Khushi to seduce Veeru in Sasural Simar Ka

Khushi (Jyotsna Chandola) has been staying in a dance bar in Colors’ Sasural Simar Ka (Rashmi Sharma Telefilms), but she does not intend to stay there all her life. And Khushi being the scheming woman that she is, will try to do her best to win over everything.

If sources are to be believed, she will now be seen seducing her ex-boyfriend Veeru (Vishal Singh).

Khushi knows it really well that the only person who can get her back in the Bharadwaj house is Veeru as he owns the house now. In the upcoming episodes, she will be seen taking help from the Bar Manager in inviting Veeru to the bar. Once Veeru is at the bar she will be seen at her seductive best. However, whatever she does will not melt Veeru’s heart. In fact, he will go ahead to tell her about his wedding plans with Roli (Avika Gor).

We tried contacting Jyotsna, but she remained unavailable for comment in spite of our repetitive attempts.

Watch this space for more updates on Sasural Simar Ka.

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1 Comment

  1. Navina
    February 06, 03:24 Reply

    so its day of roli and veeru wedding
    roli is coming down the stairs veeru
    ready to marry her prem and family
    members standing behind the rope
    and all giving cold looks to roli
    everyone was really angry at her
    she has certain kind of pain in her
    eyes then her problems increased
    when sid entered the house he saw
    roli there with veeru looking as
    beautiful as an angel coming from
    heaven she came down from stairs
    walked towards the mandap priest
    was there the marriage started she
    sat in mandap the priest started
    with all mantras sid was all heart
    broken he in his heart was feeling
    pain that there is no hope that he
    will get his roli back now then
    suddenly khushi entered the house
    she shouted stop! everyone shocked
    then she came veeru stood up and
    said eyy billo why do u came here to
    spoil my and roli’s wedding khushi
    said veeru i came because i love u
    and care for u roli is making fool
    out of u she loves sid so much that
    she can never marry u, sid shocked
    sim and manno has a little smile on
    there face then veeru said if she is
    cheating me then why she is
    marrying me khushi says saala only
    that i want to know that why she is
    marrying u then roli stood up and
    said i ll tell u both with the smiling
    slightly she said khushi and veeru i
    was waiting for this day from so
    many past days i have made a fool
    out of u then veeru shocked and
    then roli explains to everyone how
    she has manipulated veeru against
    khushi how she has taken anjali and
    then she opened the suspense that
    how she took veeru’s sign on papers
    everyone shocked including veeru
    and khushi and veeru then asked
    roli if u wanted the property then
    why u waited till the marriage day
    to reveal this truth u could have
    conquer all the property that day so
    why u did all this drama roli said i
    want to give u tit for tat like i did
    with khushi how dare she compared
    me with the bar dancer like her and
    veeru u tried to touch me na u tried
    to separate me from my husband my
    life so how can i leave u this easily u
    have to pay for your deeds u have
    done and how did u think that i will
    love u leaving my husband… sid is
    all becoming happy including
    everyone then roli said u know
    what???? love is not loving someone
    with conditions it is loving someone
    unconditionally and for me my life
    is loving my husband, my sole mate,
    my best friend my siddhant ji i love
    him a lot and can’t live without him
    veeru all heart broken khushi
    shocked and then simar get the
    property papers and veeru khushi
    saw it khushi took the property
    papers from sim’s hands and tried
    to tore it but roli clapped khushi u
    are so dumb that u can’t even take
    lessons from what i did with u in
    past then also u are repeating your
    mistakes again and again how could
    u think that i will give these papers
    to u this easily like i made copies of
    ur voice recordings i made the
    copies of these papers also everyone
    came from behind the rope everyone
    said to roli to forgive them that
    they misunderstood roli and then
    sid hugged roli and then hold her
    face from her hand and said my roli
    never cheated me she still loved me
    and roli said yes your roli always
    loves u and i m sorry na yaar i
    hurted u so much but i m happy that
    i again got u with more love for me
    in ur eyes then veeru shouted eyy
    roli u made me fool i ll never leave
    u i love u so much i can’t live
    without u can’t leave me… khushi
    said eyy veeru what u are saying u
    still love roli then veeru says to sid
    u want the property na u can take i
    ll give u everything but don’t take
    my roli away from me then veeru
    holds roli’s hand roli pushes him
    and then said u can’t understand i
    don’t love u and then sid agrees and
    said eyy u stay away from roli sid
    tries to fight in anger that due to
    him roli has to go through such pain
    and humiliations and gave a punch
    to veeru on his face veeru fell down
    then roli stopped sid and sid said
    sorry i always have been with u in
