Doli Armaanon Ki 24th January 2014 Written Update

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Doli Armaanon Ki 24th January 2014 Written Update by RIMJHIM

Doli Armaanon Ki 24th Jaunary 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1:
Location: Samrat’s residence
Shashi scolds kanchan for getting delayed in waking up and late preparation of breakfast. urmi stand tensed. She indirectly goes onto scold urmi, by scolding kanchan verbally. urmi hears from the dining table. Shashi finally pretends to have noticed urmi and asks if she woke up finally. urmi starts lending a hand and apologises for being late. But shashi says that she wasnt scolding her, as she is new to the family. Shashi says that she understands that she is newly married, and sleeps late at night and hence wakes up late too. Urmi says that she woke up early but…and then remembers how samrat had lured her, instead of letting her come down. urmi lies to shashi saying that samrat had a headache, and hence she got late. kanchan comes in and tells her that she is absolutely at no fault and had to hear because of urmi. Shashi gets tensed for samrat, and immediately goes to look for him. But urmi stops her saying that she has already applied the balm and he is feeling better now. When samrat comes down, shashi gets tensed. She asks samrat about the headache. Samrat, oblivious of urmi’s excuse, says why would he have a headache all of a sudden. Urmi’s lie comes to surface. urmi is embarassed at having been caught red handed lying. Shashi furiously eyes urmi. Shashi gets angryv that she has been scolded by samrat, due to urmi’s lying to him. urmi goes to serve breakfast to samrat.

Later, urmi goes to samrat and tells her about her excuse and then he stood her up in front of everyone. He says that he doesnt care for anyone and what they think. He says that she shouldnt expect this from him. seeing them tensed, shashi comes and asks whats the matter. but samrat ignores her. he asks his father to take care of the hotel, behind him, also taunting how diwaker is not of much use, and tells him that there shouldnt be any problem. His father assures that everything would be okay.

Scene 2:
Location: Urmi’s and samrat’s residence
Meanwhile, still in ishaan’s thoughts, she decides to call him and then cancels and wonders what to say and starts rehearsing. just then ishaan calls her up, and she picks up anxiously. Ishaan calls and asks how is her health. She says that she is okay and he had promised that he would come and with something. he starts smiling and asks what should he bring. she says that she loves red roses. Ishaan says that he would definitely get it for her. She greets him off and gets excited at seeing him.

Ishaan comes and tells him that all bookings and plannings are finalised. Shashi tells that he has got a great friend in ishaan. Ishaan tells urmi that she has to pack to leave tomorrow night. She is tensed at this suddenness. kanchan is excited for urmi. Samrat’s father finds urmi tensed and asks wif she is tensed. urmi denies anything like that. samrat asks her to pakc for both of them, with extra care so that they dont leave anything behind. Urmi complies and goes to shashi to ask for permission, to go to her house to meetv anu and her parents. Shashi says that its on samrat to give permission for that. ishaan says that he is going to meet anu, and they can tag along. urmi says that they can meet and go to meet her parents before leaving too. He asks her to go then. She asks if he wont go. He says that it isnt necessary. she says that it isnt but its good, and requests him. his father also tells him to go, as he hasnt gone since the marriage. samrat says that he has lots of work to finish before going to Goa. She and ishaan insist again. Urmi goes to ask shashi to say so that he goes too. shashi thinks that he wont agree come what may, and hence confidently says to go. samrat takes a U-turn, and decides to go. shashi is confused with this stance, and is angry at urmis’ cleverness, and decides to set her straight.

Scene 3:
Location: Samrat’s residence
Anu is getting ready for meeting ishaan. saroj comes and asks her to take it easy and take rest. grahnny says that she isnt meeting prospective suitors, and its just ishaan. She wishes that Buaji’s words come true. Devishanker and his family get tensed when urmi comes in unannounced with samrat and ishaan, thinking that they dont have the house set. They all reprimand urmi and ishaan for not announcing samrat’s visit. samrat asks them to take is easy as he has already been welcome during the marriage. They all sit down. they ask about samrata nd his family. he curtly says that everything is alright. they go to prepare breakfast for samrat and others. Anu comes down excited to see ishaan and samrat. She asks all of them to come inside and talk. ishaan gives her the roses, saying that he fulfilled her demands, and that she’s looking very beautiful. Anu is shy. samrat asks anu if she’s okay. Samrat again tells anu that what she doesnt know, she shouldnt put her hand in it. He says that next time, she wont be abel to accept flowers too. anu is shocked at such terseness. He says that even flowers think to what person they are going. Ishaan is tensed at samrat’s rudeness. the family is surprised too. Anu asks what does it mean. urmi diverst them saying that anu should rest now, and asks her to go inside. Anu asks them to go inside, or else she would get bored. As anu is being taken by urmi, she glances back at ishaan, and wishes that he comes too, as she cant call him directly.

In the room, as urmi gloats about how being in love changes everything, anu says that she does know. Urmi tells about her honeymoon plan, of going to Goa. Anu is surprised. Anu starts crying when urmi tells her that ishaan is also going with them to goa, and from there he would go to London, while urmi is busy on her rant about how exciting this trip is going to be for her. Urmi is shocked and asks why is she crying. She thinks that anu is in pain, and asks if her leg’s hurting. she thinks that it isnt her leg, but her heart thats hurting. She asks anu, after searching the drawers, where is her medicine. Anu thinks that her medicine is outside, and would leave, giving her much pain. urmi goes to ask about it to her mother. anu thinks that even her mother doesnt know what is her pain and how can it be relieved. the screen freezes on anu’s upset face.

Precap: Gaurav asks saroj to serve sweets to ishaan too, as samrat is also given some of it to taste. granny too asks to be given another delicacy to samrat and some to ishaan too, as he loves them. Samrat is frustrated with the increasing mention of ishaan in the household. Samrat gets into a rage saying that it feels like, he isnt and ishaan is the son in law of this hosue, and he means more to them, than he himself, urmi’s husband. they are shocked and tensed to see his anger and gets disturbed.

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  1. Ramsay fan 1
    January 27, 04:48 Reply

    Love anu and ishaan so chador able both masti type of people awwww she’s soo adorable

  2. K@J@!
    January 24, 18:11 Reply

    Trisha and ishaan are best not anu

  3. Mahi
    January 24, 13:16 Reply

    If Trisha gets paired it would be somewhat weird to have her and Samrat at such close relations. Samrat got married to prove a point to Trisha…good enough… we don’t need anymore tension between the two.

  4. sami
    January 24, 13:13 Reply

    yes trisha would be best for ishaan

  5. Sia
    January 24, 12:26 Reply

    I ll kill the cvs if they thnking to get ishaan nd anu pairup…

    • fan
      January 24, 14:45

      no way! anu and inshaan are way better than trisha.

    • rekha
      January 27, 07:54

      Yes, it seems qbvious that its leading to Anu & Ishaan. But there needs to be drama (sigh), if Trish comes back and even more drama (double sigh) if Ishaan spends time with her and they fall in love….then we have Samraat who hates Trisha(and women in general) and the love triangle with Anu, Trish & ishaan….so where is this heading?

      Samraat lives with a mother who hasnt shown him to love and respect women, hence his ugly character, hes such an insulting human being. And she supports this so he believes hes right

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