. B/c of a watch given 2 him by samrat so he sell d honor and happiness of his baby girl. No no.

  3. kris
    July 01, 17:29 Reply

    I can’t believe these people, ok shashi is the wicked MIL, but that shitty grandma and Devi is just a bit too much, when urmi will be dead they will hold their heads and bawl or maybe they would say it’s Urmi’s fault.
    Why on earth would she go take back the charges, embarass the crap outta Samrat first and she should get an order against him, post it in the newspaper and let the whole world know he is a wife beater, if he kills her after then he would surely go to jail and at least she would have had done something at least. ooooooooooohhhh ghhhh, I am so angry, this is happening today all over the world, not only in India, but to actually see Indians treating their women, who are to be worshiped as Devis, gosh, and the MIL supporting it to????? she should be ashamed to be called a woman
    Aradhana, you keep faith in God my dear, one day you will be able to live, live respectably with head held high, give that little one a life full of love, teach him to be a real man,
    I understand fully what you are going through, my mother went through the same as Urmi, oh she had to put up with the same kind of wicked MIL, urmi is lucky she has Tauji and her FIL is good, my grandfather was just as bad as his wife. but by the grace of God, my mother lived through it all.
    You are lucky to get out of that situation, I know it takes a lot of courage to walk out. but good going, keep on going dear.

    Only weak men beat on women,
    Wonder if Shashi starts getting the same treatment from her husband what would she do.

    • Sonya
      July 03, 14:18

      I love to see Shasi being treated the same way but Rudra is a gentleman.

  4. ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
    July 01, 15:56 Reply

    This is what the former Prime Minister of India had to say about it .
    I wonder if Narendra Modi will be more effective on these issues . .

    New Delhi: Against the backdrop of rape and other crimes, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today favoured putting in place institutional mechanisms to ensure safety and security of women and children.

    Addressing a conference of top police brass of the country, Dr Singh said the tragic rape and murder of a young girl in Delhi last December not only brought into sharp focus the issue of women’s safety but also the rising expectations of the people from the police in preventing such crimes.

    “We have recently enacted several laws providing stringent punishment for such crimes and more sensitive treatment of victims during investigation and trial.

    “We also need to put in place other institutional mechanisms to ensure the safety and security of women and children. I expect the DGPs of states to show leadership in this area,” he said.

    The Prime Minister, however, did not elaborate what the institutional mechanism would be.

    The comments come in the midst of the raging controversy over the alleged sexual assault on a woman colleague by Tehelka founder Tarun Tejpal.

    After the December 16 incident, the government had amended various provisions of law and strengthened those related to crime against women and children.

  5. ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
    July 01, 15:50 Reply

    New Delhi: Three men who gang-raped a 19-year-old girl in Delhi in February 2012, poured acid on her and later gouged out her eyes with a screwdriver have been sentenced to death by a city court.

    The teenager’s mutilated and decomposed body was found in a village in Haryana three days after she was kidnapped on her way home from her office in Gurgaon. Her body also bore cigarette burn marks.

    According to the prosecution, the convicts repeatedly raped and brutalized her for three days before she died. Two of the convicts were brothers. The prosecution said they had planned revenge on the girl, who had rejected their advances.

    The Delhi Police had asked for the death sentence for the rapists saying their crime was in the rarest of rare category. The prosecution also told the court that the convicts had not shown any remorse during the trial. The trio was convicted on Thursday.

    The girl, who worked as a data entry operator in Gurgaon, was kidnapped by the three men near her house in Qutub Vihar area of Delhi. She was allegedly raped and tortured till she died on February 9, 2012.

  6. ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
    July 01, 15:47 Reply

    Anyone thinking that these abused women can easily find a way out of their troubles , should just search New Delhi crimes against women . Here is just one example :

    New Delhi: A man, convicted for abetting suicide of his 26-year-old wife, has been sentenced to seven years in jail by a Delhi court which said crime against women must be “dealt with strictly”.