    tough times but when u needed me
    so much i was not with u… roli said
    no u were always with me your love
    was with me i always knew that
    when u will come to know the truth
    u will accept me with more love in
    all this situation your love was the
    only thing which give me courage to
    go through all this and restore my
    family’s happiness and then mataji
    came and said bharadwaj family
    will never forget ur sacrifice never
    and then veeru says saala i did so
    much for u and u dumped me saying
    that u don’t love me how could u,
    everyone was seeing him sid was
    standing in front of veeru and roli
    was standing beside sid and sankalp
    called the police and then veeru said
    if roli will not be mine i ll never let
    her be of anyone else never and
    then he took out gun and everyone
    shocked he shot someone…
    so veeru shot someone when he was
    pointing sid and shot him roli came
    in between and hugged sid tightly
    sid couldn’t understand what is
    happening and was shocked after
    listening guns noise roli leave him
    she turned at veeru’s side slowly sid
    still in shock and she was about fell
    then sid suddenly hold her veeru
    also in shock he just gain back his
    sense that he shot roli while
    shooting sid veeru all broke police
    enter the house veeru did nothing
    he was all shocked they took veeru
    and khushi both to police station sid
    was holding roli he said why did u
    do this again roli for saving me roli
    had a slight smile on her face and
    tears fell down from passing her
    cheeks she said how can i see u
    getting hurt again because of me i
    hurt u so much na think its a com
    pulsation for the pain i gave u and
    then she closed her eyes and was
    shouting roli open your eyes please
    open your eyes and then prem came
    and said sid ambulance is waiting
    outside we have to take roli to the
    hospital hurry up!!!! than scene
    shifted to hospital everyone tensed
    outside the ICU waiting for the news
    that roli is saved then sid is all in
    state of shock he remembers the day
    when roli was came in between him
    and the gun and saved his life and
    suddenly he shouts roliii… then
    sujata came and to him and said
    what happened sid… sid gain back
    his all senses doctor came out sid
    the ICU he said mr. bharadwaj i m
    sorry your wife has really less time
    all shocked …
    sid sat there only then everyone
    went inside the ward to meet roli
    sujata was consoling sid outside to
    face roli he was not having courage
    to face her at all… inside the ward
    roli tries to talk to sim nurse took
    away her oxygen mask sim was
    crying roli said don’t cry why are u
    crying i know u love me alot but u
    have to start a new life with anjali
    don’t cry roli says jiju and then she
    says now i can call u jeeju na prem
    back offs thinking of the day when
    he said roli died for him that day
    only when she handled divorce
    papers to sid and roli’s eyes for
    searching for sid… then sid came
    inside he sat near roli everyone
    walks outside leaving them alone sid
    keeps his hands on roli’s forehead
    says why u always leave me alone
    can’t u see me happy roli smiles i m
    not leaving u alone u have such a big
    family why u will be alone sid says
    what about we two roli u never
    stayed with me our life was about to
    start and now see what u
    did ?????????????? i love u roli and
    i ll not let u go away from me
    anywhere roli says i m not going
    anywhere we are always with each
    other and i ll always with u after
    death … and sid keeps his hand on
    roli’s mouth he says no don’t dare
    to say that i ll not let u happen
    anything u will be always with me
    and roli says ya i will be sid says u
    are ok roli says u will start a new
    life after me na sid says no i ll not…
    u are one and only person for me in
    my life and sid says don’t leave me
    na yar i can’t live without u don’t
    leave me alone please stay with me,
    who will be there to guide me u are
    my everything who will show me
    right path when i will be wrong roli
    says i have an idea an smiles roli
    says whenever u will close your eyes
    u will always find me there with u
    and i will the one who will guide u
    and roli says promise me u will
    always stay happy sid says how can i
    when my life and happiness will not
    be with me and suddenly roli closes
    her eyes sid shouts roli open your
    open your eyes don’t leave me and
    he shouts for the doctor…
    part 3
    so the doctor came inside the ward
    bharadwaj family also came inside
    they all were crying seeing roli like
    that and then doctors says oh my
    god she has gone in comma…
    everyone shocked but doctors said
    we all have gave up that she will not
    live for long but its just a miracle
    that there is a still hope if she can
    come out of comma… they called
    roli’s parents also when they see
    roli they came and saw her so they
    returned hopelessly …
    2 days passed everyone at home
    worrying or sid as he did not came
    from hospital from two days he is
    there with roli and she is in comma
    he is in still hope that roli will wake
