Jodha Akbar 11th March 2014 Written Update

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Jodha Akbar 11th March 2014 Written Update by Atiba

Jodha Akbar 11th March 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1
Jalal says i didnt know this was happening in harem. jodha says you win war and doesnt see what happens to the people you won in war, some are being taken here and other are being sold, i saw banhies in very suffering situation when i went to mandir, i meet babu there. I cant change whats happening outside but i can start changing from my house.. jalal says you are right, jodha says people should know that you love them, bad thing happens but we have to replace them with good things, jalal says you are right, i am with you, i will see who will make people servants from now on, you are free to do anything in harem, i am with you, i will support your any decision, you remove salivary from harem and i will see politics, he leaves jodha is surprised to see his confidence on her.

Scene 2
Suja is in market, security is tight, every suspicious person is being checked. some soldier ask him to clear way, he thinks that i have to meet jodha, i have to tell her that jalal’s life is in danger and tell her that someone from palace is involved in this.

Jalal and atgah in common man’s dress comes to market, jalal says why this servants’ selling buying is being done when i stopped it, he comes where servant is being sold for very low rates, bandhi pleads to let her take his son but man buys bandhi and takes her away, jalal says this have to change, i will do anything to stop this.

Scene 3
In harem, two begums come to jodha, they claim same ring to be theirs, jodha says i will check this ring’s data where everything is written whose thing is whose, hamida comes there and says today is jashn for you and you are stuck here, jodha says its my work, hamida says salima told me what step you have taken for bandhies, jalal also supported you so i brought some some gifts for you, she gives her gifts and says when you came here many were against you but forced them to change their mind about you, i thought jalal was alone but now he have partner, he is happy around you, i hope same for you , do you have any complaint against him? jodha says he doesnt give chance for complaints, salima says there are some dresses, wear in jashn from them.

Scene 4
Atgah is checking about jashn’s preparation, suja comes there and says i can give message to this minister, he writes on paper and gives it to one kid to give this atgah, he gives it to atgah, suja thinks who is he who wants to kill jalal and who is involved with him, i cant let this happen, atgah says who gave you this, suja leaves, atgah ask to make security tight, sharif comes there and is stunned to see strict security, atgah informs him that i got news that abul mali wants to kill jalal in jashn, sharif says what else you know? atgah nothing, you came here on right so i appoint you for jalal’s security, sharif and thinks you appointed wrong person. he thinks who gave this message to atgah.

Scene 5
Resham says what problem you have with jodha. mahma says she is standing against me, she stopped me and also took jalal from me, i thought ruks will help me but she is of no use, jodah’s jashn is being announced and ruks is getting ready. Javeda comes there and says i dont know what to wear in jashn, i want to look beautiful in jashn, maham says i will give you bandhi to get ready, you look good, javeda says you seem jealous but said a good thing, maham shouts that i am chief minister and you are talking infront of me, resham ask her to control, maham says go and get ready, javeda says you seem tensed today, i will go and get ready.

Scene 6
Jodha says moti what color should i wear? jalal says gree color, it intensify your beauty, jodha says why you came here you coud have called me, jalal says it is sin to call a lady who is getting ready, i need permission, jodha says yu dont need any, jalal says i have to as you pushed me once when i didnt took your permission, jalal says i want your permission will you walk with me in jashn? jodha says its an honour for me, jalal says i am confused why you drank poison for me, jodha says to save your life, jalal says why? jodha says i had to do that, jalal says this is not the answer, i want answer , dasi comes and informs that bharmal has come, jalal says to ask mirza to meet him i will come, he says i didnt get my answer today but i will get it one day, jodha is shy.

PRECAP- mali says jashn will start, all will be busy, soldiers will have strict eye on everyone in start and with some time, they will relax then we will attack jalal. Jalal is seen dancing with common people in jashn, someone aims at him to attack.


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  1. Alina
    March 12, 09:26 Reply

    Good evening dear Ananna:))

  2. Alina
    March 12, 09:25 Reply

    I agree completely with @Anna…

    Ur right @Janas Aunty we really have
    To wait and watch…I too wonder this thing…
    This is the main point which should be noticed lol
    Hope your fine! Tkc 🙂

  3. swathi
    March 12, 08:29 Reply

    Hi Gayathri..
    Finally u came, after 2 r 3 days..
    I was searching for your comments. .