    Additional Sessions Judge Sandeep Yadav said convict Udai Narayan Yadav does not deserve a lenient view as any leniency in such cases would send a “very wrong message” to society.

    Holding that the punishment must match the gravity of the offence in order to have a “deterrent effect”, the court said he does not deserve a lesser sentence as he subjected his young wife to cruelty, compelling her to end her life.

    “A young woman lost her life because of cruel treatment meted out to her by convict Udai Narayan Yadav. The crime committed by the convict is in fact a crime against a woman which must be dealt with strictly. Any leniency in such cases will send a very wrong message in society.

  7. ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
    July 01, 15:43 Reply

    I found this initiate to be quite interesting .

    OdishaPink ride to women safety
    The Statesman28 Jun 2014|
    Special auto-rickshaw service for female commuters initiated in Bhubaneswar
    Bhubaneswar, 27 June
    The pink auto-rickshaw service, an initiative of commissionerate police to ensure safety of women commuters in Bhubaneswar, kicked off today.
    Chief minister Mr Naveen Patnaik inaugurated the facilities in which 200 vehicles have been included in the first phase.

  8. Pani
    July 01, 14:40 Reply

    Apparently these cvs aim to bring Urmi and Samrat together at some point. @Aaradhna is right and as the spoiler indicates Urmi will go back and retrieve the complaint and continue to stay with Samrat.

    This serial therefore is just reinforcing the terrible doctrine metted out on the girl child in India. What a pity!

    That Urmi ignores Samrat as per the spoiler is not enough for what he did to her! Come on! Really? is this it? You cvs are here to tell women no matter what don’t leave! Even if it means dying? For heavens sake the man beat her and locked her in the room to bleed to death!! Went about his life as if nothing happened do you think viewers will ever accept them as a loving couple?! You want to stir pity with this accident track but guess what we wished beyond a fracture Samrat had lost more than that. You guys have painted this character so bad viewers will never sympathize with him.

    As for Shashi…she will pay someday for this from Samrat s very hands.

    Its time Samrat s family too stood up for Urmi if they really think what was done to her was wrong.

    • ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
      July 01, 15:58

      I think that this show realistically portrays the type of woman who raises such mobsters as Samrath .

    • devya
      July 01, 18:48

      Well done Sagree,some men believed that when a woman depends on them they must used n abuse her at their disposal.

      I like your independence,you make good use of your knowledge,so nice of you to share,it will surely give encouragement to friends who is facing situation to be courageous n move on

    • devya
      July 01, 18:29

      MU, you r so right granny should really KEEP her mouth closed,injustice n physical bodily harm was done to urmi n yet she must accept it all n listen to the lectures from granny n devi tauji is also old but he is fair minded. He is not tolerating injustice just as WELL rudra.

      What is wrong with these old people,for God sake u people have some sympathy…don’t look what society have to say when your daughter is being tortured

  9. Anonymous
    July 01, 13:54 Reply

    Yes shurti I totally agree with u that’s the spirit now 🙂

  10. iCandy
    July 01, 13:54 Reply

    Shashi would never learn. She disgusts me! Go Urmi, you’ve got your viewers support!

  11. Sabiya
    July 01, 13:54 Reply

    I was thinking that Granny s talking about what that samrat did was wrong but she is askinkg urmi to take back the complaint she s a monster to tell this to her own granddaughter it s good urmi dont listen to this Granny she dont deserv to be Granny

  12. subha
    July 01, 13:47 Reply

    what the hell is with this granny . she should be sent to old age home .

    • iCandy
      July 01, 13:51

      I agree with you…. Somebody should put some licks on her an then she might understand what Urmi is going through….

    • devya
      July 02, 02:06

      I think so TOO granny is playing peace maker,n match maker thus making her grand children life miserable.

      She n devi need to stay out n abstain from making rules n laws concerning the children welfare..

      Samrat really think he is above the law,I felt good seeing him in the bangles lol,n the chucking up n dragged out by the collar,it was a nice scene to watch the egoistic samrat embarrassment.

