Ruk Jana Nahin 10th July 2012 Written Update

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Ruk Jana Nahin 10th July 2012 Written Update by lashy

Shukla becomes immensely nervous at the very mention of a search at his premises. Using the context of ‘false-allegations’ and ‘unjustified humiliation’, Shukla fights tooth and nail to try and avoid a search taking place at his home.
However, the jeweller seems to be in no mood to concede. Taking out a bunch of notes from his pocket, he holds it for everyone to see – all the notes bore his initials written on them – CJ.
‘I am sure that notes will be found in this person’s house and they WILL bear the initials CJ on them…’ Chandmal vows confidently ‘And if not, I’m ready to accept an apology in front of everyone standing here…’

Stepping forward, Janardhan receives the notes from the businessman in order to inspect the markings. Perusing for a moment, he questions the accuser ‘And what if we don’t find the notes in his house?’
‘Then I’m ready to fall at his feet regretfully’ accepts the jeweller
‘Fine then’ announces Janardhan ‘His quarters are within the campus anyway…so let’s make an investigation and finish this matter once and for all’
Sandwiched between the two engrossed men, a stuttering Shukla is unable to come up with anything concrete to hinder an impending inquisition in his quarters.

Shukla’s quarters
Fretting in the agony of being caught out, Shukla stands back and watches while Janardhan makes a thorough search of his belongings. All through, Janardhan grumbles about the hassles he had to put up with, as he rummages through sideboards, tables and cupboards in his colleague’s room with the help of a few other students. Their disruption is closely followed by both an exasperated Shukla and a determined Chandmal. (Shukla, heard of tit-for-tat – remember what you did at the Tiwari’s 2 days ago?)
Once they approach the bed and start fishing around the bedding and pillows, Shukla’s angst only starts escalating – it’s quite obvious that he’d hidden the notes under the mattress.
Though Shukla endeavours to put the hunters off the scent, Chandmal notices the corner of a stray note sticking out from under the mattress. A brusque lift of the bedding swiftly discloses Shukla’s dark secret!

While Janardhan is at a loss of words, Chandmal appears elated to recover his stolen amount. Picking up the currency, he points the CJ marking on the face of the notes to prove his point once again.
No sooner, a heated altercation ensues between Chandmal and Shukla, compelling Janardhan to try and pacify both parties before ushering everyone outside the room.

University corridor
Janardhan repeatedly tries to get Shukla to confess how the he had come to possess such a large amount ‘Your bank statements will let us know if you withdrew such large amounts in the recent past…after all, if large currencies of notes are recovered from a professor’s house, suspicion will be roused…why are you so adamant and not telling us how you got this money’

Gulping down nervously and wiping the sweat off his brow, the entrapped professor does not know how to proceed. Eventually submitting to the stressful moment, he blurts out ‘This money is NOT the jeweller’s…I’ve taken this money from Kiran Sharma, a Bsc student’
The handful of professors surrounding him are both, taken aback and intrigued. Why would a student hand a professor such a large amount of money?

Needless to say, a short while later, Kiran Sharma is summoned to the scene of the interrogation.
‘Did you give Prof.Shukla 50,000 Rs?’ Janardhan questions the girl who’d just reached the spot
‘50,000?’ Kiran acts surprised ‘From where would I be able to obtain such a large amount and even if I did, why would I give it to prof Shukla’ she quips
Shukla felt like he had smashed into a brick wall! What was going on?

While Janardhan and the remaining professors begin seething in rage, Chandmal instigates the crowd to call for the police and have the offender arrested.
Cornered and desperate, Shukla struggles to prove his defence. He turns to Kiran vehemently ‘She is lying…stop changing colours like a chameleon…yesterday she was crying buckets of tears and now she’s saying something’ll go to hell..’
When the girl candidly refutes all of the statements he’d been bringing up, the provoked Shukla howls in disgust ‘I’d promised you that I’d make you pass in the upcoming examinations…and you gave me money in return…now, is this a lie too?’
Taking note of the sordid truth that had unexpectedly come out, Janardhan seizes the opportunity ‘What is this revolting racket you are referring to…what have you been doing in this campus Shukla?’
‘I only did it to save her marriage from breaking off’ Shukla pleads

‘For how long will you continue lying like this?’ reverberates the second most recognized voice in the campus of the Goswami university.
Sporting a yellow salwar and carrying a blue jhola, Sanchi steps forward with the tell-tale RJN music in the background.
If Shukla had been nervous so long, he was now nothing short of devastated!
Closely followed by her trusted friend Mehek, Sanchi walks up to Shukla. Rebelliously facing the criminal, Sanchi begins affronting him with all the scandals he’d been committing ‘You’ve been doing all of this for a while now…only now has it come out in the open…why…weren’t you satsified taking Swetha’s life that now you’ve set out to ruin another girl’s life too?’
‘This is deceit…this is deceit’ Shukla yells defensively ‘You both are trying to conspire against me…’

‘This s not a conspiracy…but the truth’ echoes the single most recognized voice in the in the campus of the Goswami university.
Dressed in his bottle green kurta, Indu adjusts the straps of his metal watch as he steps forward to come in plain view of the assembled crowd. The tell-tale Indu Singh music plays in the background.
Watching him, Sanchi has a smile on her face, reflecting her pride on being joined by her partner!
Indu glares at Shukla in spite ‘This is the ugly reality of you and of your wrongdoings’
Striding up to the man, Indu asks him ‘What do you want? Proof? We have enough proof with us…’
Holding up his mobile, Indu plays the mobile clipping for everyone to see ‘Everyone watch this…this is the reality of our professor Dasrath Shukla!’

