D3 Dil Dosti Dance 1st January 2014 Written Update

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D3 Dil Dosti Dance 1st January 2014 Written Update by _Deepika_

D3 Dil Dosti Dance 1st January 2014 Written Episode

Simi and Rini are talking about Simi’s date with Nil.Sharon meets them in locker room.She says she is missing many things.Simi replies to her that she has many other things to take care of.Rini says sharon is not spending time with them since the day Kriya came.Simi tells Rini not to ask Sharon.Sharon says Rini has all the rights to ask her things.As they are friends.Simi says while making new friends one should think about old friendship as well.Old friendship getting affected by new bonds is wrong.Sharon says making opinion about others without knowing them well is also wrong.She says she didnt like Kriya from starting.She is somewhere like Sharon ambitious , strong .She says despite all the issues in her life she cant stop caring for Simi and Rini.Simi Rini tell her they were just testing if she is their real friend or not.Sharon asks Simi about her date.

Nil says Vicky he wants to know the girl to whom he spoke on phone.Vicky says he will get the name for him.Vicky calls Simi as lucky draw guy and gets her address.Nil gets to know its Simi’s address.He decides to talk to Simi.

Sharon asks Kriya and Rey if they decided routine,theme and song for their performance.They say they are still deciding.Sharon tells them not to take this so casually.She says she will supervise their performance and tells Rey not to avoid rehearsals.Rey and Kriya promise to give their best.VP enters the RH and tells he has some news.

Nil meets Simi in canteen and calls her on her number.Simi avoids taking the call.Nil confronts her and says she insulted his feelings about his online friend.Simi tries to explain.Than she says his profile and info was fake.Simi says she wanted to know the real Nil.She wanted to know what he feels about his online friend.Nil gets angry and says he dont feel anything about her .He can never feel anything for Simi.Simi gets hurt due to Nil’s words.

In RH VP meets the team.He says he is going to Delhi for work related to Dance academy.He makes Swayam and Sharon In charge of the Annual day event.VP says media will closely monitor Rey and Kriya’s dance.He says he wants to see their practice.Sharon and KR tell VP that they will show him practice next day.VP says he wants to see practice right now.Swayam and Sharon try to convince VP for next day but he says he wants to see the dance now.Kriya says their dance is not ready as she was not well and left early for home.She asks for sometime.VP says they dont have time.Kriya asks for one day to prepare the dance.VP says performances should be best not average.He says Swayam to take care of everything.Rey asks Kriya why she lied.They start arguing .Swayam tells them to focus on dance rather than fighting.

Nil thinks he was too rude to Simi.Vicky comes and makes fun of his online friendship.He says he spent so much money still he is single.They again start planning to irritate Kriya.Suddenly whole team comes there.Swayam confronts them about what they were talking about.Nil and Vikcy say they were praising Kriya.Swayam says they were not liking Kriya since the day she is back suddenly they are praising her.Its not possible.Nil says if Sharon can be friends with Kriya than they can also praise Kriya.Swayam becomes silent at this argument.Gang tease him saying he cant question Sharon .Swayam says they need to devide responsibility.Sharon asks where is Simi.Nil says she must be making fun of someone.Sharon calls Simi.Simi is upset about what Nil thinks about her.Sharon calls her and asks about costumes.Sharon thinks Simi was sounding low.

Swayam starts dividing responsibilities .Nil and Vicky dont like their responsibility.Rey and Sharon tell them its for college.Nothing is less important.Kriya takes the work given to Nil and Vicky. All of them leave the place except Nil and Vicky.They try to make new plan to create trouble for Kriya,.

Precap :Swayam hears Sharon -Simi’s conversation about Sharon’ real motive behind friendship with Kriya.

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  1. Pari
    January 02, 02:27 Reply

    Ooo…god nt a SwaRon m8sunderstanding again…plz…..

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