Pavitra Rishta 17th September 2013 Written Update

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Pavitra Rishta 17th September 2013 Written Update by

Pavitra Rishta 17th September 2013 Written Episode

Soham is running out of the house. Archu and Manav are trying to stop him. Everyone wonders what happened to Soham. Sachin comes in front of Soham and stops him. Soham asks him to move out of his way. Archu and Manav come there. Sachu says, I won’t. Why are you so angry for? and what aai baba want to talk to you? Manav turns Soham to him and asks him again why he did all this and what he is planning to do? Sachin asks Manav what he did? Manav says, he is still in touch with Balan. Manav asks Soham why Balan came here? Archu now asks Soham what he wants. She asks him why are you doing this? Why are you meeting him? and why you made your sherwani just like Sachin? Sachin says, I will tell you.. I am getting a clearer picture now. He wants to become like me by dressing like me. It’s not from now.. it’s been always like that. He is jealous of me and will always be. Soham shouts and says, yes.. this is the truth.. I want to take your place.. but not because of money.. but because I love Gauri. I love her since the time when you didn’t even know her name. And tomorrow I will get married to her, not you. Archu asks Soham, what are you saying? Savita screams now and asks soham to shut. She says, don’t forget.. whatever you’re today is because of this family. How can you even think like this for your bhabhi. Soham says, what this family did for me? I asked for one thing to aai.. and she didn’t give me that. Archu says, because I can’t.. why don’t you understand.. its just one sided love.. she doesn’t love you. Soham says, no one sees anything good about me. Everyone says Gauri is not for me because I am not educated like Sachin dada. Archu shouts, it’s not like that.. why are you thinking like that? Why would I differentiate you and Sachin. Soham says, you do.. if you weren’t, then today Gauri would be marrying me today. Everyone is in a shock. Soham asks Varsha, what’s my fault? I am not educated but that doesn’t mean i don’t have a heart and I can’t fall in love. Why can’t I marry her? Archu says, I said you can’t that means you can’t. I beg you.. we worry for you that is why.. Soham says, I will also see how much you all worry about me. Let everything go like this.. but tomorrow instead of Sachin, I will marry to Gauri.

Manav now starts shouting at Soham. He beats him. Archu stops him. Manav says, I can’t see anyone misbehaving with you. Soham sees a heavy object near him. He picks it up and hits it on Sachu’s head. Blood starts pouring from Sachu’s head and he falls unconscious. Seeing all this, Gauri too loses her consciousness. Everyone is shocked.

Manav starts beating Soham again saying, you’re not a human being, you’re an animal. How you dare to hit my son like this. You’ve crossed all your limits now. He grabs his collar and says, We made mistake by brining someone like you to our house. Soham takes Manav’s hands off and calls him with his name, ey manav deshmukh. Archu gets up and slaps Soham. Manav says, it won’t have any effect on him. Manav continues shouting at him and Soham raises his hand to hit him. Archu slaps him and says, you’re forgetting that he’s your father. You will raise your hand at him? Varsha is also shocked. Archu asks, what has happened to you? You have become so selfish that you can’t see anything else. You have gone crazy. You were a goon, you are a goon, and you will always remain a goon. You will n ever change. This is not my son.. this is Vishnu Lala. That Balan’s son. Mistake is mine. I kept hiding your mistakes because I thought you will change one day. But no.. you can never change. She keeps slapping him. She says, you will remain like how you were.. I made mistake. She apologizes to Manav for brining Soham to their house. Meanwhile, Gauri regains consciousness. Archu says, if I didn’t bring you to this house, then everything would be different today. My family wouldn’t have got destroyed today. Manav is right that you’re an animal.. no matter how much you love an animal.. he always remains an animal. Listen to me carefully, someone who can’t respect a woman.. who can’t respect his brother.. who can’t respect his father.. that person has no important in my life. You have died for me from today.. and I am dead for you. You are not worth of becoming my son. From now whenever you see me, you will always see hate for you in my eyes. nothing else because I hate you. You’re not my son.. remember this.. if a mother can give birth to a child, then she can kill him as well. I am separating you from my family. Don’t show your face again. Go away from here. She pushes him. Soham leaves from there. Varsha is crying.. so is Archu. Archu apologizes to Manav and says, everything happened because of me. Manav is not saying anything. Blood is flowing from Manav’s head too. Archu tells Savita to call the doctor.

Purvi, Arjun, Dk are taking Sachu to a hospital. Dk and Arjun tell Purvi, don’t let him sleep.

