Gustakh Dil 5th November 2013 Written Update

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Gustakh Dil 5th November 2013 Written Update by Amena Hasan

Gustakh Dil 5th November 2013 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Lajjo’s dad calling Lajjo’s house. He asks can I talk to Lajjo. Rishi picks the call and asks Lajjo to talk to them, Lajjo asks about everyone. Her dad says everyone is fine here, how are you. Lajjo is upset. He asks why are you not saying, Lajjo says I m absolutely fine. He asks did you get the gifts on diwali, did you like them. Lajjo thinks how Barkha and Nani insulted the gifts. Lajjo cries and says I know you have sent it by love, everyone likes it a lot. She says everyone were praising the gifts, and were happy. She says I liked my gifts also, the saree and the sweets. Her dad says you are saying the truth, right, your mum is happy, how is Nikhil.

Lajjo is quiet. He says call Nikhil, I want to talk to him. Lajjo tells him about Nikhil’s accident. He gets worried. Lajjo says he is fine now, don’t worry, he is not much hurt, he is resting for now, so he can’t talk now. He asks her to take care of him. Lajjo’s mum talks to Lajjo and gives some tips to her to remove bad sight from Nikhil. She says say our greeting and wishes to everyone. Nani and Barkha hears their conversation. Nani says Lajjo is a good bahu, that she lied for us, so that they don’t get to know about us. Ayesha comes and scolds Lajjo. Ayesha says Ishaana got annoyed and she left because of Lajjo. Lajjo says I did not tell anything to Ishaana. I don’t know why she left. Lajjo leaves from the hall.

Kunal comes to Ishaana and talks about her day. Ishaana is happy and says I m throwing my old clothes to buy new clothes. Kunal says so you are in a good mood. She says I m thinking to catch up with our gang. Kunal says sure, why not. He says don’t throw this top, she asks why. He says you wore this when our result came, and you said this top is lucky for you. She asks I don’t remember, do you remember that picnic and we lost the bus, we walked so this top is not lucky for me. Kunal says how can I forget that day, I realized that day I love you. He says this top is lucky for me. Ishaana comes back with the coffee and says we will go to meet the gang. He says everyone are busy today, no one is coming today, if you don’t have any problem, shall we go to watch a movie. Ishaana says great idea, I will go and change.

Kunal happily waits for her. Nikhil’s uncle Ravi comes to know about Nikhil’s state. His wife asks him why is he worried. He says my career for affected after Ayesha’s proposal broke. Sid’s dad took his case back. She asks him not to worry. He says it’s a big loss in business. She says don’t equate business with relations. He says don’t start again, don’t talk about things you don’t know. He scolds her and says we belong to high society. He says I don’t have any option, I have to talk to Sid’s dad and convince him about Sid and Ayesha’s wedding. Ishaana and Kunal talk about the movie. Ishaana says it was scary. He says its good to see you smiling after a long time. She thanks him for being nice to her. She says you had to bear my mood swings, and you did not say anything, thanks. Kunal says you are welcome.

Ishaana thinks about Nikhil and is upset. Kunal sees her sad and asks whats wrong. She says nothing, I thought about Nikhil seeing that couple. He says I understand, he was your past, look ahead, don’t cry, you don’t look good. He holds her face and gets closer. She says what are you doing, he says I was scaring you. She says lets go home. Kunal says lets go. Barkha and Nani are talking about Sid and Ayesha and that Sid’s dad is ready for their marriage. Barkha tells this to Inder. Nani says I don’t think so. Barkha asks what. Nani says we should not take decisions in hurry, we should think before saying yes. Barkha says what do you mean. Inder says Nani is right. Barkha gets hyper and says Ravi tried his best to convince Sid’s dad. She says did anyone think about Ayesha and what she wants. Inder says Ayesha is not mature, she can’t decide about her life. Nani says Inder is right, where is Ayesha.

