Veera 21st June 2013 Written Update

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Veera 21st June 2013 Written Update by Roshani

Veera 21st June 2013 Written Episode

Episode starts with Nihall hugging Ranveera protectively. Ratan, Chaji and all join him; Ratan and Moti Chaiji are relived, as Ranveera are safe. Ranveer scolds Veera for not listing to him and returning back to where he was standing thus putting herself in danger. Veera replies him asking how can she leave her Veerji when he is in danger? (Veera title song playing) Villagers thank Nihaal and praise him about not only Ranveera but also the whole village. They decide to send the tiger to national park since it is unconscious.

Villagers celebrating as the danger of tiger is removed. Balwant joins them apologies for not being there when the villagers needed him the most. Ratan says had she been in Bansuri’s place she would have done the same, as a mother she would want to save her child first. Balwant still not convinced, express his disappointment on himself of not being lived up to villager’s expectations and not being a selfless sarpanch like Sampooran. Seeing Balwant saying such good things about Sampooran, Kartar become annoyed, says its doesn’t matter who is alive who is dead (referring to Saompooran ) and they most important think is Ranveera are safe hence we all shoud be happy. Ratan gives him back agreeing with his statement in a sarcastic way. She further says Veera is safe thanks to Rv and Nihaal, otherwise Kartar has agreed to compromise with Veera’s life. Kartar tries to defend himself but Ratan says that she hasn’t seen him trying to save veera and we know our well- wishers when we are in trouble. Gurpreet is happy to see Karta getting a piece of mind. Ratn sees Nihaal in pain, they decide to take him to hospital.

After they leave, Balwant says how Nihaal has become the saviour of their village. Baktawar questions Balwant about Nihall still staying in their village. He further says its not social service Nihaal is doing but service for Ratn house. Balwant asks Baktawar to stop talking nonsense and lectures him about how Nihaal has cared for the village’s reputation by winning a trophy in their village’s name and all. Kartar interrupts him saying even he finds Nihaal doing so much for Ratn and family. Balwant is surprised and shocked by Kartar’s hatred twords Nihaal , doubts his recent intentions.

In hospital, Doctor treating Nihaal. Ratan promises she will take care of Nihaal and will make sure he takes his medicines on time. She is amused to see Nihaal having fear of injection. She thinks to herself how can a man who fights with a dangerous tiger, can have fear for small things auch as chipkali and injection.

At Balwant’s home, hearing Balwant’s voice Bansuri instructs Baldev to behave the way she has teached him to. Balwants asks Baldev where he was when the tiger was in school. Balwant tries to cover up his fauts by saying lies, but Balwant catches him. When he asks Balwant where he was, Balwant runs away. Bansuri gives a victorious smile. Balwant lecures bansuri about her blind love leading Baldev’s dark future. He further says she is going to regret it.

Ranveera infront of sampooran’s picture, Rv talking to his fathers pic and saying Veera has scared him today by going in front of the tiger. Veera innocently says how she had the opportunity to see tiger so close and how good it was looking. Rv scolds Veera for her carelessness and goes away. Moti chaiji witnesses this, explains Veera about how we cant come back once tiger eats us. Veera asks her since her Veerji scolded her for the first time, does that mean her Veerji doesn’t love her anymore? Chaiji explais her Rv will always love her no matter what and today he scolded her because he loves her so much.

Veera goes to see who is sitting in the room sad, she hugs him from behind asking him to scold her more as scolding means loving someone the most. Veera sees Rv dejected, asks her where did he go leaving her back at school.

Pre-cap : Ratan asking RV why didn’t he think about her putting his life in danger ? Rv replies just like she cant live without him, he cant without Veera after all e is her anohki maa.

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  1. Sonya
    June 21, 17:55 Reply

    A very nice episode. Good story. superb acting by Veera/Ranveer – Ratan / Nihal / Chaichi / Nihal is scared of injection and lizards – love this scene. Ratan is very pretty. A very different story for the rest that is currently going on in the TV world – I love it – Kudoos! to the director and story writer. I / we never miss a single episode.

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