Soham is walking on a road in anger, recalling Archu’s words. He comes to the bar and starts drinking. He is still remembering Archu’s words.

Balan wonders what would have happened with Soham. His guy tells him that he has fooled his parents so many times.. he must have fooled them again. Balan is overly excited as tomorrow Soham will get married to Gauri and then Soham will join him. He will also get money from that politician. Soham comes there fully drunk. Balan asks him, what are you doing here? Tomorrow is your wedding. Soham says, I killed him..Balan says, what do you mean? Soham says, she calls me a goon.. I killed him. He was going to take my Gauri away from me.. so I broke his head. Balan says, what did you do? Couldn’t you wait for one day? Soham falls asleep. Balan wonders what he will say to politician now.

Arjun, DK, Purvi bring Sachin to the hospital. Onir helps them there. Whole family comes there now. Manav seems fine. A nurse comes out and says, he has lost a lot of blood.. his condition is critical.

Savita is crying and saying, that goon tried to erase last memory of my son (Savita’s other son, Sachin, who died long time ago).. what will I say to him if anything happens to Sachin. Ovi is trying to calm her down. Ovi calls Teju. Teju tells her that Sachu’s condition is critical. Ovi tells her to keep informing her from time to time. Ovi tells everyone that Sachu is in operation room and doctors are doing his treatment. Atul asks if Sachin will be fine by tomorrow as it’s his sister and Sachu’s marriage tomorrow. Ovi tells him he will be fine and will marry to your sister as well.

Episode ends.

Precap: Manav is still angry at Soham and says he won’t spare him. Archu goes to him. Manav says, I had told you that this guy is not good for our house.

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  1. anonymous
    September 18, 08:41 Reply

    Just thinking:
    Is it possible (if only just a little) that Archana learnt from Ovi’s failed marriage that one sided love does not a marriage make. There’s also the fact that Arjun and Ovi were engaged before Arjun/Purvi’s relationship was revealed. Archana was against Ovi forcing Arjun to marry, it was Purvi who gave in. No one knew that Soham loved Gauri, not even Gauri knew. He told Purvi only when the parents were going to ask Gauri’s parents.

    Archana tried very, very patiently to reform Soham. She was the only one who visited him in prison everyday. When she believed that he was reformed and making good progress in being an upright member of society he does something to break her trust, lose her respect and destroy their family. He lied so effortlessly to her and Varsha.

    A mother will always love her child, even criminals have mothers who love them, but in that moment when they feel betrayed, angry, frustrated etc even mothers can lash out (they are human after all) and later shed tears of remorse. After all the whole world can turn against you but a mother will always love her child (accept for the few rare ones that are devoid of maternal feelings)

    • Canadian Babe
      September 18, 08:49

      The girls are right everything they did was emotionally based nothing else! For someone like Soham he needs more than that.

    • Merina
      September 18, 09:33

      @Anonymous : That is indeed quite possible and I want to believe that that is how Archana is behaving right now. Right now her maternal feelings for Soham are clouded by her maternal feelings for Sachin and Sachin has always been her Achilles’s heel(as he was the one to call her aai first) and he is in a grievous condition right now. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t love Soham. But as I said Archana and Manav has the tendency to get carried away with one child while ignoring other and that is why they make a show of pathetic parenting… Just because you are identifying with the plight of one child doesn’t mean you have to be insensitive to the plight of the other child or severe ties from him/her : and this is what Archana and Manav are not shown to do till date.

  2. Canadian Babe
    September 18, 08:41 Reply

    Absolutely right about Soham. His family leaves him to fend for himself and waits for the opportunity to hurl insults and degrade him. Gauri isn’t suited for Soham. He deserves better. He has a kind heart. As for Sachin he thinks too highly of himself. Soham is way better than him but silly writers chose to make him a monster today.

  3. kk
    September 18, 00:56 Reply

    No its okay!

  4. shivani
    September 18, 00:55 Reply

    hehehehehehehe!! Sorry kk i didnt meant that u r right but i just said pliz dont mind.

  5. kk
    September 18, 00:53 Reply

    Shivani am i always wrong?
    Pleazzzz REPLY

  6. shivani
    September 18, 00:51 Reply


  7. kk
    September 18, 00:42 Reply

    Very bad a mother will not say that to her son espesiouly archana,she has always been a good mother but in todays episode can’t even imagine archana should behave like this espesiouly with soham.

