Balika Vadhu 18th December 2012 Written Update

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Balika Vadhu 18th December 2012 Written Update by Rimjhim

Balika Vadhu 18th December 2012 Written Episode

Scene 1:
Location: On the road
Anandi tells shiv that she would miss her family very much and that they too would be in immense pain of the seperation. Shiv tells her that she doesnt have to let go of her old relations to develop new ones, she can just incorporate the new ones in the midst of her old ones. he says that he would help her in making her manage her old relations while developing her new relations too. Anandi thanks him. When he asks for what, she tells him that she’s thankful for many things but most of ll for bringing jagiya back into the haveli.

Scene 2:
Location: Jaitsar haveli
After anandi is gone and everybody is relaxing, Dadisa anxiously looks around for jagiya who she hasnt been able to love and care for enough due to the marriage and that now she’s free to do so. Bhairo tells her that jagiya left the house. Everyone is shocked and dadisa doesnt seem to believe her ears. He gives her jagiya’s letter and tells her what he had written. She is devastated at the fact that he didnt even meet them for one last time before leaving. He says that they can only hope now for him to return as he had promised. She laments to herself that nothing is left in the haveli anymore.

Scene 3:
Location: Jaitsar haveli
Bhairo remembers dadisa’s words from last night and is upset. He finds an envelope with his name. He opens it to find a cd inside. When he plays the cd on his laptop, he finds that it has been left with anandi. In the video, anandi is telling him not to cry once she’s gone as she wont be there to even wipe his tears. He cries all the more hearing this. Sumitra too walks in and emotionally sees the video. Anandi tells them not to worry and embrace themselves since they have to take care of the entire household now that she’s gone. She says that she might not be near them, but she can feel their pain and happiness. Bhaio says to sumitra that had jagiya not made those mistakes, they would have anandi and jagiya near them today. Sumitra asks him not to lament over the past and hope that one day he would return and when he does, he returns as the son that they always wanted. and as for anandi, she was their daughter the day she stepped into their house. and they therefore did their rightful duty towards her by marrying her off happily.

Scene 4:
Location: On the road
Anandi is sleeping on shiv’s shoulder while he is feeling happy and smiling. Just then the car screeches to a halt due to a speedbreaker. anandi wakes up startled but then dozes off again on his shoulder. shiv is happy seeing this.

Scene 5:
Location: Jaitsar haveli
Dadisa is calling for anandi to get the tea. She then remembers her vidaai. Just then, gehna comes in and asks dadisa what she wants. She says she wanted tea. gehns shows her the tea thta she had given her half an hour back. she takes a taste and doesnt like it at all and reprimands her for not having learnt how to make tea like anandi, when she knew that anandi would leave in a few days. Sumitra seeing this offers dadisa a hot massage with oil for her headache. she turns down the offer. while makhan is going around watering plants, dadisa gets at him too for philandering around all the time. the screen freezes on her irritated face.

Underlying Message: Sometimes, attachment becomes so deep, that the seperation becomes so painful on a person that it affects her emotions and makes her really irritated and frustrated all the time.

Precap: Anandi enters shiv’s family’s haveli with shiv amidst huge pomp. Ira veils her saying that she wont let anyone see her face wihtout the proper ritual. Anandi enters the beautiful haveli along with others.

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  1. Anonymous
    December 19, 04:16 Reply

    add pics plz……. It was nice episode……

  2. ggvk
    December 19, 04:13 Reply

    update pictures also pa

  3. piya
    December 18, 14:59 Reply

    Fab epi!
    Loved it. AnSh rockzz 🙂

  4. lulu
    December 18, 14:06 Reply

    sad seeing their separation yesterday. cried so much and today too. poor Nandu and Dadisa and everyone and making it worse Jagat also leave the house 🙁 but glad to see Shiv is by Anandi side giving her support and love. the new place is beautiful too :)))

  5. Anonymous
    December 18, 13:28 Reply

    Good to see anandi warming up with shiv and his family. Waiting to see more of good romantic Ansh scenes in future

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