Barkha says she is with her new friend Sangeeta. Nani says do you know her, did you meet her. Barkha gets angry. Barkha says does Ravi know what you feel about this proposal, he will be furious. Inder says so shall we let Ayesha marry to Sid, its about her life. Barkha says I don’t understand what happened to you. Nani says I will talk to Ravi and Ayesha too. Lajji is in her room seeing her parents’s gifts and seeing the things to bring the bad sight off Nikhil. Lajjo comes to Nikhil’s room and Sahila catches her keeping the things under Nikhil’s pillow. Shaila asks whats this. Lajjo says its puja’s flower and Nikhil will get well soon. Shaila does not believe her and thinks it’s a black magic thing. Lajjo says my mum has sent this. Shaila argues with Lajjo. Nikhil wakes up and supports Lajjo. Barkha and Nani comes and Shaila tells them everything. Shaila says I think Lajjo does not want Ishaana to come in your life and wants to make a space in your heart.

Nikhil is talking to Ishaana on phone and says you mean a lot to me, don’t compare yourself with Lajjo. You are my life, not Lajjo. Lajjo hears all this and is hurt.

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  1. umai
    November 06, 01:39 Reply

    So our small boss and an angel are leaving to the other galaxy 🙁 to do some research using their brains WHICH THEY HAVE NOT GOT :-O!!!you know…angels dont…would miz you both of luck.Dont forget to just peep through the boundary as to what we angels are doing here on milky way.:-)

    Would someone say me the GMT you all meet….mine is +5.30.indian time.i usualy wait till 12 am on my time but you all never come and then at 6am all of you have left :-(!!!so i guess when you angels come im DREAMING;-) my hero vivian from earth.dudes he is a smart looking guy on earth :-*:-* btw he is married…;-(;-(;-(

    • salma (malsha)...
      November 06, 01:45

      hi umai hw r u dear,,n r u also frm sl…can i hav ur intro pls,if u dnt mind

    November 06, 00:07 Reply

    Sorry angels couldn’t come yesterday
    I wasn’t feeling well so had to take the day off
    Hi all of u
    And my exam is going to start november 25th so I don’t know hw I’ll be coming now
    But will try to come once in a while
    Bye tc
    Oh my gosh I miss u angels

  3. Phoeñix
    November 05, 16:31 Reply

    Lucy , a message to you from the Spider . .
    You were supposed to whack him , but he is still
    on the loose . . You didn’t tell us . . But , I found out . .
    He trapped u on that wall ?? Didn’t he ?? 😐

    Something To Do When You’re Bored:
    1. Catch a fly.
    2. Put it in the freezer.
    3. Wait 10 minutes.
    4. Take out the fly, it will be unconcious, not dead.
    5. Pull out a strand of hair or a thin piece of string.
    6. Tie it around the fly.
    7. Wait till it wakes up.

    BAM !! Your very own pet fly

    He’s teasing you Lucy :O

    • LUCY
      November 07, 01:42

      sniff..sniff..sniff ..sniff
      could u plz thanx…spidey for me havent seen him in a while…. and 🙁 it works…IT WORKS..JUST WORKS
      i always knew you knew me,… so you know what i wanted
      my own “pet fly”

  4. Phoeñix
    November 05, 16:12 Reply

    Lucy . . You can have my stick and sticktoitiveness while I’m gone dear . .
    Remember to keep the stick charged ok 🙂 . ..

    • LUCY
      November 07, 01:39

      whaaaaaaaaaaaaah cry cry cry sniff sniff sniff
      ….u sure :-(….m..m..m..ay i
      h ave it :shock:……
      i mean u…U YOU..(go LOOK IN THE MIRROR) you..gave such a meaning 2 the word….
      drew sorry m noth worthy…to have this kinda stick
      i mean….its so powerfull… 🙁 m a cat
      getting stuck to the wall 😉

  5. Phoeñix
    November 05, 16:10 Reply

    Hey Cam !! Btw my dear , sweet , pulchritudinous friend 😀
    Webster’s my Ex ok 😐 . .
    The guy just wouldn’t shut up !!! . .
    He even kept inventing new words to say to me 😐 . .

