Main Maayke Chali Jaungi 11th January 2019 Written Update

Main Maayke Chali Jaungi 11th January 2019 Written Update by MA

Main Maayke Chali Jaungi 11th January 2019 Written Episode

Samar apologizes Jaya for misunderstanding and insulting her, he is ashamed of his misdeeds and he cannot live without her even for a day, let us finish all this and restart. Jaya says there is nothing like before, she will not forget anything or forgive him. He says if she does not forgive him, he will jump from cliff. She says she does not care and walks towards car. He jumps shouting Jaya. Jaya cries searching him. Samar calls her sitting on car’s bonnet and enjoying champagne, asks if she thought he will jump, it was old generation, this generation takes life and not give life. He found out she loves her. Jaya asks if his blabbering is over, explain his plan. He says okay.

Samar with Jaya meets Richa and her ex-husband Punith and says plan is Richa will show her

pregnancy report to Satya. Jaya shouts same plan. Samar says let him explain and says Richa will show her pregnancy report to Satya and tell baby’s father is someone else and not Punith. Punith says what rubbish. Samar says they will show a man who is much inferior than Punith and gives much inferior examples, then Satya will not have any option than remarrying Richa to Punith. Punith says idea is good, but he insulted him a lot. Samar says if he is Satya’s damad, insult is common, he gets insulted each day. He asks Jaya how is his idea. Jaya say she does not know.
Satya gets ready for office, sees a pregnancy report among files and shouts Richaaa.. Richa walks down. Satya asks what is it. Samar reads report and starts his drama and overacting. Jaya signals him to stop overacting. Satya says stop. He says he will record video like she recorded. She throws his phone and says record now. Samar says how can he disobey her and takes out another phone. Satya asks who is baby’s father, if he is Punith, she will die. Richa says he is coming. A man gets out of car and walks towards them. Samar asks who is this handsome money, but is shocked to see old man. Man introduces herself as Richa’s boyfriend and boss Balraj who is 5 years elder than Satya. Satya stands shocked. Samar signals Satya that he looks samdhi more than damad. He asks Balraj to sit. Balram says he has arthritis and if he sits, he cannot get up. Naani says even she has arthritis. Samar asks to have sweets then. Balraj says he has diabetes. Naani says she does not have diabetes. Samar asks Naani to get water at least. Samar taunts Satya that her would be damad is a live hospital. Balraj tells Satya that she need not worry about Richa and her son’s future, he has made all arrangements already. Samar says he will drop him till car and thanks him for his help. Balraj says he is happy to help Richa as her divorce happened last time due to her job, says Satya looks very tough. Samar asks if he should talk about his alliance to Satya. Balraj asks to spare him as he is a happily married man with children.

Jaya rushes to Satya and says there is no other choice than accepting Balraj for Richa. Satya says her mind is blank and she cannot think anything now. Balraj calls Samar and asks if everything is fine there. Samar makes hhim hear Satya yelling. Balraj says everything is normal then, he is ready to help further.

Precap: Jaya asks Richa what did Satya says. Satya says she is okay with Balraj and Richa’s marriage.

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