    and then premar say that they will
    make sid to come back at home in
    hospital sid sitting near roli he said
    roli speak something have been
    waiting for to listen your voice from
    so long to see your smile and hug u
    tight from so long why u are not
    responding i know i made mistakes
    why u r giving me such a big
    punishment and why u are suffering
    for this why roli say something at
    last i can’t live without u yaar and
    then sid kisses on her forehead and
    hold her hand i m still waiting for u
    to come in my life and i know u will
    come back
    at other side in office naina waiting
    for sid and is totally lost in sid’s
    dream’s she made some mistake and
    that too a big one which can harm
    the position of there office and the
    staff’s called the boss they all at
    first made fun of naina but her boss
    suspended her from job for every
    time making mistakes which harm
    there company’s profit and naina
    went out from her office crying…
    in hospital premar came and tried
    to console sid simar says siddhant ji
    u remember u have made a promise
    with roli that u will always stay
    happy only for her come please come
    with us and prem says ya siddhant
    simar is saying right what will roli
    think when she will come back to us
    and i know one day she will be back
    that because of her u were so
    depressed and sad now its your time
    to prove your love to roli just for
    her please come with us…
    sid not in a mood to listen and says
    simar roli always obey you please
    say her to get up and talk to me she
    will never ignore if u will say simar
    crying and says to sid siddhant ji
    please for roli’s stake come with us
    some how they made sid to come
    along with them at home …
    when sid reaches home he did not
    met anyone he just went to his room
    he saw his and roli’s photograph
    and was remembering her when he
    went to the cupboard to take his
    night suit he remembered that
    moment when roli was about to fall
    but he catches her then after getting
    fresh he came in front of dressing
    table he remembered that moment
    when roli weared pink saree and
    asked sid how she was looking and
    while imagining that sid suddenly
    said that very beautiful then he gain
    his all senses back and saw no one
    was there tears fell from his eyes
    then he took roli’s vermillion box
    which was kept there and
    remembered that day when he
    married roli than he remembers
    that roli said whenever u want me
    if u close your eyes u will always
    find me sid closes his eyes and he
    saw roli he saw roli sid suddenly
    says roli u came u came back to me i
    knew it that my roli can never leave
    me alone and he was about to hug
    her but she disappeared sid cried
    that u are big lier roli u lied to me u
    are not with me … and he went to
    sleep he put roli’s photo near his
    heart and slept in morning he was
    getting ready for the office because
    he promised roli so that he forget
    all this pain he started with his
    work he shouted roli have u seen my
    file and documents but stops and
    realizes roli is not here he says u
    have become my habit now how will
    i manage all this he took that
    vermillion box with him and went
    out of house without facing any one
    first he went to his office were he
    was working and gave resignation
    letter and it was excepted he did n’t
    saw naina anywhere so he asked
    from a staff he told him everything
    that naina was suspended and all
    sid felt really bad for her and
    wanted to help as she was alone and
    has no family so while he was
    driving he thought why not he give
    naina a job in his own office so
    after coming to office he called
    naina and her to become sankalp’s
    personal he did not asked her for
    himself as he did not wanted that
    instead of roli any other girl
    manages his files and all which roli
    did for him at home… naina was
    confused why sid did not asked for
    becoming his secretary but she
    agreed sid told him that he is a
    business man and has his own
    company and all and due to
    problems he has to work in anyone
    else business but he didn’t told
    naina about roli so naina was happy
    that now she can at least stay close
    to sid so she said she wil join from
    tomorrow only and sid in office
    informs sankalp about that and
    then at after noon he walks out of
    office and he went to hospital for
    seeing roli he enters the room and
    then he take out the vermillion from
    his bag and puts it on roli’s head
    and says now my roli is looking
    complete he says i have started
    again but not the new roli as my life
    is still yours and i ll wait i will also
    see that for how long u will stay
    away from me but he couldn’t stop
    his tears and walks out so that his
    promise doesn’t break and he cried
    after he went out side from there …
    after controlling himself he sat
    there till evening then went home…
    lets see what happens to rosid after
    entering naina in sid’s life and dear
    it is just a short part of naina
    getting insulted so barace your self
    for more i ll continue soon…

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