Shukla is now a nervous wreck ‘Yes…well…I’d already agreed that I took money from her…but apart from this I’ve done no wrong…I’ve not taken any money from any girl’

‘Even now you don’t want to stop lying do you?’ Now this voice no one would have heard or recognized – because it belonged to none other than Swetha Jha herself. The girl reveals her well-healed persona, as she emerges from Sanchi’s shadow.
If the victorious Sanchi breaks out into a pleased smile, Indu cannot contain his laughter! The distraught Shukla had now run out of steam and excuses, both!

‘What happened..why are you so silent now? Why are you glaring at me like this…I am alive’ Swetha admonishes her assailant
She progresses to publicly reveal how Shukla had repeatedly attempted to get rid of her, but how she had managed to escape – thanks to her friends. She also divulges to Shukla how the entire charade and the pre-fabricated news of her death, had only been a carefully thought out plan to trap him.
‘Now I’ll take you to court and have you punished for your deeds’ the relieved victim vows

Shukla is nearly in tears. Pointing his fingers first at Indu Singh and then at the rest of the crowd, he wails aloud ‘All of you have cheated me…all of you have cheated me… I will have my revenge against all of you’
Watching the overwrought Shukla breaking down, the unmoved Indu retorts frankly ‘Fine…we’ll be waiting for that day too…you see, we had to do all this beacuse we wanted to catch you red-handed…’

We are then shown flashbacks of all that had led to the revelation!
In the hospital room, standing in front of a concious Swetha, Indu and Sanchi repeatedly request Janardhan and the doctor to be a part of their drama so that Shukla’s truth could be brought out.
‘We do not intend to misuse this opportunity’ Indu modestly promises Janardhan ‘We only want to bring the miscreant to jail’
We then get to see
How the couple had approached Kiran Sharma, how she’d enjoyed acting to Shukla while they had been busy recording his misdeeds!
How they’d approached Chandmal jeweller to help him with the case monetarily
How they’d handed over the amount to Kiran, so she could give it to Shukla

No sooner than Indu runs over the recollections, a police jeep miraculously materializes in the college grounds – cut to the chase, the police officers drag a shrieking and revolting Shukla out of the university campus (Wish they’d shown Officer Bhalla here – he was sorta cute!)

Watching the culprit being dragged away, the students break out into cheers of elation – their ‘bhaiyyaji’ had brought the vile professor to his knees AND had given the students their justice. They carry him on ther shoulders in jubilation for a few moments and then eventually let him down so he could address his power speech
‘Well I want to thank all of you for this… whatever I did I did because of your support’ Indu folds his palms, as he expresses his gratitude to his fellowmen- spoken like a true neta!

The pair of Sanchi and Indu receive a whole load of praises – from the jeweller, from Janardhan and from all the students present there. Dwelling on the adulation, Indu and Sanchi exchange a bout of pleasant smiles. (a rare moment!)
Following this, the boys start raucously supporting their leader once again, while the girls break out into voracious cries in encouragement of the female counterpart.
Hearing the support she had managed to garner over time, Sanchi begins beaming in earnest pride. However, noticing the mellowed expressions on Indu’s face, Sanchi’s smile fades away. He had been revelling in the joy of his return to college and to freedom along with his friends. However, the competitive exclamations in support of Sanchi was something Indu was not used to.

While the two groups slowly fall silent, a short awkward moment ensues between both parties. Sanchi then requests Indu to step aside for a private chat and Indu obliges her.
Flashing her a gentle smile, Indu waits for her to speak up
‘Swetha has been meted justice and Dasrath Shukla convicted…’ Sanchi says slowly ‘Now that our jobs have been done…we should return to following different paths…you your’s and me mine…’
Indu’s smile had long vanished. He knew sanchi was not in any hurry to throw her arms around him again, but he’d probably not expected her to be so level-headed and dismissive of their recent past either. ‘Are you joking?’ he asks her nervously ‘We’ve made this long journey together…and then…’
He gulps hesitantly and fidgets around, not knowing what to say for a few seconds (Glimpses of the original Indu we’d seen)
Eventually breaking out into a slow smile, Indu mutters, his voice emotional ‘We are friends…and you are talking of…leaving…’
He looks away.
Sanchi is confused – now it was her turn to be dumbfounded. She didn’t mean to hurt him, but she didn’t know of any other way to put her message across.