    • Merina
      September 18, 01:14

      Yeah right. Perhaps Arjun and Purvi should take him far away and build him into educated, suave and sophisticated person. Purvi had promised to be there for him always and Sulochana had predicted in one of the episodes that one day he will be so successful that there will be a line of girls for him… I fervently wish to see that day come soon…

  8. Afsana
    September 17, 23:37 Reply

    I like the comments made by Mahi and Merina. It made sense and it was concrete too. I truly agree with it all. I am just so freaking pissed off with Ekta. We were so happy that Soham came back and became good after so long but all of it has gone to waste in just a moment. It’s such a pain for viewers to see someone reform but their characters gets killed immediately. Ekta, stop stereotyping people that are bad will always be bad, they will change too. For the love of GOD, Soham deserves Gauri. It is only fair that he marries her though he is not educated, he loves her a lot. When Ovi was so crazy about Arjun, you never did anything or slapped her yet you are slapping Soham so much. And you chose Sachin, the asshole who aske dyou to divorce your own husband for Gauri. Seriously Archana, please get your motherly issues right. Manav, be a better father. Sachin, grow some balls and be a real brother. Oh GOD!! Ekta!!!! Please please please, Pavitra Rishta viewers are begging for you to just make things be good. For once, please show the viewers that life IS NOT ALL THAT FUCKED UP as it is IN YOUR SHOW.

  9. Gypsy
    September 17, 22:07 Reply

    I can’t even remember my own email lol

  10. Gypsy
    September 17, 22:02 Reply

    Damn … Soham got slapped so many times I lost count
    Poor lad he’s already got a few nuts loose in that
    big head of his . Whatever little brain he had got knocked
    out . I’ve got this weird feeling that Soham’s character is
    going to be killed off soon. Just how many time can they
    show Archu trying to change him into a good human being ??

    • Miss Unbelievable
      September 17, 23:41



      dont want soham dead …sachin should die by sandeep’s hands

      or maybe soham will die in saving gauri

  11. kris
    September 17, 20:14 Reply

    Hey everyone, well, interesting twists and turns,
    So it was ok for Ovi to get married to Arjun and archana and everybody supported her in her one sided crazy ass love and control over Arjun, no one tried to explain to her that Arjun did not love her but loved Purvi, so what all the crazy going on with archana and Soham. Isn’t he Ovi brother after all, why didn’t archana disown Ovi, why only Soham, they are the same blood with the same crazy trait, possessiveness and selfishness.

    • Miss Unbelievable
      September 17, 23:40

      lol kris i was planning to comment on that

      i realised craziness comes from archu;s line

      but deceit comes from savita 🙂

    • Merina
      September 18, 01:11

      @ Kris: Oh don’t you know Kris? Ovi is the princess, the eternal Barbie doll of the Deshmukh family.. so how could they disown her? As for Soham he is still a gunda (and I wonder do they actually consider him their family)and isn’t it easy to disown a scoundrel? And as I say PR is a pathetic example of parenting skill and high on lopsided judgement. If one child does something bad, it is ok.. in fact they just reinforce that behavior by doing nothing and rather than chanting Ovi beta this, Ovi beta that, and what not… And when other child behaves in the similar manner largely because of failed parentage, all the hell break loose and he is promptly disowned. It doesn’t come to their brain to introspect as to why is he behaving in this manner. And then try to understand his POV, talk to him, make him realize his mistake and make him one of them…. Phew if I had parents like them I would have disowned them much before they could disown me…

  12. r
    September 17, 20:02 Reply

    buss head good for sachin…if gauri spends time looking after the idiot maybe she would realise she doesn’t love him…

    • kris
      September 17, 20:15

      🙂 Nice

  13. Sonya
    September 17, 19:12 Reply

    A lot of emotional drama. Can’t wait to see tomorrow’s episode. My heart goes out to Soham who for no fault of his feels neglected even though he is not. Hope Sachin pulls through and Soham ask for forgiveness. Very well acted by all.

  14. Fatee muhd
    September 17, 17:06 Reply

    Mtswwwwwww nonsense show. What’s the used of making Soham a change person after knowing he will go back to his old Soham. pls end this nonsense and let us live in peace.

  15. Sachi
    September 17, 15:32 Reply

    I fucking hate this show now. Too much drama! Enough is ENOUGH!

    • Sonya
      September 17, 19:13

      Mind your language. Don’t watch it then.

    • tanveer is a bitch
      September 17, 21:37

      Jst go n read comments of qubool hai u will get to learn more n more vulgar words n abusives…….she isn’t the one abusing.