    • nathy
      November 06, 15:53

      HAHAHAHAHA…….. pulchritudinous FEELING R MUTUAL
      and the awards goes to…..drew webster..from the movie

      “pulchritudinous…the sticktoitiveness angel”

      clap clap clap
      standing ovation ….. 😥 😥 😥

    • LUCY
      November 07, 01:34

      😆 😀

      u 2 r pulchritudinous friend….. but drew its
      good u got rid of of him….i mean….jadajadajadajada
      makes u goes mad huh……happy day

  6. Phoeñix
    November 05, 15:51 Reply

    Angels . . I can’t be here 2day 🙁 🙁 . .
    That’s why I went in search of a place that sells Cam’s clothes :,,,,( :,,,,( . .
    ( don’t worry Cam , I’m not going to burn the place down 😀 , I just told the Boss that 😀 ) . . .
    In fact I’m not going to be around for a little while . . .
    I’ve got some killer exams coming up , it’s my final year . .
    So , I’m trying real hard to make it my last 🙂 . ..
    It’s always fun , I love you girls like my own . ..
    ( BOSS I’ll miss you the most 😉 😉 ) . .
    Take care Angels , keep flying . . . .
    Till we meet again . .. .

    • Phoeñix
      November 05, 15:53

      Lucy Lu , please say hi to your Aunt Ivy for me dear . . .
      Thank you . .

      November 06, 00:08

      Me too small boss
      And am happy that am not going to miss something out since u r will not be around too

    • LUCY
      November 07, 01:47

      i will.. 😉
      good luck..DDDDohlin (darling)
      break a leg…(why do they say that..itS actually not that possitive..if u break your leg you wont be able to go to do wath your suppose to be doing) 🙁 WEIRD !!
      and they call me weird 🙁

      hey sweety all the best, and make it your final 😉
      do love u 2 🙂

  7. ayin
    November 05, 14:30 Reply

    umai…demi…dear drew..we are in the past 4th nov
    where are u my dear,

    • Phoeñix
      November 05, 15:35

      I’m here Boss . .
      I was doing some investigating of my own . .
      I found out where Cam buys her clothes . .
      I seek permission to burn the place down Boss 😀 .

      ► 3:53► 3:53

    • nathy
      November 06, 15:58

      oh damn, drew this really is not funny anymore,
      why, why 🙁 🙁 why did you had to say where I buy (steel) our main clothes, our disguise clothes, why … why, why ?:?: drew.
      dont burn the place 😥

      okay angels..i know ur not here but

      this was our best disguise….
      me singing
      and lucy….drew….charlie background singers 😆 😀

    • LUCY
      November 07, 01:55

      hahahahaha LOLOLOLOL
      o boy these were the days…these were good times …. carefree … when everything was piece of cake
      an egg around …. the earth was flat … green was blue and red was yellow 🙁 (a result of the neutralizer )

      cam who wanted to go through the daily basis in that way …. where does the time go ..

  8. Claire
    November 05, 13:24 Reply

    Yaar plezz…serial zada pakau mat bnao..i hate that thing wo he tom n jerry ka khel hamesha lajjo pe acche logon ke sath itna bura kyun dikhte hen?koi chahega hi kyun accha bnna phir?

  9. Umai
    November 05, 11:58 Reply

    Hi all angels and boss-hope all of you got my message on the previous wu page through my super computer.bye.gotta you boss and angels.

    • ayin
      November 05, 13:07

      HI UMAI dear yes i got ur msg…m glad ur okay careful… be careful with those aliens because they love …… cheeks .. 🙄

      November 06, 00:10

      Yes umai we got your message
      And glad to knw where u being kidnapped is known to u

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