Rangrasiya 14th March 2014 Written Update

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Rangrasiya 14th March 2014 Written Update by Atiba

Rangrasiya 14th March 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1
chachi says i want to talk to thakur, she ask who are you, thakurin says i am his wife, wh are you, thakur says ket me talk, mohini says i have prepared everything, i will send you girl but you have to kill rudra otherwise he will make our life hell, he says i know how to fulfill my promise, she cancels phone, thakurian, ask everything okay? he says i will make it okay.

In haveli, sunehri brings paro for haldi, she places curtain between paro and rudra says its because they cant see each other, rudra’s sleeve get stuck in curtain, he tries to take it out, paro comes there, she says careful else curtain will be torn, she helps him, they look at each other through curtain (RR song plays).

haldi ceremony starts, chachi applies haldi to rudra snd says congrats. sunehri applies to paro, dilsher applies to rudra and ask why so stubborn, he says its in blood. chachi applies it to paro, sumer tries to applies haldi to rudra but he stops, some lady in veil comes there and applies haldi on rudra, he tries to see her but samrat comes and applies haldi to him

lady comes in hall, she is laila, she mixes some powder in haldi and says ranwat you doubted me because of her when i didnt do anything but from now on there will be only scares on your moon(paro). she goes inside, sits infront of paro, takes off her veil, paro sees her. maithili says you are same, laila says yes i danced in sangeet, i do drama and came to do drama. today i will apply haldi to her and dont stop me as our prayers set home and also destroyes them, paro thinks i have seen her, laial applies haldi on her cheeks, neck, arms, and says be happy, paro says i have seen you, laila says you have good memory, paro remembers her that she came in her 1st wedding, she whisper in paro ‘s ears that you must remember my advise, paro remember her saying that 3rd type of man are animal, laila applies haldi on her back and says how can you forget that,

she starts leaving rudra stops her and ask what are doing here, she says i cam to give blessing, rudra says i dont believe you, he sees haldi in her hand, she says dont touch, it is.. rudra sees paro has applied haldi,

maithili says i will bring food for you, rudra comes to her and ask her to come outside, he takes her out, and throws water on her, paro protests, he grabs her and puts water pipe on her, she says dont touch me or i will die, rudra says you will die for sure as there is poison in haldi, paro says i dont believe, it starts itching at her back, rudra ask what its itching? she nods, he starts wiping haldi and is concerned for her, he comes closer to her to remove from her cheeck, they gets drenched in water, he looks at her(RR song plays). he is wiping haldi from her back, laila comes there and says i have other way to kill her, she pushes rudra and tries to attack paro with knife, she shouts rudra, rudra holds her hand and pushes her, she gets hurt at head, she says you hurt me for her, rudra says laila, she says dont tell her my name, she says tell her full truth, who am i, she is your would be wife and i.. rudra says enough, talk with respect infront of her, she says no secret will be hidden today, he says laila, she says 1st tell me why you said to be in limits infront of her, you were animal then how you became human, she says you to paro, rudra blocks her way to paro, she says you are not allowing me to even look in her eyes, what you think that i will cast evil eye on her, she says you cant look in my eyes today, how can you forget that in 8 years you only allowed me to look in your eyes, shoed me your wounds, tell her i am, rudra says enough. he takes dupatta, drapes around paro and takes her from there, he ask her to go in sunehri’s room. laila looks on.

Scene 2
rudra comes to laila, she says 8 weeks old is important fro then 8 years girl. rudra says i told you not to come, she says i dont know anything, what i am not beauthiful? not intelligent? she says dont deny my love, rudra says what love, where love between us, i never said that i loved you, she says sun doesnt rise after saying, he says i never promised you my love, i left you in chandangarh but you came here behind me. he says you know i dont believe in love, i hate love, she says lie you say you hate love then whats there between you and her? rudra looks on.

PRECAP- chachi says to girl that you decorated room nicely with diyas, go wear bridal dress. beema calls thakur and says everything is set, we see guns are being packed to be smuggled. chachi says paro rudra’s love will be removed by thakur and dilsher will burn here, all problem will vanish in one go.


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  1. poornima
    March 16, 17:24 Reply

    Nice episode.Enjoyed a lot.waah rudra’s care for paro is just awesome.love is care……….

    • tithi
      March 15, 05:17

      Same to u di.tc.

  2. Superb episode..:-)..

    Loved the way rudra was so concerned for paro..:-O..

    Hehe when rudra asked paro “kya hua jal raha hai”.. N the way she nodded.. Awww paro i felt like pulling ur cheeks such a cute kid like innocence…:-*..:-*..

