Pavitra Rishta 26th April 2013 Written Update

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Pavitra Rishta 26th April 2013 Written Update by crazy2012

Pavitra Rishta 26th April 2013 Written Episode
Episode starts in D house where everyone of the family members present in the hall. Ovi hurts herself by breaking a glass and Savita becomes worried by seeing this. Ovi says that this can be treated but the wound given by her family members leaves its sign forever. Soham says that Pari has been kidnapped by his father Balan. Manav threats Soham for their wrong act while police comes to inform that Soham has helped them to search Pari by informing them about Balan’s address. Purvi and Arjun thank Soham, but Soham says it as his duty because he thinks Pari as his niece. Purvi comes with Arjun in his house when she realized that Pari has the high fever. Arjun brings medicine and Purvi manages to keep the baby calm. Onir sees from distance that Pari’s actual parent is so happy with their kid.
Ovi goes to a modelling agency where she has been referred by Romil. That lady who interacts with Ovi firstly promise a renowned campaign for her where she is going to be the showstopper. She gives the form to be filled up by Ovi. When Ovi returns the form, she rejects her due to her marital status and it is against their company policy to appoint any model who is married. Ovi thinks sadly at her bedroom when Manav comes to her with a cup of coffee. He feels happy by Ovi’s decision. Ovi says that once she has left her career, job and everything for Arjun, but now, she is not getting any job because of Arjun and her marital status. She also says that now she feels this marriage was a wrong decision made by her. Manav feels sad as Ovi becomes more sad and depressed day by day.
Purvi thinks about Pari standing alone in front of window. Onir sees her sad face and want to know the reason. Purvi wants to rectify her prior decision by taking back Pari from Arjun. She used to think that Ovi could be a ideal mom who would love her kid more than herself. Onir says that he has previously told her not to give her baby. In the same time, Arjun comes to give Pari to her mom. Arjun thinks that pari needs her mom which Ovi can not be.
Arjun sits in a dark room when DK comes. Arjun says that he has done his duty by giving her to Purvi as Pari is so small and a small kid like her needs mom so much. Arjun still can feel the absence of Ashna, so, she has given her to Purvi. DK wants to know if he can live without Pari, Arjun accepts and says that he has to take this decision for the sake of Pari only. DK also tells to fulfill his responsibility towards Ovi as a husband. DK says marriage is a holy thing.
Onir and Purvi are unable to make Pari quiet, Purvi thinks that Pari may need her father, Arjun as she has become habituated of him. As per Onir, child gets habituated with the person whom she can get since her birth. On the other side, Arjun starts crying by seeing the baby cot. Onit goes to get a job in a private hospital where the doctor denies to give him a chance as he does not want his hospital to come into the limelight due to Onir.


Precap – No precap at all, Arjun (Rithvik) tells about Saturday’s IBD


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  1. lalitha
    April 29, 11:54 Reply

    i guess arvi wont get reunite being an arvian iam feeling sad abut it

  2. Shaza
    April 29, 06:44 Reply

    Hope today’s episode wil be something special 4 da viewers since there is no precap

  3. ammara
    April 29, 06:06 Reply

    i wouldnt call purvi an adulterer at all she was with arjun b4 he was married and the same for arjun he was with purvi b4 marriage .They both married different ppl afterwards and did not resume their relationship hence they are not adulterors

    purvi is more of a manipulator who disguises getting what she wants by being goo and crying

    arjun is always the sufferer and onir is going to be in the same boat .their mistake was loving purvi

    ovi has to be a special kind of stupid … killed to marry arjun and now after she and purvi made a mess of his life she decides marriage was a wrong decision …. now taht is a special kind of stupid bcoz she deliberately married a man who was totally in love with another woman

  4. aysheer
    April 28, 17:51 Reply

    i rili tink unitin arvi is causin more havoc

  5. Anonymous
    April 28, 11:31 Reply

    Neither Arjun nor Purvi can be classed as adulterers. It wouldn’t be fair to the characters to label them as such. They have actually been very loyal to their partners.

    Despite all the insults and embarrassment dished out by Ovi, Arjun remained with her and did not stray. Lots of men these days would so easily find excuses to stray from their marriages, especially if they had a wife like Ovi.

  6. naZ
    April 28, 00:39 Reply

    U guyss r so ridiculous to want arvi to unite. Can’t url see hw bewafa and indecent purvi is, and wat about arjun… He’s an adulterer. Purvi and arjuns adultry made the name of the series ironic.. And poor onir, who suffered so much for purvi’s khhatir, must jus give her up nw, even with his budding love swelling up inside him. Its so unfair. Ekta plz end this series on monday. Make purvi die.