  16. fan
    September 17, 14:32 Reply

    so what if a person is poor and was raised by goons? he has a good heart and was born to good parents. he was lead on the wrong path but is trying to correct his actions.

    its sad to see the CV making soham character so bad. he deserved to be with the one he loves. sachin is a jerk!

    • horla
      September 17, 16:33

      Why are you saying sachin is a jerk can’t you see that gauri does not love soham and it is soham misunderstanding because he is thinking that they want him to marry gauri because he is not educated but it is not that and it is a one sided love which does not make sense and in the next episode soham will kidnap gauri so that he could marry her, and please look at soham actions and one more thing gauri will fall in love with sachin not soham.

    • Miss Unbelievable
      September 17, 16:45

      sachin is a jerk because he said this:

      achin says, I will tell you.. I am getting a clearer picture now. He wants to become like me by dressing like me. It’s not from now.. it’s been always like that. He is jealous of me and will always be. Soham shouts and says, yes.. this is the truth.. I want to take your place.. but not because of money.. but because I love Gauri.

      Sachin has always loathe Soham he’s arrogant he’s always gotten away with treating Archu like crap. Remember he begged Archu to divorce Manav for his love and happiness as he wanted his mother Shivani to marry Manav…

      He always treated Soham with disdain…he’s always jealous that Archana and Manav are not his real parents as he is an illegitimate child of Manav’s dead brother. He treats Soham as how Ovi treated Purvi, but less evil. He never tried to be a brother to him

      we understand that its a one sided love already with soham and we hate how he’s acting but Sachin using this as a perfect oppurtunity to rub his upbringing in his face…THATS JUST LOW!!

    • fan
      September 18, 09:57

      thank you MU! well said!

  17. zeenah
    September 17, 13:55 Reply

    To me soham deserve that!

    • Merina
      September 17, 14:09

      For his behavior today.. he deserves that no doubt. But he also deserve to be an educated guy with the sense of self respect and self worth. After all he did not choose to be so by choice…

  18. xyz
    September 17, 13:40 Reply show in any chnl z worth watchng nw!

  19. Nihaal
    September 17, 13:28 Reply

    Can any one of the Deshmukh’s party end peacefully?

    • Merina
      September 17, 13:35

      Yeah… if not anything today’s episode was high on the drama quotient. I however hope that all this doesn’t affect
      Arjun Purvi’s relationship; they have united after so many hurdles. But as Purvi had promised Soham to be there for him always and as he has been ousted from the family by his own parents, I don’t know what to expect in the upcoming episodes.

  20. xyz
    September 17, 13:21 Reply

    wondering wen wl b the leap?

    • Merina
      September 17, 13:24

      Hear that it had been postponed till November. But considering that the last two leaps had happened in the month of December, perhaps the next one will happen in December too.

  21. jasi
    September 17, 12:51 Reply

    no words…. just shocked
    wonder what’s next

  22. Miss Unbelievable
    September 17, 12:49 Reply

    to solve our problems

    soham should get an amnesia reform get educated and marry some girl then he should return to the deshmuks as someone else

    the girl will be a friend of purvi who married to Soham who’s name will change

    then he’ll get flashbacks on seeing them

    perfect scenario for Soham to redeem himself

    • Mahi
      September 17, 12:55


    • fan
      September 17, 14:33

      agree. he deserves to be with someone who respects him and will lead him to sucess. i feel sorry for the poor guy. why is sachin suddenly the star?

  23. Mahi
    September 17, 12:46 Reply

    Time for Soham to get out of that place and start life afresh, become successful and shock the Deshmuk’s returning as a businessman!

  24. Miss Unbelievable
    September 17, 12:45 Reply

    the drama hieghetned today

    congrats CVs you destroyed Soham’s character

    you finally separated archana from her only son and i mean ONLY son

    they didnt explain it to Soham that he should first get educated so he can provide for his wife and family better. Manav is a bad father so is Archana all they do is be violent and cry

    Sachin deserved it for all the harm he caused Archu and her family. I tell you Karma works

    • Mahi
      September 17, 12:54

      It’s sad MU. Imagine a mother telling her son “You were a goon, you are a goon and you will always be a goon”. That’s hurtful!

    • Merina
      September 17, 12:58

      Yeah they build up a character from scratch just to butcher it in future. Rather than showing Soham getting educated and building his self respect he is shown to become an obsessive stalker. Apart from love triangles and sibling rivalry can they not think something out of box and build a fresh and interesting story line for each character rather than torture the viewers with the repetitive story lines?