    Rudra/ashish plz paani mein zyada mat raha karo plz. Again fir se bimar padgaye toh..:-/.. .

    Laila love is all abt giving my dear not demanding or blackmailing… Now rudra wont be seeing u anymore.. Maano ki “the end” hogay LaRud relationship ki…

    Precap… Great.. Waitin for the mahashivratri dhamaka..:-)..

    Thanx for the wu n for pics too..:-)..

  3. sri
    March 15, 03:51 Reply

    hello frnds…actually wen is their marriage??

  4. Shaluu
    March 15, 03:07 Reply

    rudra to laila: kabardhar iss ke paas aaana…
    same line whr RK says to dipali in MEIEJ…
    waah waah waah!!!!

    just loving the track…
    wish no one gets hurt in maha shivrathri…

    but sure… rudra ko goli lagne waali hai…. just my intution…

  5. S
    March 15, 00:50 Reply

    Happy Holi to all.

  6. S
    March 15, 00:49 Reply

    Rightly said by Laila that it is Rudra’s love for Paro which makes him care for her. Very nice scene.PARUD are awesome.

  7. Sweety08
    March 14, 23:32 Reply


    Tell me how is your work going?? when you will be available in google hangouts usually?

  8. Shaluu
    March 14, 23:24 Reply

    di.. i replied to u di…
    aap gayab???? 🙁 🙁
    i’m talking to u sweety sweet di….

    • Sweety08
      March 14, 23:25

      i replied also..check it ma…

    • Shaluu
      March 14, 23:27

      checked di.. 🙂

      today hli special in colors.. 😀 😀

    • Sweety08
      March 14, 23:28

      Ya all stars in one place..but how all meet in one place..in beintehaa they shown as they are organizing holi party..but other serials they shown precap how is it possible?

  9. Shaluu
    March 14, 23:23 Reply

    really excited for next episode…

    di ur watching MB???

    • Sweety08
      March 14, 23:24

      Sorry now only i saw it..:-(

      ya watching only..what to do for dd iam watching now somehow ak is ok only..not 100% like rk

  10. Shaluu
    March 14, 23:19 Reply

    love the way he cares for paro….
    laila is very cheap…..
    too maany enemies… 🙁 :'(

  11. Shaluu
    March 14, 23:17 Reply

    chachi is planning to eliminate evry1…
    wish paro hears their talking…

    • Sweety08
      March 14, 23:19

      hey one thing sure why you are not talking to me.

    • Shaluu
      March 14, 23:21

      di.. i replied di.. see down… 🙁

  12. Shaluu
    March 14, 23:15 Reply

    my GOD!!!!!!!!!
    can’t believe paro called rudra… she always says devil??????????
    wow… she’s falling for him… 🙂 🙂

    • Sweety08
      March 14, 23:17

      U noticed one thing shalu, she always mis understood rudra..even though he cared for her

    • Shaluu
      March 14, 23:18

      yep.. di… thts becoz of thakur… he brainwashed evry1 in birpur.. 🙁

  13. Shaluu
    March 14, 23:10 Reply

    loved the epi…
    wish i could see it.. 🙁 🙁

    • Sweety08
      March 14, 23:14

      Hi @shalu,

      How are you..missed u so much..episode was good na..i think that girl is laila

    • Shaluu
      March 14, 23:16

      hi di… i’m fine..
      missed u too di..
      how r u???

      episode rocking …. 😀 😀

  14. K@J@!
    March 14, 20:22 Reply

    Parud Rokzzzzz i loved the epi

  15. vithu
    March 14, 16:56 Reply

    Happy holi to alL RR fans and others
    May this holi bring colourful to u r life
    like Rang Rasiya giving colours to our life


  16. minu
    March 14, 15:12 Reply

    happy holi for all rr fans………….

  17. I love the pair…………… I was one of the people who was supporting arshi from my soul……… but I am going crazy seeing parud pair…………

    • vithu
      March 14, 15:04

      same here lol
      after arshi they are going to touch my heart with awesome scenes luv parund

      i never wanted monday to come but after Rang Rasiya im eagerly waiting for Monday to come :]

  18. jane
    March 14, 14:17 Reply

    hi frnds. i’m big fan of rangrasiya. superb episode tday. love ashish & sanaya. waiting for next episode. will rudra marry paro?????????

    • Vithu
      March 14, 14:29

      i want both of them to get married but i dont think so ………..
      fingers crossed jane
      nice meeting u

  19. sri
    March 14, 13:51 Reply

    can anyone tell wats d relation between rudra nd laila?