Just then their conversation is interrupted by Swetha’s appearance. The girl had come to express her heartfelt indebtedness to the couple. For a few awkward moments, neither Sanchi nor Indu are able to pay their entire attention to Swetha’s words. Sanchi darts a few uneasy gazes at Indu, while her husband appears to try avoiding her stares.
A few numb moments later, Sanchi then proceeds to make a conscious effort to turn her concentration to Swetha. Accepting the thanks, she admits that Mehek was as worthy of the gratitude as she herself was. Suddenly, Janardhan once again steps into the ring (probably after having ensured that Shukla had been escorted appropriately). Thanking the pair of Indu and Sanchi for their timely work, he encourages the students to vote for an apt leader in the upcoming elections, before walking away.
All through the course of these interruptions, the battle of the couple’s gazes had not been forgotten – neither had Sanchi stopped stealing anxious gazes at him and nor had the troubled Indu ceased glimpsing at the unaware Sanchi!

Soon after, the two warring divisions of girls and boys once again break out into cries of ‘Hail Sanchi’ Vs ‘Hail Indu Singh’
With nothing left to say and not knowing how to react, the confounded pair face each other silently. Remaining muted by the political cries of support surrounding them, Indu and Sanchi look at each other awkwardly- only this time, Indu’s gaze had turned into a displased stare, while Sanchi’s gaze into an uncomfortable daze.
(This has probably got to be the best scene in the history of RJN – the war of their egos vs a subtle loyalty to each other)

Sadanand is not happy in the least on learning of Shukla’s arrest and of Indu-Sanchi’s joint effort in doing so! He doesn’t want to be implicated in this case along with Shukla and the only method of doing so, was to act like he was Indu’s well-wisher.
Sadanand wants to destroy Indu, but using deception – He plans to act like Shukla was his adversary in front of Indu and to thus take him into confidence. He would then work at ruining Indu Singh ‘For now I have to side with Indu…by any means or way…I’ll bring him under my wing…and then make plans to destroy him…this is the only way I can have my revenge against Indu for the property papers trickery’ the treacherous lawyer claims.

Indu’s hostel room
Opening the doors of his hostel room, Indu takes a deep breath in ‘I feel like I’ve returned home after many years’
While his friends scamper to do different things, Indu pulls up his sleeves and proceeds to relax on his bed.
Sitting on the ground beside him, Yogi suggests meekly ‘Now that you’ve been acquitted in the Swetha Jha case…we need a treat don’t we?’
‘Treat? Such a major incident passed by…I’ve just survived a major calamity and you talk of treat?’ Sitting up, Indu shouts in glee ‘This calls for a CELEBRATION, not a treat’
The friends break out into boisterous shouts of delight

Their gaeity is however, brought to an abrupt halt when they are joined by none other than Abhimanyu Pandey.
After mocking the leery man with a few snide remarks, the dashing leader questions his not-so-friendly friend ‘You never seemed to remember me when I was in jail…how come you decided to give your attendance today?’
Putting up an act, Abhimanyu invests all of his energy into justifying himself ‘I promise you..I knew nothing about what had happened to you…I was not even in Benaras…if not, do you think I’d have dared NOT to come over and meet you’
Barely convinced, Indu nods his head ‘Oh! Is it so?’
When Abhimanyu gives Indu his word, the rogue lets out a sly smile in return ‘Now…stop trying to me impress me, all right…you see…I know exactly whats going on!’
He then turns to Yogi ‘By the way, start preparing for the upcoming elections just like how we’d done so before… everyone should witness Indu Singh’s posters all over the place’

‘But what is the necessity to do so…you’ll win as it is’ Lucky tells him
‘You’ve befriended bhabhiji now’ Yogi adds
While Indu brushes off the comment with an embarrassed blush, Yogi continues ‘We saw how far you helped her in the Swetha Jha case…then why would she stand in the forthcoming elections against you’

‘He’s right’ Indu goes on to affirm ‘ Even I feel that the distances that we’ve had n the past has been reduced now…that the enemity she harboured against me is no longer there…’
This thought forces the gentle ruffian to turn a shade pinker ‘I don’t think she’s going to contest the elections’
Abhimanyu is not too happy to hear all this – man give them a break they’re married now!

However, Indu’s happy recollections slowly trail off into uncertainty ‘Then why did she say that her path is different from mine now’
Not wanting to think pessimistically, Indu quickly brushes off his own fears ‘She must have said so just because other students were watching us…’
Reliving his notions on the issue, the young man blushes to himself!

While Mehek tries reminding her friend that Indu had helped her a lot during the Swetha case, Sanchi confirms that Indu was nothing more than a competitor to her ‘He only helped me for his own benefit, as he was trapped along with Shukla too’
Sadanand is brainwashing Indu against Sanchi’s intentions ‘Imagine you lose the nearing elections…your political career will come to an end…You HAVE to win the upcoming elections against Sanchi at any cost!’
Indu’s insecurities against his wife seem to be resurfacing their ugly head.

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