Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke 23rd May 2014 Written Update

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Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke 23rd May 2014 Written Update by Sona

Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke 23rd May 2014 Written Episode

Seema was in the kitchen when Gunjan comes there. She tells Gunjan to make tea. Gunjan says to Seema that don’t you think we are getting too much into this Guru ji, it is ok he came here and did some miracles but whatever Mayank did in life was all by himself. But now Mayank is getting too much into it. Seema says you are disrespecting God. Mayank calls her, Gunjan sees him coming ready. Gunjan says where are you going, he says he want to see Guru ji and asks Seema to get ready. Gunjan tells him to do the breakfast then she will also go with them. He agrees.

Dadi sees Rachna sketching in the workshop. She meets Rachna, who tells her KT isn’t here. Dadi says she knows and so is she here to ask her who that new girlfriend of KT is. Rachna recalls Kamla and nods. Dadi gets excited asking did she meet her? Rachna says she hasn’t met her but she is pretty and sweet. Dadi says she is happy atleast her Nanha talk to Rachna. Rachna says I will show you something of that girl. She goes to the dress board and seeing Kamla’s photo wipes her tears. Dadi can see Rachna standing in front of the mirror.

Gunjan was frustrated sitting in the car. They have to pass strict security in the ashram. Gunjan says it seems more of a palace.

Dadi says live long KT as your girl friend is pretty and sweet and will keep you happy. She says thankyou Rachna for showing. Rachna turns around, sees her looking in the mirror and turns around to interpret her meaning again. She thinks she wish what you think would have been true. Rachna shows Dadi the photo of Kamla and tells her this is KT’s girl friend. Dadi is speechless.
They come into the line of Guru ji. Gunjan was unhappy.

Rajiv was eating fruit in the room when KT comes inside. KT tells him Miss garg work with him. Rajiv says she told him, KT begins to leave by saying she left nothing for him to tell. Rajiv comes to him and says sorry for coming in between them and he couldn’t let her meet his girl friend. KT says yes I am being selfish and you really came between.

Everyone runs as the Guru ji enters, some girl reflects mirror on Gunjan’s face from the window of a nearby room. Gunjan traces the source of reflection and sees a girl running in the corridor. The guards followed her. Gunjan also runs after them. The Guru ji comes to his seat and says his believers are thirsty of good, and God has sent him to get them rid of false. He then treats a patient miraculously.

KT comes to see Dadi in his room. Dadi asks won’t he show her her girl friend. KT says he will show her if there is one. Dadi told him that Rachna told her she is Kamla; but why she hid her? KT says he is only a good friend and was helping her meet whom he loves; but its useless now. Dadi asks who that girl is. KT says I will tell you but you won’t tell anyone about it. He says he likes Rachna.

PRECAP: The girl runs into a woody area, the guards and Gunjan following. Gunjan changes her path and holding the girl’s mouth hides her near a wall. Mayank says he will call her, her phone rings and guards get attentive towards their side.

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  1. Teena
    May 26, 05:33 Reply

    Wat about vihaan.hope vihaan or kabir turns into villain

  2. Disha
    May 25, 17:25 Reply

    Dadi tell Rachna that Kt loves her

    • sana
      May 25, 21:48

      dadi bring rachna kabir together dadi do something

  3. Disha
    May 25, 17:24 Reply

    Dadi tell rachna that Kt loves her

  4. valar
    May 25, 05:51 Reply

    awwww…so sweeeeeet …heyyyyy..kabir releaved to dadi OMG

  5. Kris
    May 24, 08:14 Reply

    Wow, I so agree with all of you, I had gotten so fed up and tired of this show but since KT entered the scene I’ve been looking off and on, missed some wonderful episodes due to lack of interest, but wow, dadi go girl do your thing, get Rachna and KT hooked.
    Tired of the Gunjan scene, ok before she married Mayank, was eh, neither here nor there with too much Gunjan and less Rachna, I din mind, but now, gross, too much Gunjan

    • sana
      May 24, 18:18

      i am agree too

  6. wendira
    May 23, 20:41 Reply

    Love Gunjan but tired of the storylines centering around her. I want to see some romance between Rachna and KT!!!!!!!! Dadi should get the ball rolling by taking a marriage proposal to Rachna’s parents.

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      May 23, 20:44

      I agree about Gunjhan . .
      That would be wonderful if Dadi did that 🙂 . .

    • sana
      May 24, 18:26

      dadi need to help kt out by telling rachana that kt love her dadi tell kabir win rachna love

  7. ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
    May 23, 18:55 Reply

    Awww , such a sweet episode 🙂 . .
    I’m using my powers of selective reading and trying to avoid the names Gunjhan , Mayank and Seema 😀 .
    In that way it became a perfect episode . .:)
    Yay !!! KT expressed his love to a virtual professional at getting things done . .
    Now that his Dadi knows , she’ll surely find a way to unite Rachana and KT . ..
    Rachana is very afraid to admit her love to anyone . ..

    • devya
      May 23, 19:31

      Hi Phoenix,I’m so happy KT finally disclose it to his dadi. So she will surely get rachna to agree for her KT.

    • ℘ɧơɛŋıҳ
      May 23, 19:39

      Hi Devya 🙂 , you look at most of the shows I watch . ..
      I just love KT , the way he looks hurt and confused and in love with just one expression is pure brilliance . ..
      When he was pouring the water , I felt both sorry and amused at his composure 🙂 . .
      He seems to good for this show somehow . .
      These creatives better give him quality airtime. .

    • sana
      May 24, 18:21

      kabir dadi tell kabir to win rachna heart

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