      He should be ashamed his reputation will be tarnished because of his ego…shameless businessmen!!!

  13. aaradhna
    July 01, 13:46 Reply

    yes urmi will stay with samrat after this as this is the way parents teach their children to behave. After marriage anyways there left no place for a girl at her home maximum a month or a two. I left my home for doing graduation and only after one year when i visit my home more than three times other than vacation, i was told rightaway by my sister and mother that it is best that i come to visit their home only during festivals and vacation only and get a job nearby my college in that city someday. even to keep my bag somewhere becomes a issue as my room was occupied now by my sister and she was simply not ready to share it with me again and my mother simply don’t like the idea of placing my not so good looking bag in her bedroom. so where will i go. i cry and understood girls don’t have any home not her own not of her husband they are shelterless always and are visitors only from one home to another all through their lives

    • iCandy
      July 01, 13:53

      If thi is what parents are teaching then they are teaching the wrong thing. Noway any woman should stay with a husband like samraat. It’s violence and in this age and time we as women have laws to protect us and we need to use them to save our lives.

      Certain parts of India needs to modernize themselves…

    • Miss Unbeliavable
      July 01, 14:23

      India is a hypocrite how can you people tell your daughters to emulate the goddesses and you treat them like shit

      aardhana you go girl get that lavish style for yourself and son

      teach him to be a man

      you need people who support you and understand you

      its time to leave the past and concentrate on the future

      Vengeance is mine Says the Lord

      Thats what the Bible says. Even when everyone turns their back on you God sees all and He doesnt sleep. He will punish the wicked and give justice to all

      Just keep having faith in Him and hope, For our God is not man who fails in promises but a God who keeps promises and rewards 10 times more than a mere mortal would do.

    • Pani
      July 01, 14:45

      oh yes He sure is MissU. Our God is awesome and His eyes are fixed on Aaradhna. He always vindicates the righteous and downtrodden. He will see her through.

    • ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
      July 01, 15:00

      aaradhna I feel your pain through your words . I wish that your circumstances could have been better . Your mom is doing wrong I think , to treat you that way . I know that it’s customary in some parts , to distance the relationship between the family of the bride and the husband has all rights over his wife after marriage . The woman is treated too much like property and not enough as an individual with rights of her own . Women are equal to men , but certain societies have a long way to go before they can fully recognize that . The government has to allow equal education and work opportunities for women and also need to provide a safe environment for them . It takes enormous and collective effort to make effective changes to long established ways of thinking . Paradigms don’t shift easily .

    • Sagree
      July 01, 15:28

      Thought I will share with u, that it is important for a women to have self respect, every women today should be independent, work and earn, in the event of something like this happening, women are able to stand on their own. I have been in a very similar position as Urmi, my sanity was my job, I divorced, moved into a little flat with my children and just kept going, proud to say, put my children through good education, both of them have great jobs, I am totally independent, own two properties, have two cars, a good paying job, Tavel overses often…. So a lesson for all women, work, earn, be independent and have money kept aside for that rainy day..

    • Miss Unbeliavable
      July 01, 16:53

      so happy for you Sagree

      i wish you can personally communicate with Aardhana and support her

      she needs more persons like you in her life

      she needs hope and your story is giving her that 🙂

    • devya
      July 01, 18:42

      MU,so sweet of you to give aaradaana satisfaction n encouraging words of support….She truly needs those comforting words r such a great friend..

      I have a few friends from India who r professionals,like engineers ,pharmacists,owners of businesses,those people r very family oriented n civilized not like the average class people who r dwelling on society n man made traditions and rules

      Men made those tradition n rules . God didn’t say no way injustice unfairness must be given to women. No religious text didn’t state women must be slaves working along with husband rules …such ignorance n stupidity women should be doomed to s life of slavery. Not right.

  14. Shruti
    July 01, 13:22 Reply

    If urmi stays with samrath after this then this show is teaching women that you should stay with you husband event hough he is trying to kill you.

    • Pani
      July 01, 13:28

      word!! The cvs to this show need to thread carefully.

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