    • Vithu
      March 14, 13:59

      laila madly in luv with rudra but rudra dosent luv her back
      she is a very obsessed women

    • ananya-aka-anu-for-short
      March 14, 13:59

      She saw him 8 years back……..she was kind of a call girl………and has fallen in love with him and wants to marry him……….. I think he uses her for physical needs. …….. but after a while he says that he is not a person to depend upon because he hates everyone in his life and there is nothing like love in his life…….. but laila didn’t stop following him………. and comes to his tent some nights and spend nights with him……….

    • sri
      March 14, 14:05

      spends nights wid him???? nd he uses her for physical need??? rudra doin dis??

    • Vithu
      March 14, 14:32

      yes sri rudra doing this forcefully
      but he is not spending time with her because he wants to though……..
      Laila is making him to do it……… hate laila

      but rudra’s charater is not like that ……….

    • Vithu
      March 14, 14:33


    • sri
      March 14, 14:35

      ok thank u so much vithu nd ananya

    • ananya-aka-anu-for-short
      March 14, 14:36

      Yes………… a person has grey shades to his character right????

      And I don’t think he is the one who started the relationship I think it was laila………….. and why does paro care their marriage is a fake one right????

    • Vithu
      March 14, 14:40

      u r welcome sri
      ya thats true anu
      and i also think that laila is the one who started the relation

    • Lovelyyy123
      March 14, 14:47

      No… I think Rudra & Laila were boyfriend + girlfriend. Because Laila herself said they’ve been together for 8 years. Rudra just didn’t love her back. But Laila did. He was probably in the relationship for her. Or, he was in the relationship because he needed someone to share his feelings with. And for physical needs… Rudra does not even let Laila flirt with him. So…

    • vithu
      March 14, 14:58

      ya true lovely
      but the way u said it kinda relates to Arnav and Lavenya frm IPKKND lol

      just hate laila
      nice meeting u lovely

  20. Vithu
    March 14, 13:51 Reply

    OMG wt an episode
    Parund rocks

    i just luv the way Rudra cared for Paro
    Laila i feel bad for u but its true that Rudra dosent luv u and he luv paro
    forget rudra and stop harming paro or Rdra will kill u lol

    Today’s episode is too good
    i felt the same way as i felt when i watched iipkknd
    Rang Rasiya rocks :]

    Sanaya and ashish rocks
    awesome chemistry between Sanaya and Ashish aka Paro and Rudra

    in the Precap scene
    i think the girl is laila
    and chachi is telling her to dress up as paro

    i hope anu and my prediction will come true

    totally today’s episode is too awesome

  21. geetha.tn
    March 14, 13:45 Reply

    Hai am a fan of rangrasiya. But I don’t know Hindi so anyone please tell me what’s the meaning of rangrasiya

    • Vithu
      March 14, 13:55

      hello geetha welcome to the show of passion Rangrasia lol
      as anu said colours of passion, its also means that passionate lovers of colors
      which mean the same thing

      wt language do u speak then

    • ananya-aka-anu-for-short
      March 14, 14:02

      If the question was for me then the answer is Malayalam. ………..the way I know is once I was really researching about rangrasiya and google once said that it means colors of passion……..

    • Vithu
      March 14, 14:35

      no anu the question is not for u lol
      its for geetha
      but its great to know that u speak malayalam
      i speak hindi:] but im more fluent in english lol

      are on India Forum

    • Vithu
      March 14, 14:36

      i mean are u on india forum anu lol

    • Vithu
      March 14, 14:42

      oh its a website
      that ppls makes thread and chat abt shows
      and all

    • vithu
      March 14, 14:55

      ya sure
      www. india forums.com
      because i cant cut and paste it

  22. Today’s episode was extremely good. ………honestly I am being an obsessed fan. ………..if this serial stops I will surely go into depression. …………

    • Vithu
      March 14, 13:57

      ok same here anu
      i will also go into a depression for u sure as well

    • lia
      March 14, 14:23

      Me too. I will also go into depression. I just love this serial.

    • lia
      March 14, 14:25

      Rudra and Paro are so cute. They are perfect for each other.

    • evangeline
      March 14, 17:05

      don’t even think about it ananya…i will cry if it ends

    • Riya george
      March 15, 07:34

      Hi Anu evn i am a huge fan of Rangrasiya.,& i 2 speak malayalam…

  23. arshi
    March 14, 13:12 Reply

    wow………paro called rudra…………..awsome

    • Vithu
      March 14, 14:44

      ya that surprised me alot
      which gives us a glimpse of love :]
      its also shows that paro need for rudra, when she is in danger

  24. mehronissa
    March 14, 12:48 Reply

    fantastic episode love each n every moment btwen parud aww Rudra z so caring waiting for next episode:)))

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