Rangrasiya 14th February 2014 Written Update

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Rangrasiya 14th February 2014 Written Update by Atiba

Rangrasiya 14th February 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1
Rudra says we got to know from sources that these girls are forced to do.. paro says no say anything, she is happy there, rudra says how can you say that, paro says you are devil i came here to say sorry but you are saying ill about my sister i am taking my apology back, you are stone you must have not get hurt by words, you cant understand relations and you will remain alone all life, paro is about to go, rudra stops her and says you will not go out till workers are outside, he leaves.
In night, smarat comes, maithili shows him the bangles which he gifted her but he ignores her, she says i want to talk to you, he says i am not in mood, he leaves.
Maithili says to kahna that you know i am going to take big decision of adopting a child for my pride, my love and my life, she says to help her out.

Scene 2
In morning, all are seated on dinig table, sunehri says my all college friends like the dupatta you made and i said that my versatile bhabhi made it, chachi says if you speak all words today then you will be dumb for remaining life, paro serves food to rudra but he stops her, she says i took it on your name so take it its not good to say no to food, she serves him, maithili serves chachi and chachi sees gold bangles in her hands, she says maithili is shining in gold today, maithili says he (samrat) bought it for me from jaipur, chachi says now i know how we got loss in work, maithili says nothing like that, chcahi ask to eat, paro points maithili to talk, maithili says to chacha that i want to talk to you all first finish the lunch. Smarat says to maithili to go inside, all ask him to make her speak, maithili says to please let her speak, chachi says wah you are questioning you husband, he ask maithili to go inside, dilsher says to not do this, look at your maasa she speaks in everybody’s matter, he ask samrat to let her speak, chachi says nobody will go inside, we dont hide things behind rooms. Maithili says in coming month our marriage will complete 5 years, chachi says so you need pension? maithili says no, we tried everything, maithili says i couldnt be a mom. I visited all doctors and saints but nothing worked its painful to say that but its truth. I cant give birth. I thought thats the decision of god. Chacha says no dont lose hope. There is a will always. She says i have found a way out of all this. Chachi asks what? She say i thought why not adopting a child. I went to orphanage. They said they will give us a child in 6 months once the legal work is done. They know we have no kids in 5 years. They know our family. I got their pamphlet as well. We can take any kid we want. I saw a kid who looks like samrat. I have thought her name as well but we will name her what you want. Chachi stands up in the anger snatches the pamphlet and tears it apart. She says have you gone mad? Maithili begs her to think once. She says what made you think that i will agree to all this? How you dare saying this in front of me? How can you imagine i would allow you to bring a child who doesnt have our blood. Next time i will Cut your tongue out if you say this. Paro goes to her but rudra holds her hand. Chachi says you have gone mad. Maithili says whats wrong with it? People go these ways to fulfill what they are not granted with. Paro was also adopted by her aunt. She told me. Rudra grasps her hand. Chachi says to samrat what color of bangles would he like to wear? Your wife has been saying all this and you are quiet. What else can you do?

Scene 3
Chachi says why this problem(maitili) came in my house, dont know what worst time that was when i married my son to this lady, maithili cries, paro make herself free and says to chahci what are you saying, chachi says so you also have tiger inside you, paro says she is just requesting you, she will be very good mother, chachi says she cant be thats why God hadnt made her mother. Paro says God will not take any decision that will hurt his kids, if he closes one door than open other doors, if there are people with no children then there are children without parents too, animal too love their own children but God want us to show love for others child, to give them love of parents, and for that purpose some people are chosen like my mami who gave me love of mother, chachi ask her to back off from this matter, paro says my talk is not completed yet, rudra is stunned to see her like this, paro says kishan bhagwan chose yashoda mayya then why cant maithili, chachi says they were baghwan and adopted bhagwan, but maithili wants to bring someone else’s crap(child) in there house, paro says how you can say crap to a child, chachi says you came here yesterday only and answering me, she is about to slap her but rudra stands in between and gets chachi’s slap, paro looks at him stunned. rudra gets cut on his face.

PRECAP- rudra is sleeping, paro comes with cream t apply on his face, she touches his face, rudra get up and tucks her he spines her on bed and get on top of her, she looks at him tensed

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  1. Kiran
    February 15, 22:09 Reply

    I am new to posting here but I would like to say that I like this serial..it has quality writing ..but there have been some misses especially in that paro so blindly believes in the thakur..if she doesn’t believe rudra than the CVS could have at least shown her interacting with aman about the shootout of the baraat he was there a witness after all

  2. ayra
    February 15, 18:55 Reply

    episode was a full on dhaamakaa episode…

    Sumair i think u r just like ur mother… arrogent and useless… loved when rudra was concerned if sumair said anything to her … he cares for her.. i really want him to realize this soon… please…

    Guys paro is not scared anymore.. she can stand for whats right when she wants.. she can reply back and she wouldnt allow anyone to interupt when she is speaking… This is the girl that Rudra will fall for… because Rudra would never fall for a scared girl who keeps crying all the time … he would rather fall for this lioness who can reply to some1 such as chachi… awww the expressions on chachi’s face when paro tell her that she is not finished talking… AWESOME…

    She slapped Rudra… 🙁 🙁 poor guy… he was actually trying to protect paro <333 No matter how much i ahte chachi but thaaankyou so much for tge slap.. atleast paro will feel guilty now…she will go and put 'merhaam' on rudra's 'zakhamzZzZz'

    Monday i never waited for you soo much… 😛 come quick

  3. ayra
    February 15, 18:43 Reply

    Hey everyone.. am late.. was ill.. actually its high fever.. but now i am much better… hows everyone here ???

