Meri Bhabhi 5th December 2013 Written Update

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Meri Bhabhi 5th December 2013 Written Update by Amena Hasan

Meri Bhabhi 5th December 2013 Written Episode

The Episode starts with everyone going to the hospital to see Kunal. Shraddha comes to the hospital even after Mummy asked her not to come. Kittu tells Kamini that Kunal will be fine. She consoles Kamini and her dad. The doctor comes and says we are waiting for him to become conscious, then we can say anything. Purshottam says can we see him. The doctor says yes, for some time. Everyone go to see him. Shraddha sees Kunal and cries.

Shraddha is about to go to meet Kunal but Mummy stops her and asks why did you come here after we stopped you. Papa scolds Shraddha for coming here. Shradddha says Papa, I could not stop myself, this happened because of me. Papa says what happened because of you. Shraddha says this accident. Kamini comes and says yes, I know you are responsible for all this, what do you want, to kill him. She hurts Shraddha. Mummy says this is a hospital. Kamini scolds Shraddha and requests her to stay away from Kunal’s life.

She says don’t ruin our house to settle down. She says this happened because of you, as you are unlucky for us, you will not be happy ever. Kittu says this accident did not happen because of her, yopu are the reason for this. Kamini is shocked. Shraddha cries.

Everyone look at Kittu. Kamini says even today you are blaming me to save your in laws, did you not see how Shraddha was trapping Kunal. Anand asks Kittu to stop Kamini from saying anything. Purshottam scolds Kamini and says lets go from here. He takes Kamini inside. Papa says we made a mistake by coming here. lets go home now. Anand says lets go Kittu. Mummy says Kittu should be with Kunal and you also stay here, maybe they will need you. Mummy gives some money to Kittu and leaves.

Papa takes Shraddha and leaves. Anand says I can’t stay here, I can’t hear your mum’s words. He leaves. Kittu cries. jaya is with Dhruv and asks him to be quiet. Dhruv asks tell me will Kunal die. jaya says I should have not told you. jaya says stop, your mum will come, and maybe she will bring your new dad. Dhruv asks what. jaya says Kunal. Dhruv asks will Kunal marry mum, will he be my new dad, when will they marry. Ishaan hears all this and scolds jaya. Dhruv asks him. Ishaan says its nothing like that, you come with me. jaya says till when will you hide from him.

Kunal becomes conscious and sees his family. Kunal says Shraddha….. Kamini gets angry. Kittu comes to him and says are you fine. Kunal looks on and says will mum not come to me. Kamini goes to him and holds his hand. She asks are you fine. Kunal asks are you still annoyed with me. Kamini says no. He asks with her. She leaves his hand and he says she is very nice girl, really, I love her. He says don’t think she is a divorcee and then you will like her. Kamini says see son, you don’t tire yourself, we will talk later. He says I love her a lot.

Kamini leaves Kunal’s hand and goes out. Purshottam goes after her. Kittu asks Kunal to rest. He says I want to live only for Shraddha. He says I don’t want anything else. Kittu looks at him. He says don’t you understand me. She says we will talk later. He asks did Shraddha come to see me. He says she might have called, right. Kittu says talk to her. Everyone come back home. jaya asks how is Kunal. She taunts Shraddha. She cries and goes to her room. She gets Kittu’s call and Kunal talks to her. Shraddha is happy to hear his voice.

She asks how are you. Kunal says what did you think, I will die and you will be free. He says I won’t go anywhere leaving you. She smiles. Papa talks to Mummy about Kamini. He says I forgot to tell you that Rohit’s mum called and she wants to meet Shraddha. Mummy says we will think. Anand says I think Rohit and Shraddha should meet tomorrow. He says we should end this soon. Papa says we will talk to Shraddha. Kunal asks Shraddha to come to him. He says you are my medicines and prayers.

Shraddha asks is it paining. He says if you keep asking, I will do my accident daily. Dhruv comes to her and says when did yiu come from hospital. Kunal says you came here? He says no one told me looking at Kittu. Dhruv talks to Kunal and asks when are you marrying my mum, I will call you Papa. Kunal says no, call me dad. Shraddha hears all this and is shocked to know that Dhruv knows everything. Kunal smiles. Anand takes the phone from Dhruv and Kamini comes to Kunal and sees him talking on phone.

Kittu asks Kamini to be calm. Dhruv says I was talking to Kunal. Anand says Mummy is calling you and he leaves. Anand asks Shraddha what was Dhruv saying. Shraddha says I don’t know. Anand scolds Shraddha and says forget everything and end it. Kittu says this won’t end. Kamini says I don’t like her. Kittu says Shraddha is very nice, I know her very well and Kunal loves her. Anand says if you love you, let him, but do you also love him. He says I will do what is good for you, we want you to be happy. He says you don’t have any future with Kunal, be away from him, forget him. Kittu says Kamini you can’t keep Kunal away from Shraddha, they will marry if they wish.

Kamini does not listen to her. Kittu says try to understand, anything can happen, don’t be adamant, understand his feelings. Anand asks Shraddha to end all this and think about Mummy and Papa. He says will you meet Rohit tomorrow. Shraddha is shocked. Anand says Rohit has a daughter who is of Dhruv’s age, they will keep you happy, that house will be perfect for you. He says I know its sudden for you, but do this for you, meet him once. Shraddha agrees.

Papa asks Kittu to bring Shraddha. Shraddha is shocked to see Kunal.

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  1. Monica
    December 06, 05:38 Reply

    Hope Kunal and Shraddha get married

  2. Nishi
    December 05, 12:27 Reply

    I have to say such a nice liberal understanding family….but in this situation they are not left with any other choice than making Sradha marring Rohit. Hopefully everything will workout pretty soon between Sradha and Kunal. Enjoy watching this type of Drama serial.

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