  4. Janas
    March 12, 06:59 Reply

    Other actors do romantic scenes yes. But here I am talking of two good actors. Given their natural shyness, it may seem more artificial than the scenes they’ve pulled off hitherto. You know I am talking their chemistry on screen when they have nok-jhoks or angry scenes. They came across as natural. I’ve to wait and watch how they pull of romantic scenes 🙂 .

    • tithi
      March 12, 07:07

      I undrstood it aunty.aisei bola na,dnt mind.

  5. Janas
    March 12, 01:49 Reply

    It’s not attitude on Jo’s part. It’s her form of shyness. But considering the lead pair’s real life shyness, I wonder how they will pull off romantic scenes. If they do without being conscious, I’ll say these two will be one of the better actors we’ve seen nowadays.

    • gayathri
      March 12, 05:21

      very true
      i am always wonder how to do to they manage this much romatic scenes and eyelock
      both of them truly done a great great job.
      especially Paridhi coz compare to man woman feel very awkardness.
      apart from their differences they r really really good

    • tithi
      March 12, 05:26

      R8.all actors do it guys

  6. sia
    March 11, 22:40 Reply

    gm evry1 have a grt day tc

  7. ananna
    March 11, 21:35 Reply

    Good morning to all and have a nice day ahead..

  8. sanvi
    March 11, 21:28 Reply

    @ria I agree with u that she wasn’t hesitated with arguments with Jalal related official matters but this is her personal n even 2 this day I think she’s fully aware of her feelings.
    Moti’is coaxings making herself 2 think on her feeling s so the day’s r not faar to accept her inner voice..
    But her +ve reciprocations r enough 4 Jalal 2 understand her feeling. But our beloved Jalal making her 2 accept it.

  9. sanvi
    March 11, 21:17 Reply

    I fully agree with maayaa n tanni 4m d bottom of my heart.
    Maayaa even I too noticed hoshiyar’s expressions.yes his perception r improving towards jodha.
    Tanni I noticed always in u comments that’s u r diehard fsn of rajath.
    Yes his work deserves felicetations.

  10. Zainab
    March 11, 17:06 Reply

    Nice episode
    Hey guys 😀 miss u all

  11. Anna
    March 11, 13:35 Reply

    Nice episode. Jalal always listens n appreciate Jodha’s views, opinion n he had said b4 that she is farsighted. He’s not kind just agree but see for h/self, verify n cfm issues b4 make decision. That’s like it emperor salute u. Maham everyday losing her grip on Jalal. It’s always a pleasure to watch Ja n Jo scenes. He stills keep in mind that pushing n remind h/self not hurt Jo this time but ask her permission which Jo now says he don’t need any. As now she is more more comfy with him. He is desperate to know her heart for him. His comment about getting away this time n sure to get to know the her heart (love) for him is very near. Just thinking may be during the jashin she will blurt out her love when she see’s him in danger??? I’m sure she’ll wear green tomorrow n he nowdays keep praising about her beauty directly to her. A good progress on his side n she appreciates n accepts them with smile. Liked very much the cute smile n happy Ja n shy n lovely Jo. Shrf is an idiot n will be caught soon. Waiting to C Ja n Jo walking together for the Jashin……

    • sanvi
      March 11, 21:11

      Agree anna

  12. lavy [ javeda begum ]
    March 11, 13:29 Reply

    I have read a lot of comments about credit being giving to Jodha for Akbar reforms, but when you take a close look at Jala’s actions he listens to this Jodha with different views of treating people whether they are mugals or hindus then he goes and investigate by himself and reason within himself if this is right.
    He then takes his own decision and this is what makes him great. He just does not take Jodha words and run to fulfill them he is no pushover by anyone. He makes his own decisions from what he witness after hearing of this issues.
    At first he had only the mugal wife, “foster mother” and counselors who are all mugals so they speaks and advice only from this direction in terms of laws and cultures. Now he has a new wife with different views and principles surely it will affect his ways of doing things and reasoning. When you are filled with love human dignity is always put first and this is what makes the difference in anyone live. Akbar is no exception.

  13. tanni
    March 11, 12:42 Reply

    jalal is very stubborn and he wil soon bring out d magical words from jodha and jodha also knows dat she cannot hide her love for a long time..

    gud nyt JA fans

    • ananna
      March 11, 12:48

      Good nyt dear tanni miss u a lot c u soon

    • SJ
      March 11, 13:59

      Oh Yah he did before , when jodha said cause of prem

  14. tanni
    March 11, 12:39 Reply

    yes maaya i agree totally with u.. dat smile of jodha has told jalal what he wants to know and dats why he can wait to hear it directly from her

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