    • Mahi
      September 17, 13:07

      Right Merina, today they butchered Soham in PR. What message does this send “Bad people will always remain bad”. I wonder. Soon after all this damage then they will make Soham all nice again.

    • Merina
      September 17, 13:19

      @ Mahi: Yeah u r right. That is so hurtful. Soham has genuinely tred to be a good person, but after this incident I think he will turn into Vishnu lala once again..perhaps more ruthless than before. And one thing that I really don’t like about PR is the parents are shown to be patetic creatures who don’t do anything concrete for their children rather than shedding tears. They never got Ovi to psychiatrist when she was in denial after Arjun fell for Purvi, didn’t got counselling for her during the whole of alcoholism fiasco ..well the list is endless. And similarly when Soham came home rather than educating him he just let him work in the grocery shop, rather than building his self confidence, they let him remain an uncouth ruffian. Well the parenting skill ( or the lack of it) in PR really baffles me.

    • Mahi
      September 17, 13:26

      I know, all the support they give is emotional and its not like they don’t have the wealth to do otherwise. The crucial time was when Soham went back to them. Getting him educated would have been a priority but ignorant Manav couldn’t see that. He should not compare himself with Soham. His family wasn’t wealthy to fund anything for him but he is. If he does become a goon then this story will become boring once again because its all repetition like you said. Writers please focus on something other than love triangles. You’re exhausting the viewers.

    • Daisy
      September 17, 13:46

      You are so right, I don’t agree with Soham behavior but at the same time Archana should understand his pain. And for all the wrong that was done to her by Sachin and Savita. Not once did she ever treated them in this manner. What could be more wrong wanting to marry some one you love or separating you from you children for eighteen years.

      She had every right to scold Soham and help him to understand, but not in the way it was done. Remember she was ready to stay away from her kids for Sachin happiness ? She is a poor excuse for a mother. I m starting to hate her character.

    • Merina
      September 17, 13:50

      @Mahi: Bang on Mahi. U are right. And besides does Ekta think that she is still catering to the same viewers as Kasauti, Kahaani and Kyunki days?.. Today the viewers, especially the young generation analyze the story, plot and the soap as a whole. But Balaji and their story lines seem like the stuck gramophone record..

    • fan
      September 17, 14:34

      because these so called writers are dumb themselves!

    • Mahi
      September 17, 14:45

      Right. We analyse their plots. They seem to think oohh one female two males tie them like a triangle and we’d get lots of viewers. But nope you’re wrong. Creating a love triangle isn’t all but its how you create it. And yes please improve the parenting in PR.

    • Miss Unbelievable
      September 17, 14:47

      correct mahi merina and daisey

      they kept him at home at a grocery store

      before they get professional help they used their own family members like cheap people

      they have a multi-million/billion international company yet they live like paupers

      i understand thats the house they began with but time to change…maybe if they lived in a mansion and introduced Soham to a better life where he can own a car his own company give him some other motivation than love. Help him to discover his own dreams then maybe Balan couldnt get to him

      Sachin is a stupid F*CK! so gotdamn arrogant i cant beleive he would say Soham is jealous of him. You know what i cant blame soham for being slightly jealous i mean your cosuin is living your dream

  25. xyz
    September 17, 12:41 Reply

    is sachin gng 2 die or wat

    • Merina
      September 17, 12:48

      Hey just read a news that Sachin would not die. He will be looked after by Gauri and in the meantime they will fall in love. So Sachin, if this gossip is to be believed would not die.

    • jes
      September 17, 12:56

      looking 4ward to gauri & sachin’s relationship

    • Mahi
      September 17, 12:57

      So then the writers solved the problem of “Gauri didn’t even know Sachin” or “hardly interacted”.

    • Merina
      September 17, 13:05

      Seems so. Perhaps the idea is Sachin Gauri. But the article ended with the note ” let’s see who would Gauri marry in the end”. Basically it is repetition of Arjun-Purvi-Ovi story line. The adopted one falling in love and the biological child trying to snatch it…. Repetitive and ridiculous.

  26. xyz
    September 17, 12:39 Reply

    wen vl d update b cmplte yar?

  27. xyz
    September 17, 12:31 Reply

    dis episode z running so fast lyk a movie’s climax..

    • Mahi
      September 17, 12:38

      lol yeah

  28. jes
    September 17, 12:25 Reply

    soham is too dangerous & obsessive

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