  7. Whatevs
    April 27, 10:51 Reply

    I don’t know why ekta makes us fall in love with Arjun and purvi as a couple and then break them apart. Then makes us fall in love with purvi and onir but then breaks them apart again? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU

  8. Shaza
    April 27, 03:42 Reply

    Hi frnds,I’m realy very happy to hear the gud nws abt Arvi,as they going 2 reunite,I Knw that onir is a gud guy but we need Arvi togethr, Now nearly 100 of my frndz startd 2 watch pavithra risha after diz gud nws abt Arvi,so writers pls dnt seperate them

  9. Midhu
    April 26, 21:35 Reply

    U r right shruti,if purvi goes back to arjun it will b the worst part of this show and it gives msg -give up ur lyf partner and go wid ur ex boy friend ..! what a pavitra rishta..!!!

  10. MK
    April 26, 16:00 Reply

    Hi AK, finally Purvi came for her baby, hope she don’t change her mind after seeing Ovi,
    I hate how this show is going, I hate how Arvi got separated, I hate how Punir will be separated in future
    I hate Ovi
    I hat how oOvi and Arjun got married.
    I hate manav for supporting his spoilt idiotic brat daughter, that evil spawn of Savita
    I hate Archana for also supporting Arjun and Ovi marriage and insisting that they get the damn marriage
    Annulled or get a damn divorce when she realized why Purvi did what she did because the misunderstanding between she and manav had already been cleared up
    I hate soluchana for not supporting Purvi in this critical time of her life.
    I hate Sachin for always supporting the wrongdoings of Ovi, he also could have put sme sense into
    The blinded by love for his daughter, manav.
    I hate hate Teju for despite knowing Arjun does not love Ovi, she still supported the s
    Lilt brat and did not try to talk some sense into that thick empty head of hers and insist that Arjun loves Purvi and only Purvi, to let her stubbornness go.
    she always comes with thes shit in all her shows.
    I hate Purvi for giving her child to that shit head Ovi
    I hate Purvi for getting Arjun married to that dodo head Ovi
    I hate Arjun for giving Purvi her way.
    I hate Arjun for after finding out Purvi is Pari mother, and his witch of a wife refused the child he still insists that she come back with him
    I hate Arjun more for not taking Pari to Purvi and insisting that Purvi be a mother to Pari and he be the father.I LOVE LOVE LOVE ONIRI ALSO LOVE ARJUN AND FEEL SOSOSOOOOOO Sorry for both hom and Onir, because they both are getting hurt in some way or the other because of that demented family and Purvi.

  11. fathi lucky
    April 26, 15:59 Reply

    camon purvi be u r husband not u r ex boy friend this onir has done for u everything dont leave him alone he is serffering bcz of poor arjun i lk u but what can i do for u may God help u to get a good girl like prv u know i hate the writer in any way he does this show it does not mk interesting like punar vivah does

  12. shruthi
    April 26, 14:20 Reply

    wat’s wrong wid purvi ….y does she have to play wid d emotions of 2guys…if she gets back wid arjun and leaves onir….it will be d worst part of d story forever……and purvi will be d worst character in d serial……please for purvi ur married and u should think about ur husband and not ex boyfriend

    • arjunpurviforever
      April 27, 08:45

      i think it will be onir who will reunite arjun and purvi… and seriously do u want arjun and ovi together ??? arjun doesen’t even love her….. he tried to love her only becoz purvi asked him too. and now iif arjun, purvi and pari are back together for good and if onir maybe the one to reunite them thn no problem… maybe onir will end up with ovi… poor man… i hope he tolerates tht tantrum bitch ovi.

  13. meeraj
    April 26, 14:01 Reply

    Guys I tink pari ill b d reason 4 arvi 2 re-unit,hena?

  14. Mahi
    April 26, 13:26 Reply

    I’m getting to dislike Purvi…..too much immaturity. Why in the world did they make her marry Onir…I wouldn’t be surprised that he tells her that he wants her to go back with Arjun because that’s where she would be happy. Come on writer this soap needs a little reality check. Even though things like this do happen the role that Purvi plays means you can play with people’s emotions like toys.

  15. Anu
    April 26, 13:14 Reply

    @veer : allah miya… What’s wrong wid u????

    • Veer
      April 26, 13:17


    • Anu
      April 26, 13:23


  16. Veer
    April 26, 13:08 Reply

    hey guyz I am Veer I am New on dis site.can I join u all

    • Anu
      April 26, 13:11

      Veer tume kya hua????

