Devon Ke Dev… Mahadev 6th December 2013 Written Update

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Devon Ke Dev… Mahadev 6th December 2013 Written Update by sankalp_prapti

Devon Ke Dev… Mahadev 6th December 2013 Written Episode

Manika enlightens the people about how a society and its progress depends on how they treat animals. And if a society is deficient or abundant of patient, greed, kindness towards the mute animals it effects the whole society.. Its wrong and a sin to trouble any animal..when a farmer can’t protect n look after his process of tilling a land the cow is caused any pain.. then the who all are gonna get its fruits (crops) will suffer. Mahadev then sees a little puppy and holds it with love,.. he creases its back with affection.
He continues that animal can’t say their pain..but doesn’t mean that they dnt have pain.. they can’t retort that doesn’t mean they accept pain..and if they where given a chance to have their say then it would be extremely shameful for the humans to hear…how they force atrocities on the animals.
He says that animals always support the humans..but i shouldn’t be assumed that humans are the masters of the animals.. if they thhink this way then its the ego saying.

Everyone leave on they say of Mahadev except Manika.. Naradhi tells to Brhmdev that Mahadev has gone to help his devotee in the form of Loknath. The devote will soon be getting his answers..but how Indr is gonna get help.. Brhmdev tells that his troubles have just began.

Back at the King’s kabila.. the neighboring king attacks his subject at dusk knowing that he won’t be out at nights… the guys attack the commoners .. where as the devtas hide on the request of the guy who help them reach the place. When one of those attackers sneak into the king’s hut..Agnidev offers his help to the guy saying he’d help their king..but the guy tells he dare not do it cause his display of powers would upset his king. Then no sooner the attacker goes into the hut of the king, he is thrown outside.. a roughed man- the King appears and bashes all the attackers. Devtas are frightened seeing this.

Back here Brhmdev describes the difference between Arunasur and Indr.. that the former is the counter part of the latter.. how Indr is insecure and doubtful,, Arunasur is determined and clear. Hoe Indr freaks out at the thought of war, its an entertainment for Arunasur.. where Indr is greedy and never thinks abt his subjects..the subjects are everything for Arunasur.

After Arunasur defeats them..devtas come out of hiding and Arunasur welcomes them.

While Loknath (Mahadev) is busy showering his affection to the pup.. Manik approaches him and tells that he is glad to hear someone echo exactly his feeling for the animals- it was so simple.. if only he could make his king understand this. He really needed this session of knowledge..he asks Loknath to guide him.. then Loknath goes and leaves the pup somewhere far..but in no time the pup comes back to him.

Loknath tells the adorable little one ‘you came back to mee..?.. I left you far away and not even asked you to come back …still you found your back..why?
Cause even for you the aim is dear where happiness- the destination where you find peace and happiness. And when your goal is known.. then the path all by itself will become clear.’

This cleared Manika’s confusion..he tells to Loknath that without even listening to his problems he has solved it.. he feels grateful..but he seeks a way to let his king understand to be kind to the animals.. he found his answers. He introduces himself and tells that his king has asked him to get 10 horses for the army.. but he knows that from those horse they will produces more horses which will be scarifies them in the yagya. He seeks a solution to his trouble.

On this Loknath asks him to come back the next day

BAck here the king whom Manika serves gets to know about Manika’s meet with Loknath.. he asks his sevak to prove the man (Loknath) a lesson and prove him a swindler..this will make Manika realize his foolishness and decides to talk to Manika as he is an old trusted minister .

On asked by Parvati devi that why didn’t he help Manika then itself..Mahadev tells that Manika wont get a chance to take crucial decisions now…


Naradji tells the rishs that Kamdhenu is missing.
Back on earth a man complains that the cow swallowed his precious chain.. Loknath tells that had the cow not swallowed it the farmer would have been punished for no fault of his.
The Rishi threaten Indr to find Kamdhenu (the divine cow) or else they’d curse him.
At Arunasur’s place Devtas are welcomed and given of the sevaks mistakenly drops some food on one of the devta..for which the sevak apologizes

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