Diya Aur Baati Hum 25th January 2013 Written Update

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Diya Aur Baati Hum 25th January 2013 Written Update by b2011

Diya Aur Baati Hum 25th January 2013 Written Episode

Bhabho tells Bhabasa that she is making arrangements from her side as Sandhya has agreed to the 3 mistakes condition. Bhabhasa advises her not to hurt herself and others and try to forget. Bhabho advises him not to interfere in this battle between mother and daughter-in-law and asks him to go and sleep.

The telephone workers want to dig the earth near the temple. The Babaji’s followers are not allowing them to do so saying it is holy place but the telephone workers insist as none of the telephone lines in that area are working and they have to fix it. Just then Babaji’s car arrives. He comes there, knows the issue and allows the telephone workers to carry out their work. He says their bhakti won’t create any problem to others. The workers start digging, the soil is so loose that in the process soil falls on Suraj and hurt his eye. SurYa move a little farther and Sandhya brings water to wash the eyes. Later, they move from there and Sandhya is silent in some thoughts. Suraj asks what is she thinking. Sandhya says she felt Malathi madam was not okay today, she could feel some sadness in her voice. Suraj says he did not feel so. They reach home in the scooter and Suraj goes to open the door with keys but the doors open by themselves and Bhabho is standing there. She tells them she was waking up to open the doors for them and they need not enter the house like thieves. Suraj says he had the keys and asks her not to wake up till late as it will spoil her health. Bhabho sarcastically says that he is too caring much for his mother these days and goes from there. Suraj is hurt. Sandhya reminds him Bhabhasa’s words that Bhabho will take some time to come out of the hurt. SurYa enter their room and Sandhya sets the alarm to get up early next day.

Next day, Bhabho wakes up and is looking very tired. As she comes out, sees Sandhya has already had her bath and wonders why did she wake up so early. Meena also comes out of her room and bumps into Bhabho. Bhabho asks her has she not yet finished with her sleep. Meena gives her usual mindless excuses saying she has to sleep hers and her infant’s sleep too. Bhabho taunts her and Meena thinks because of Sandhya getting up very early, she is getting scolding.

Meena is bringing a tray of garbage and is lazy to walk up to the dustbin out and thinks of throwing it near the paan shop and does so. Someone scold her for throwing garbage and it turns out to be an inspector. Meena is scared and apologizes and collecting the garbage saying she will throw it in dustbin. Inspector asks her help to find out some person in the area. Meena boasts that she knows everyone there from a pigeon to the cow in hanuman galli. Inspector asks her who is Meenakshi Rathi and Meena blabbers there is no one by that name. Just then, a small boy comes there with a box and calls her Meena didi and says his mother told him to give it to Rathis. Inspector knows she is Meenakshi Rathi and inquires about her treatment with vaidrani. Meenakshi cries saying she just took medicines from them and not involved with vaidrani and not to arrest her. Inspector tells her to stop crying and says they are investigating how many people paid money to vaidrani and will be returning them back. Meenakshi asks him to write her name first in the list and says she has given 60K. Inspector says it is not so easy, she need to undergo a trial and needs to give them her photo. They are conducting an awareness program and her photo will be published in the paper. Meena is happy for a moment and then realizes her blunder. She asks him not publish her photo. Just then, Sandhya who is dusting the balcony sees Meena talking to a policeman and calls her name. Meena signals her to wait for some time and turns to the policeman who orders her to come to the station and submit her photo within Tuesday or else they will be visiting her house with a team and leaves from there. Meena comes in and tells Sandhya that the policeman’s wife is a customer of Rathi Saree Shop. She requests Sandhya to at least sometimes behave like a normal person and not an IPS. Sandhya is thoughtful.

Chotu is playing with his friends, the godman and his disciples game. He has spread some mud in front and decorated. He asks all his friends to close their eyes and sing bhajan. While all are closing their eyes, Chotu clears the mud in the center to disclose a small shivling. One of his friends sees this with his one eye open. Chotu then asks everyone to open their eyes and see the wonder that a shivling has appeared. His friend disagrees with him as he saw Chotu placing it. Sandhya is seeing all this from the balcony and smiling. Listening to their convo about the appearance of shivling, she gets into thoughts.

All are present in the aangan doing some work except Sandhya who is dusting the balcony. Bhabho has brought a cloth and is cleaning the tulsi plant. Chavvi asks what she is doing and Bhabho explains they offer cloth to the tulsi plant during winter and explains the significance of maintaining tulsi plant in the house for happiness. Meena is listening to this and thinks of getting some good numbers from Bhabho that day. She goes to Bhabho and says she also wants to offer pooja and cloth to the tulsi pot in the balcony. Bhabho asks her to bring it down. Meena goes but then remembers how she has broken that pot and is hesitating to move forward. Bhabho taunts her to go or else Bhabho will do it herself. Meena still reluctant but then asks Sandhya who is in the balcony to bring it. She warns Sandhya to wash her hands first as she was holding the broom and then to hold the pot carefully. Sandhya says okay. Meena is praising herself in mind for fooling Sandhya and wonders whether this will be Sandhya’s first mistake in Bhabho’s condition. Sandhya lifts the pot and the pot falls down. All are shocked and Bhabho is angry.

No precap.

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  1. Anonymous
    January 25, 13:05 Reply

    This whole family of rathis xcpt bhabhasa r totaly nuts…v dont expect dem 2 help surya but cant dey atleast stay out of der way…bhabho always blames sandy for meenas mis,meena always wants 2 mak sandy low n de eyes of bhabho,mohit instigatng emily against sandy hmmm wat ll bhabho do when mohit introes emily as his gf…this whole family will hav 2 pay for their mistakes

    • Sandy
      January 26, 10:19

      Correct observation. Correct irony.

  2. Sandy
    January 25, 11:26 Reply

    Meena tumhe sharam nahi aayi? Jis ladki – Sandhya ne tumhe bacchaya, tu use aur satane kar rahi ho.

    • Subhsi
      January 26, 17:11

      Absolutely right. Poor Sandhya has helped each and every person in the Rathi household, still they try to back bite her or create problems where she is blamed for no fault of hers. Waiting for Sandhya to expose the Babaji and help Malati madam and the night school.

    • Sandy
      January 27, 02:44

      We are forgetting something here: 1. Mohit and his gf and 2. Meena and her meetings with Vaid rani where she spent Rs. 60,000 using the ATM card. Real forgery.

      As this gets exposed, then the Rathi family will be ashamed about that.

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