Ishqbaaz 5th October 2018 Written Update

Ishqbaaz 5th October 2018 Written Update by Amena

Ishqbaaz 5th October 2018 Written Episode

Shivaye says you wanted control on Oberoi empire, you should have told me once, I would have stepped back. Tej says you want me to beg you, I don’t beg to anyone. Shivaye says no, you have a right on me, this house and Oberoi empire, you could have told me once. Tej says what I want, I don’t ask, but get it, I felt you can’t handle Oberoi empire and I will take over it, this didn’t happen, you have taken this ten times ahead, you became a big businessman, it was known because of me, now its known because of you, its you everywhere, I m fed up, my wife, children and mum chant your name, enough, you failed me at any point, I hate losing. Shivaye says you tried to send me to jail because of this jealousy. Tej says wrong, I hate you, so I wanted to ruin you, you defeated me, damn you… Shivaye

cries and asks why so much hatred, what’s my mistake. Tej says your mistake is that you have Shakti’s blood running in your veins. Shivaye breaks down. He says but I considered you my dad always.
Tej says oh please Shivaye, we don’t share sorrow, but property. Shivaye gets up and says if its about property, its not just mine and yours, my two brothers also have right on it, their future is based on Oberoi empire, I can’t let you play with their future for your hatred, what you did, Oberoi empire is already in loss, please return to London. Tej asks how dare you make me out, who are you. Shivaye says this house’s son, this house’s happiness and peace is my responsibility, I don’t want Omru to know this and they end ties with you, I know how it feels to live without a dad, I don’t want them to yearn for dad’s love, please return. Tej says I won’t go anywhere, I don’t want anyone’s order. Shivaye says take this as my order, warning or request, I give you 24 hours, leave from here. Shivaye goes.

Anika waits for Shivaye. He comes. She asks why did you get late. He says I went to make tea. She asks where is the tea. He says I forgot in kitchen, I will go and get it. She says its fine, we are tired, its time to rest, are you fine. He says yes, you sleep. She says you look worried, we are husband and wife, your every problem is mine too, maybe I can’t give a solution, but I can hear it, its my responsibility and right. He says you know what Tej did. She sleeps over his shoulder. He makes her lie down.

Its morning, Anika gives coffee to Shivaye. She says sorry, I slept early. He says its fine, everything will get fine. She asks what do you mean. Dadi comes. She gives a dress to Anika. She says you wear this in Mu dikhai rasam, I couldn’t see your marriage, I will at least see the rasam, the world should know my Billu’s wife is so beautiful. Anika takes her blessings and hugs. Dadi unites their hands. She says Shivaye gives happiness to everyone, he never got his share of happiness, now you have come, its your responsibility now. Anika says you don’t worry, I will keep Shivaye happy, say something to him now. Dadi laughs and says there is no need to tell him, I know he will keep his responsibility and duty well. Shivaye agrees. Dadi asks them to get ready and come downstairs. Anika likes the dress and says its very pretty. He says I m seeing my wife. She turns shy. He asks do you shy too. She says I just got to know. O jaana….plays…. He says I didn’t know my wife looks prettier when she gets shy. He holds her hand. She says leave my hand. He says I didn’t hold your hand to leave. She says please….He leaves her hand. She says please leave. He says I have left it. They smile. She runs.

Dadi asks Jhanvi to call Anika, guests have come. Jhanvi says Shivaye has gone to get her. Shivaye gets Anika downstairs. Everyone smiles. Jhanvi lifts Anika’s ghunghat. Everyone gives gifts and blessings. Om says happiness has come after a long time. Rudra says I think its happening for the first time this season. Om laughs. Shivaye says right. Rudra jokes and says this can’t happen that there is no problem in Oberoi mansion. Shivaye asks where is Tej.

Tej says I don’t care, I want all the shares of company, you talk to board of directors and convince them, Shivaye should not know this. Manager says its illegal, how can we convince directors against Shivaye. Tej says I will tell you what to do, I want to make Shivaye out of company, for this, I want all the shares on my name. Shivaye holds Anika. Wah wah ramji….plays…. Everyone takes pics. They dance. Khanna signs Shivaye. Shivaye goes. Khanna says I heard Tej talking to Roy, in fact he is talking to board of directors and trying to convince them. Shivaye gets shocked. He goes to Tej. He says I need to talk to you right now. Tej asks him to say. Shivaye asks is this true that you are transferring company shares to your name. Tej says you got to know this. Shivaye says you are doing wrong to get shares illegally, board of directors will laugh on us, tell me if you have financial issue, I will help you. Tej says I m not a beggar, I made this Oberoi empire when your dad was enjoying with another woman.

Shivaye shouts enough, what do you want to prove that I m like my dad. Tej says blood is blood after all, there is no need to prove. Shivaye says you have the same blood running in your veins as my dad, so are you like him. Tej says mind your language. Shivaye says my dad has put our family respect at stake, you are going to do the same, I couldn’t stop him, I won’t let you do this, you want money, I will give it to you, but stay away from Oberoi industries, my brothers have right on it too, I won’t let you snatch their rights. Tej laughs and says its not about money, not status, respect and name, you got it instead me, I have built this empire, you became the owner, I just want it, I can make you fall for this. Shivaye says you can do anything you want, but I won’t let you take company shares. Tej says I think I have to change my plan, you didn’t red legal document well, its clearly mentioned that you have 50% shares but Omru have 50% shares, I can easily get it on my name, I have to do what I don’t want to, but I m helpless. Shivaye asks what are you talking about. Tej says there is an imp clause in contract, if Omru die, then their shares will go to their dad. Shivaye gets shocked and asks how can you… Tej says I m helpless to do this because of you, I think I have to kill Omru.

Shivaye prays and says Dadi says like you are world’s Ram, I m Ram of this house, I want to win this battle, its about family and justice, this battle will be tough, I have to fight for family against family, I also know, whatever the result, it will be my defeat both ways. He applies tilak to himself.

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