    • ayra
      February 15, 18:43

      True that… the best precap ever !!

  4. Fan of SaRunIsh-a.p[Yamuna]
    February 15, 01:56 Reply

    Superb episode..:-).. Yayy again started with PaRud..:-).. Hmm paro u r innocent thats why u dont want to even hear truth forget abt accepting that ur cousin must be ill treated by sarhadpar village.. But sadly thats the truth my dear..:-(…

    Omg paro bravo..:-O. Panga leliya kaki se.. I dont know i was v v scared when kaki blasted on maithily.. God.. Bht daraavani..[but kaki’s acting.. Mindblowing]..

    Maithily’s pleads r heartwrenching..;-(..;-(.. Real emotions.. Superb jija sa..

    Rudra took the slap..:-/.. Ouch…

    Samrat u r such a spineless coward.. Waste fellow..:-@… Kept mum, go wear bangles.. Learn from ur wife how to stand up for urself n for ur lovedones..:->.. Loving ur wife is not sufficient samrat…

    • ayra
      February 15, 19:01

      She should trust him… but the problem is she believes that
      1) bsd killed her parents
      2) rudra kidnpped bindi baisa
      3) rudra killed her hubby and baraat for no reason…
      4) rudra says bad stuff about saint thakur
      5) rudra treats her like an animal…

      Automatically she would belive that what ever rudra says crap..

  5. paridhi
    February 15, 00:25 Reply

    Such a awesome episode!! well done!! Paro that u stood up for maithli 🙂

    • pooja
      February 15, 00:27

      hey i am waiting for u on qh page.. i wrote one comments for u.

    • paridhi
      February 15, 00:32

      Okay dear!!

  6. Sweety08
    February 14, 22:46 Reply


    Nice episode..the way rudra catches her hand and stops her and got slap for her..precap is so good.

  7. Amna
    February 14, 17:27 Reply

    Amazing epi..precap waz awsome..waiting for monday.

  8. Amna
    February 14, 17:25 Reply

    Wow rudra u saved paro from evil kaki.Rudra waz
    looking so hot in kurta.paro i think u shud fight
    against chachi instead rudra.

  9. vithu
    February 14, 16:21 Reply

    cant wait for mondays episode
    awwwwww rudra and paro are so cute
    i luv the the way paro talked today with open mind……….
    i hope they agree with maithili’s decision
    bechara rudra got slapped frm the evil lady and i luv the way he protected paro frm getting slapped by the evil women[chachi]

    and hello poshi where are u
    havent talk to u for a while now
    app kasi ho?

    sanaya and ashish rocks aka paro and rudra
    cant wait for moday’s episode and hello to everyone

  10. mary
    February 14, 15:17 Reply

    fantastic episode and powerful. unlike other shows putting down women. I like how paro spoke her mind today.

  11. finusa
    February 14, 13:50 Reply

    precap- maybe he thinks shes laila..hahah. now I cant wait for Monday. sigh

    • vithu
      February 14, 16:15

      so true
      im also thinking the same thing finusa
      by the way hi and thanks for the pic

    • Fan of SaRunIsh-a.p[Yamuna]
      February 15, 02:05

      I think he thought it was someone who was attacking him so he reacted that way..:-|…. Paro se fir class lega for sure…:-P

  12. finusa
    February 14, 13:49 Reply

    well done paro. loved how you stood up for Maithili today. and its so true..adopted children deserved to be loved too. If a woman cant have a child doesn’t mean shes not worthy of it; it means shes even more special because she has a heart big enough to take care of a child that’s not her own and provide that love. I absolutely love this concept today.

  13. finusa
    February 14, 13:34 Reply

    I feel so sorry for her. I hope her wish is granted

    Maithili says to kahna that you know i am going to take big decision of adopting a child for my pride, my love and my life, she says to help her out.

  14. finusa
    February 14, 13:33 Reply

    another sign samrat might be having an affair…

    In night, smarat comes, maithili shows him the bangles which he gifted her but he ignores her, she says i want to talk to you, he says i am not in mood, he leaves.

  15. finusa
    February 14, 13:33 Reply

    paro lived a very sheltered life. she is not aware of the outside world. when the truth hits her she will be shattered. rudra will show her the real world 🙂

  16. divI
    February 14, 12:22 Reply

    Wow awesome episode Paro just rocks how strong a girl can be so great parvathi..
    Precap OMG can’t wait for Monday..

  17. Fan From Malaysia
    February 14, 11:51 Reply

    Hi everyone… how r u all? Still remember me? Happy Valentine Day to u all…

    • Fan of SaRunIsh-a.p[Yamuna]
      February 15, 02:12

      Omg.. Malathy sis.. H r u?? I cant believe dis, godd, so happy 2 c u again.. N ya ofcouse still remember u sis[ffm]..

      Happy valentines day 2 u too sis.. Today m so happy. So so happy..:-)..

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