    • Veer
      April 26, 13:15

      jus kidding dear

  17. Veer
    April 26, 13:06 Reply

    yes yes ovi go back to ur dear romil.let arvi live peacefully

  18. Midhu
    April 26, 13:04 Reply

    purvi pls consider onir as ur husband & and his emotions ..he is totally alone in this world..

  19. arjunandpurviforever
    April 26, 12:58 Reply

    all tis has happend becoz of ovi. if she had nt married arjun all tis would nt hav happend. she makes a contract wid purvi tht she wil stop the divorce hpf she gives away arjun to her. and then she forcefully makes arjun love her even if he doesen’t wants too. she is really a spoilt brat. its better if she goes back to modelling and to romil. and never to cum back to arjun , purvi and pari’s lfe. and pari is gud wid ARVI her real parents. so no need tht idiotic BITCH OVI WID HER PIG-FACE poking her nose and spoiling every1’s life.

    • Veer
      April 26, 13:03

      haha nyc comment

    • shoba
      April 27, 06:56

      Gosh …. u ppl need 2 stop abusing ovi lyk tht …. I mean its jus a show n that was the role given 2 her by the ppl in authority …n if purvi was in her place am sure u guyz would’ve been speakin abt purvi lyk tht …n wht if any 1 of u were in her(Ovi) place would u have liked if any1 spoke of u tht way ???? u ppl need 2 b realistic.

    • arjunpurviforever
      April 27, 08:48

      i don’t like the character of ovi.. but i like shruti kanwar… and i am just criricising the role. and if a role lik would be given to me i would have said NO… it is better to keep quiet rather than to play a spoiled brat like ovi.

    • Veer
      April 27, 08:52

      its complement buddy

  20. Veer
    April 26, 12:58 Reply

    Dr.Gila from movie kya supercool hein hum

    • Veer
      April 26, 13:00

      peoples liking dis show cuz somewhere dey know Arvi is gonna reunite soon

  21. Veer
    April 26, 12:53 Reply

    Haan haan main crazy hoon
    Crazy .. . crazy
    Haan haan main crazy hoon
    Crazy .. . crazy
    Kisi ko smile dena
    Kisi ko khush kar jaana
    Agar ye sab crazy hai toh
    Haan main crazy hoon
    Haan haan main crazy hoon woa. ..
    Kisi ka din banana
    Khushi yunhi lutana
    Agar ye sab crazy hai
    Haan main crazy hoon
    Yes I am crazy , I am crazy
    Crazy crazy crazy
    Haan haan main crazy hoon
    Khushiyaan lutao crazy kehlao ..

    • AK
      April 26, 12:56

      Yeah Bhai

  22. Midhu
    April 26, 12:47 Reply

    DK is right why should ovi accept her husband’s illegal that point of view ovi is right..

  23. 1D
    April 26, 12:46 Reply

    Omg that ovi she is a big spoiler . She spoiled : Arjun ‘s life , purvi’ life n my darling onir’s life. Now that ovi has feelings for Pari bt her feelings is stopping her. Ovi now u r regretting for wat u have done n this is wat we viewers predicted for u b4 ur marriage wt Arjun . Ovi she can’t be an ideal wife nor a mother. Purvi is another nut case . Wat is she is trying to do? She is threating Arjun n onir as toys. I’m so sad over Arjun love for his daughter , his scenes today made me cry n onir too . Onir looks abandon by purvi . This daughters of archana r playing wt two men’s life. I hate purvi n ovi.

    • Mahi
      April 26, 13:20

      I agree with you! Even though Pari is her and Arjun’s child she’s married to him. Marriage means a lot!

  24. MK
    April 26, 12:40 Reply

    MU AK, hi
    DK can’t be real? God man. What holy is there in Arjun Ovi marriage, it was a huge sacrifice and compromise by poor Arjun. Why in the hell shoul he be advised to go back and salvage the shit that is called a marriage?
    I’m so angry at these writers. I hop Ovi initiates divorce proceedings fast and get rid of her miserable state and dragging poor Arjun into her misery.
    I feel for Onir.
    I want Purvi and Arjun. T unite yesterday but I also want Onir happiness. He has gotten messed up in Purvi mess too.

    • MK
      April 26, 12:42

      So if Arjun took Pari to Purvi, wasn’t it practical that he take all her belongings too?
      What does that tell us folks, that Pari is going back to Arjun place soon?

    • Lovely bones
      April 26, 12:47

      Super clue dear mk. Wat u r saying is very logic n very very practical

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