Written Update Of Sapno Se Bhare Naina 19th August 2011

At the Patwardan house, Sonakshi is the center of attraction, with her enactment of an injured person, on whom, the whole lot is doting, except for Daksh and Naina. Kaka too is very suspicious of this girl, and has his own doubts. He is the only one who is very vocal in his disapproval, while the others try to keep up with the appearance of good manners, and treat the injured victim, with grace and compassion. Rohini as we noticed yesterday, is fanning emotions in the female members, and sowing seeds of doubt in others, but it makes no difference on Daksh, and Naina is reserved in her opinion, in her silent treatment of the whole exhibition. Finally as Daksh confronts Sonakshi, Rohini pounces and comes to her defense, and Daksh out of courtesy to her, does not answer her. He turns to his mother, who is all over Sonakshi, trying to comfort her in her moment of ‘stress’ which she is putting on to overwhelm Vibha; Daksh tells her, that he wants to have a word with her, but Sonakshi and Rohini are quick to deflect Daksh from saying anything to her, and his mother – feels more for Sonakshi, and has no time for her son – and wants to take care of the sick girl, who acts as if she is feeble and then it is Daksh who is asked to take her to Naina’s room, which Rohini has cleverly managed to get her mother to agree, and the tame Daksh, shows that he is incapable of deflecting the gullible people of his family, and walks the limping and ‘weak’ Sonakshi, to her room. As he leaves her on her bed, he wants to confront her again, and we are given another dose of Rohini, who comes in and Daksh leaves in disgust. Rohini and Sonakshi exchange words the former comforting the latter, and the latter pretending to soak in everything that the elder one is telling her. It is obvious to Sonakshi, that Rohini does not like Naina, but she is not a fool. She is a schemeing ‘lawyer’ – who is good at putting on acts of tantrums, giddy headed behaviour, depression, and what not. the past master at the art of camouflage, feels that she is taking Rohini for a ride, and Rohini is thinking that she is getting a comrade in arms. When Rohini feels she has injected enough venom for a day, wants to leave.

When she has gone, Sonakshi is perfectly fit, and walking towards to door, to close it, and frees her arm in the sling, and reaches it to close the bolt, but hears Rohini’s voice, and quickly puts back the bandage, and looks at her like a wimp, sad, and convulsing in pain. Rohini has a doubt whether this girl is putting on an act, but she will not mind it, as long as he gets what she wants. After giving a bit more of her advice, she leaves to go to her room, telling her that she can arrange for her to have a bell, in her room, just as the one she has, to call her mother up to her room, with the room service, but Sonakshi does not take up the offer.

Later, Naina comes in to her room, and Sonakshi puts on her oppressive act, and goes on and on, with her monologue, of complaints, and admission that Naina is the one Daksh loves, and she is in between, which she regrets. But when Naina is deep in thought, and her eyes are downcast, she has a sly smile on her face, of triumph. Nothing in Naina shows, that she has bought Sonakshi’s arguments. When Sonakshi finds, that Naina has not been swayed by her pretense, she says, that she will call her driver and go home. All of a sudden, Naina changes her track, and makes her stay, and tells her that when things calm down, both of them can tell Ayee, what the exact situation is. The whole thrust of the actions of Sonakshi is to buy time, and take Daksh away from Naina.

In Shyamal’s room, she is getting ready to go out, and in comes her husband angry at the way, the family is falling on one another to please this Sonakshi, who is to him, an intruder, and pilferer. He does not want them to use his Paying Guest room, and he threatens to make them pay for it. Shyamal objects, and when he finds out that she is getting ready to go to meet the doctor with Akruti, he has no patience, and leaves the room in anger.

Precap : Daksh and Naina are on the terrace, and he warmly holds her close to him, and is about to tell her something, when Rohini appears near the door, surprised to find them there. May be she wonders if her plans will fritter away, and fall apart.

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  1. iloveme
    August 21, 16:29 Reply

    i soooo agree with u soni paki kuri 😀

  2. soni paki kuri
    August 21, 16:27 Reply

    dats soo sad ov sona if she knows dey both love each otha den y put her head in lyk daksh going 2 love her after dey get married naina nd daksh mke a very butiful couple dey should be a couple in real life awww u mke me smile and rohini u make mee sick why u buttin in everythin u should be happy wah u got buhh ur so nosey i hope ur nt lyk dah in real life xxxxxxxxxxx

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